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Page: 49 of 214
Posted in: The Weapon That Killed Aunt & Uncle
10-13-2005, 7:44 PM
So the question people ask next is, what did they use to burn everything with? Lighter fluid from their backpacks? I'll resist the urge to make another joke reference to SWBF2 to explain this. ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Weapon That Killed Aunt & Uncle
10-13-2005, 3:51 PM
Maybe the Empire just hired this guy (  [Read More]
Posted in: The Weapon That Killed Aunt & Uncle
10-13-2005, 10:22 AM
I don't think there really is a canon explanation, so nobody (except maybe George) knows for sure. There's been lots of speculation however: 1) It was just fire from the homestead burning or whatnot. 2) Some kind of incendiary device like a flame r...  [Read More]
Posted in: Police Brutality in New Orleans
10-13-2005, 2:00 AM
Ouch. Yeah, with police like this, who needs criminals? Sheesh... hopefully this scandal will encourage some reforms in hiring/training/evaluation practices in law enforcement!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Batch File Problems...
10-12-2005, 10:06 PM
You're right zerted, but whatever works. ;) How come nobody likes to use Respawn Invulnerability? (/spawn) I guess I'm so used to it from every other FPS out there, but still....  [Read More]
Posted in: Batch File Problems...
10-12-2005, 8:06 PM
Edit: My bad, it IS official. Battlefront™ 2 Server Manager Black Bag Operations is proud to announce the next incarnation of our popular game server management tools. Acclaimed developer Pandemic Studios has licensed BBO game server managem...  [Read More]
Posted in: Batch File Problems...
10-12-2005, 8:04 PM
Can you load the game at all without a batch file? I haven't tried any server browser (didn't know one was out to the public yet, if it does, it is likely unofficial and may be buggy), but you shouldn't need one to host a game......  [Read More]
Posted in: Batch File Problems...
10-11-2005, 11:02 PM
Is the address really where you have SWBF2 installed? Drive and everything correct? Also, you can delete the "novalue" thing, just have it like this: /sideselect Nothing else needed. "novalue" is just a placeholder for, you gue...  [Read More]
Posted in: wtf!?
10-11-2005, 12:30 AM
Well, there's a public beta out. You have to sign up at Fileplanet in order to download it. It's multiplayer only (though you can rig up a lan serve or put a password on if you just want to fight some bots). Anyway, head on over to and...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Battlefront II screenshots, taken by me.
10-13-2005, 3:30 AM
Right. And even though it's our job to find bugs and that sort of thing, they might be concerned that people will see the shots, think the game sucks because of some bug or glitch (not realizing that its only the beta), whatever and decide not to buy...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Battlefront II screenshots, taken by me.
10-13-2005, 3:22 AM
Well the beta is free... There not losing any money over it, I,m just getting people hyped up for the game, makin them more excited about the game hence wanting them to buy the game quicker, so really they ow me money.... Or they at least ow not suin...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Battlefront II screenshots, taken by me.
10-11-2005, 12:32 AM
If it is, then you better shut up if you know what's good for ya! I'm assuming they didn't specifically give him permission to post these. Honestly I'd have to re-read the installation agreement for the beta, because that's the only thing I've agree...  [Read More]
Posted in: Work Server
10-12-2005, 9:07 PM
The whole range....  [Read More]
Posted in: Work Server
10-11-2005, 11:54 PM
28070-28099 TCP & UDP....  [Read More]
Posted in: Anyone successful doing anything?
10-11-2005, 12:56 AM
Probably against the beta agreement to do so anyway... ;P...  [Read More]
Posted in: SWBF II = Messed Up! ("realism" debate)
10-13-2005, 7:31 PM
Only if they are battery powered... Speaking of which, that reminds me of that time this guy at work was firing his nail gun at people. What a nut....  [Read More]
Posted in: SWBF II = Messed Up! ("realism" debate)
10-13-2005, 1:01 AM
Sort of like the hand-held chainguns in so many other FPS games? I think what people are trying to say here is that some of these weapons don't "feel like they belong in Star Wars" for whatever reasons... whether you agree or not, in any c...  [Read More]
Posted in: SWBF II = Messed Up! ("realism" debate)
10-11-2005, 12:27 AM
One area I'm very glad they didn't go for movie accuracy was in terms of the Battle Droid voices. They used the "lower pitched" deeper voices reminiscent of those in TPM and AOTC, rather than the high pitched, chipmunk-esque voices of ROTS....  [Read More]
Create a text file in notepad. Save it. Then in windows right click on it, and rename it's extension from .txt to .bat. Edit the batch file and put in whatever commands you need. Save and you're ready to go! Double click it to run it! Note, you sho...  [Read More]
Posted in: battle ON coruscant?
10-09-2005, 10:02 PM
I don't know. But C-3PO worries about being melted down when he's captured by Jawas, so apparently it's a common procedure to melt down droids. :p And yet we've never seen any droids melted down in the movies either. With all he's been through, that...  [Read More]
Posted in: OT DVD ghost scene
10-13-2005, 1:10 AM
Don't worry. I've commented so much on the subject I don't even remember what I've said anymore and to whom or why. I've basically thrown out all my good ideas, the rest is rambling. Please ignore. ;) And please accept my apologies for any misunders...  [Read More]
Posted in: OT DVD ghost scene
10-12-2005, 11:56 PM
Someone sounds like they want a debate... ;) No Sith, you will find it is you who want to debate, about a great many things!...  [Read More]
Posted in: OT DVD ghost scene
10-12-2005, 11:53 PM
Maybe he also identifies the character of Obi-Wan Kenobi as being played by Ewan McGregor. Maybe he identifies with Clive Revil as playing the Emperor... Maybe he identifies with Yoda and Jabba being puppets or one of the different voices of Boba F...  [Read More]
Posted in: OT DVD ghost scene
10-12-2005, 11:40 PM
Hmm, when I was 6 years old seeing ROTJ I had no problem making the connection that the old guy who was the ghost at the end was Luke's father,Anakin Skywalker. It was obviously the same guy who I'd just seen moments earlier under the mask that Luke...  [Read More]
Posted in: If you could have one jedi power, what would it be?
10-13-2005, 2:57 PM
The moment the government found out about my secret they'd be after me, but I guess, even though this is a fantasy wish, mind trick would be my second choice. I'd rather have telekinesis (rather than just one power like "pull" or something)...  [Read More]
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