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Page: 11 of 214
Posted in: who were those guys?
08-04-2006, 9:15 PM
They were supposed to be his bureacrats. This is explained in the ROTJ novelization (though they might have revised it in "official" continuity I don't know)....  [Read More]
Posted in: Voice binds
07-30-2006, 8:47 PM
Sure: ;)...  [Read More]
Sending you files should be unnecessary, since you have all the files you need on your JA CD's. If you did a CLEAN uninstall and then a reinstall (into a new folder) and apply the official patch, you should be okay. A missing game file would do it...  [Read More]
Are you using the latest official drivers for your video card?...  [Read More]
Posted in: PLZ HELP ! PLZ READ!
07-30-2006, 9:07 PM
Why would you want to crash somebody's server? That's pretty stupid. Anyway, thread closed. :lock:...  [Read More]
Posted in: pls help me - creating a clan server
07-30-2006, 9:11 PM
Try ( they offer hosting at reasonable prices (gee, don't I sound like a commercial?). Seriously though they are a hosting server, and there are others, but they are the ones that host Meatgrinder, and t...  [Read More]
Posted in: What happened to ?
08-02-2006, 11:55 AM
Speaking of which, what happened to  [Read More]
Posted in: Would we be better off?
07-26-2006, 12:26 PM
Ok, but Luke's life wasn't crap, it was just not as exciting as the average earth...ite's life. It was tranquil and peaceful compared to our's. Like someone living on a farm I guess, not having as many day - to - day worries. Why the hell would a...  [Read More]
Posted in: Would we be better off?
07-26-2006, 9:35 AM
Well adventure is one thing, but just because they have advanced technology and explored the galaxy doesn't mean they have big problems. Their problems make our problems look pretty petty by comparison, and apparently they haven't solved many of the...  [Read More]
Posted in: Help for a Multiplayer newbie
07-24-2006, 3:10 AM
That would be awesome. ;) I assume you're being ironic/sarcastic here, because you know I've basically written the MP manual for both Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy with my strategy pages already, heh. Frankly, their manuals have been lacking lately,...  [Read More]
Posted in: Help for a Multiplayer newbie
07-24-2006, 2:21 AM
Hi, I just need some basic questions answered if possible so I don't keep getting "kicked" out of games. I'm sorry if they seem simple but I'm really new to online gaming. Never fear, we're here to help. ;) I understand that "laming...  [Read More]
Posted in: Gigantic dead body's
07-29-2006, 10:44 PM
I'm thinking this is definately a model scaling glitch. Tell slider about it. Remove all your JA+ related files (and any other mods that include model scaling capabilities), then "reinstall" that mod (get rid of any stray cfg files related...  [Read More]
Posted in: Homosexuality & Same-Sex Marriage
08-04-2006, 2:59 PM
But why? What if three consenting adults want to have a loving relationship sanctioned by law? Or four? Why make an arbitrary cutoff at two? Also, how do you feel about close heterosexual relationships (incest)? What if two consenting first cousins...  [Read More]
Posted in: Republic Commando 2?
07-31-2006, 8:05 PM
I haven't downloaded it yet, lol. Ah you mean downloaded the demo, then purchased a legal copy of the retail version of the game, right? RIGHT??!...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Jedi Knight Game Rumors
08-02-2006, 2:59 PM
Wow, I'll have to check that out later. Got a direct link though?...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Jedi Knight Game Rumors
08-02-2006, 12:02 PM
And if you don't have it... just wonder what it said, right? C'mon, share! ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Jedi Knight Game Rumors
07-24-2006, 1:17 PM
Point taken, they just put in a delay and the ability to take multiple targets at once, otherwise the powers look like variations on JK2/JA's version of Grip, Push and Pull (and JK1's Force Throw). However you didn't have the ability to rip parts of...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Jedi Knight Game Rumors
07-24-2006, 2:22 AM
Thanks TK, for clearing that up. I was gonna say.. where have I been?? ;) Guess we'll just have to keep an eye out and see what this new title is all about......  [Read More]
Posted in: New Jedi Knight Game Rumors
07-24-2006, 1:53 AM
Did they actually announce that there is going to be another Jedi Knight game or is this just speculation? I don't have hyperspace and I'm too cheap to pay for it, honestly. We've all wondered if/when they were going to do the next game in the JK ser...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Jedi Knight Game Rumors
07-23-2006, 4:30 PM
Hmm, interesting, hadn't seen that before. Does LucasArts know somebody swiped that from Hyperspace? Probably none-too-happy, but oh well. Was that shown what was shown at E3, or something newer? Somebody who has it, let me know, I'm curious. It c...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Jedi Knight Game Rumors
07-21-2006, 12:48 PM
Well compare the success of the JK series vs. the "success" of Obi-Wan and RoTS the game. The replay value of those latter games is far lower (necessary when you cut out most or all of the gunplay and the first person capability, and limit...  [Read More]
Posted in: The definitive Jedi Academy "Honorz" F.A.Q.: V. 1.0
08-06-2006, 10:54 PM
Well it's the team dynamic that makes it interesting. Plus a lot more people have played FFA than Siege (a lot shunned it because it looked too hard back in the day or because they never learned because there was no bot support and they didn't know y...  [Read More]
Posted in: The definitive Jedi Academy "Honorz" F.A.Q.: V. 1.0
08-06-2006, 9:17 PM
Yeah, few can tolerate being mercilessly annihilated again and again in such gametypes as FFA. Whenever I look at grinder on FFA, no one's or almost no one's there. That's probably pretty true. A lot of people see FFA and if it's not a safe, low fo...  [Read More]
Posted in: The definitive Jedi Academy "Honorz" F.A.Q.: V. 1.0
07-31-2006, 8:11 PM
Thanks it means a lot! The latest version of the Meatgrinder of course has other people to thank as well, namely RazorAce for OJP, without which we wouldn't have those Siege playing bots (I actually rigged up some siege playing bots myself on the old...  [Read More]
Posted in: The definitive Jedi Academy "Honorz" F.A.Q.: V. 1.0
07-30-2006, 9:00 PM
Ah, classic thread revival. ;) Things have gotten worse in some ways... now JA+ basically dominates the JA community (though it is slightly outnumbered by mod free servers), however in recent years, JA+ has gotten far less abusive and fewer and fewer...  [Read More]
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