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Posted in: peace?
07-17-2006, 9:21 AM
That's true, but if none of that stuff happened either they could always open a "Force-Burger" chain! mmm... Force-fries... Now there's a fan film I wouldn't mind seeing... ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: peace?
07-15-2006, 4:28 PM
Well, peace in the sense of "no galactic scale war" is possible, after all, Star Wars apparently had that going on for a thousand years, until the "Clone Wars" began in the prequel era. "Peace" in the sense of no war AN...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question about the "player list" ingame.
07-12-2006, 12:48 PM
Voice chat? A good question... is this the console or PC version of SWBF2?...  [Read More]
Posted in: multiplayer server
07-03-2006, 3:21 PM
What in-game name do you use and what servers do you frequent? You'll have to give us a little more to go on than that... ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Attention!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07-09-2006, 1:34 AM
Just start a new thread, it's pointless to wade through the nonsense to get to the new topic. Sorry....  [Read More]
Posted in: Attention!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07-06-2006, 2:52 PM
Well, I guess that's enough of that then... You guys can finish this "discussion" in a chat room or something. Or start a real topic on something that people can participate in. Good luck!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Attention!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07-05-2006, 5:16 PM
Well, it was Independence Day... I felt all freedomy and stuff. *bans y'all* (j/k it won't come to that) Explain your little game, rather than keeping us all guessing and it won't get closed. How about that? ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Attention!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07-05-2006, 1:34 AM
Fine... no more requests for me. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Attention!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07-04-2006, 10:43 PM
Okay I changed my mind, you guys can contine in the Absent Without Leave forum... but please try to actually discuss something, don't just do filler. Thanks!...  [Read More]
Posted in: What's Wrong With The Special?
07-05-2006, 12:48 AM
Well see I don't CARE if an artist or author wants to go back and revamp their work a decade or so later to how they want it. As long as they give the public the option (because now the work has become part of the public, in a sense, especially in th...  [Read More]
Posted in: What's Wrong With The Special?
07-04-2006, 12:41 PM
To sum up... it's better in a few ways, worse in a few ways, and "ho hum, it's just different" in a LOT of ways. But the few negatives are really a sticking point with many of us who watch the movies for nostalgia (and not having to worry a...  [Read More]
Posted in: What's Wrong With The Special?
07-03-2006, 1:51 PM
Well there are a few smaller problems here and there, that one can argue about: The DVD Editions: the lightsaber effects are inconsistent. Sabers change color seemingly at random, look solid in some shots, more transparent in others. Some shots are...  [Read More]
Posted in: Where to buy LucasArts classics ?
07-15-2006, 4:33 PM
Those collections tend to be expensive nowadays. It's weird... Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II for example regularly goes for 10$ or less (complete box even) online, but if you want to order "LucasArts Archives: Jedi Knight" (which is typically...  [Read More]
Posted in: Boycott the World Cup Prostitution
07-05-2006, 7:31 PM
Good News (;_ylt=An1KuwoHBDrIMHq zGsXy5eis0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA4NWZtdDlpBHNlYwMyNjgz)!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Bi-Curious George? Brokeback Bush?
07-02-2006, 3:42 AM
#9 (actual sidebar ad from this forum)...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Jedi Knight Game Rumors
07-20-2006, 9:14 AM
When did you start playing it, before or after the "Combat Upgrade"? Did you use any of the "Expansions" (Jump to Lightspeed, Rage of the Wookiees, Trials of Obi-Wan)? How long have you been playing it? It seems the folks I've...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Jedi Knight Game Rumors
07-17-2006, 10:20 AM
PS: SWG was a success, but I think the point was they've lost a lot of fans to various changes, especially lately. They've been considered a disappointment by fans. And they're not so hot compared to other MMORPG's, especially WoW and EQ (which SWG w...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Jedi Knight Game Rumors
07-17-2006, 10:15 AM
Well the flipkicks and all that assumes the next game just takes the existing system from JA and builds off of it, rather than re-creating it anew. Flipkicks are not strictly necessary, though they could be a fun addition. As is, they're a bit, shal...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Jedi Knight Game Rumors
07-06-2006, 12:02 PM
Hmmm, from what I've heard and seen about Episode III:ROTS (the) game, it probably wouldn't be the greatest title to base a new JK on. Terrible camera, frustrating and repetative gameplay and letdown coop mode. Seriously, a consolized "3rd pers...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Jedi Knight Game Rumors
07-02-2006, 10:14 PM
On the contrary toms, I think multiplayer was one of the awesomest things about this game, because up till that point all the FPS games were pretty run of the mill. It's true, Quakeworld had just been taking off by the time JK was released, but despi...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kurgan's Meatgrinder (JA Server Status)
07-17-2006, 1:28 PM
btw kurgan, custom maps, and pk3s belong in base directory not in ojp. You're right. I didn't even realize there were any like that. It should be fixed now. ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kurgan's Meatgrinder (JA Server Status)
07-16-2006, 8:56 PM
That's pretty sad. Kids think they own the place! Most clans have their own servers for that sort of thing. Besides, if they just wanted to chat on our server, they could have done so. If they really didn't want to be shot at, they could have gone i...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kurgan's Meatgrinder (JA Server Status)
07-15-2006, 4:45 PM
So what were they doing exactly... chat flood, server vulnerability exploit or some kind of DoS attack (if the latter, we should report them to their ISP)? Sad that people resort to something like that just because they are losing. You guys must ha...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kurgan's Meatgrinder (JA Server Status)
07-15-2006, 4:13 PM
Good catch, I wasn't on the server when this happened. What does "DSA" stand for anyway? Do we have a list of members or a website/forum for them? We could send out spies if it gets too rough. ;) Flooding the server? How immature. Good ca...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kurgan's Meatgrinder (JA Server Status)
07-01-2006, 5:45 PM
CURRENT STATUS: UP (July 2006 & until further notice) @ 7/01/06 - We're back at a new IP! Have fun blasting and slicing away on the Meatgrinder this summer!...  [Read More]
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