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[Fic] The History of Jedi Knight Zulaan Quxion's Lightsaber

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 Anakin Skywalker
11-15-2006, 5:42 PM
This is my first Fic so please don't be too harsh

Star Wars
The History of Jedi Knight Zulaan Quxion's Lightsaber

After the destruction of Darth Lilieo, the Dark Lord of the Sith, a family of humans gave their only son to the Jedi Order. His name was Zulaan Quxion, he showed a strong affinity to the Force. The Masters could see the great destiny etched on his soul.....

He had found a lightsaber back on his homeworld of Naboo. He showed it to the Council and they all gasped. It was the lightsaber of the Jedi Knight Revan. He searched through the Jedi Archives looking for the History of the Lightsaber and was amazed at what he found.


Revan had his lightsaber ignited.... It was light blue blade that was a becon against the Darkness that had fallen upon his Jedi Girl-Friend Bastila. Bastila's Red double Bladed Saber was lunging towards Revan, he quickly jumped out of the way. "Bastila, come back to the Light." Revan was telling her through their Force bond. "Never!" Bastila responded. Revan sliced through the hilt and one side of the saber was destroyed. Bastila was furious... she kept coming towards him and sliced at his head and heart. Each time he blocked the Lightsaber, the Force guiding his movement. Finally he caused Bastila to give up... "Kill me, Finish this!" She said. "I can not kill you, Bastila, I love you.... I want you with me when I kill Malak and save the Republic." Revan quietly replied. "You are a fool, to allow a Dark Jedi to help you in your quest, who said that when we reach Malak I don't end your life and take favor of my master?" "Because I trust you and love you.... you would not kill me." " are correct Revan, I could never kill you, but I can't go to help you face Malak.... the Dark side is to strong with him, I may fall even further if I am exposed to him any more." "All right, my love, stay here and use your Battle Meditation to help the Republic." "Yes, Revan." "But, in case I don't make it back, then I want to give you something." He pulled her close and kissed her, then he yanked off a double-bladed lightsaber from his belt. He handed it to Bastila, she sat there studying it and finally said, "Revan, my old lightsaber, where did you find it?" "Not now, I'll tell you when I kill Malak and the Republic is safe." Bastila kneeled down and started using her Battle Meditation to help the Republic, and Revan ran off to fight Malak.

"It's over Malak, give up, maybe the Jedi Council will be willing to help you...." "You mean like they helped you Revan? They stripped away your power! You call that forgiving? I call it weakness.... and so now it ends as it should in Mortal combat... only one will survive, and he shall decide the fate of the Galaxy!" A vicious Lightsaber battle ensued. Revan finally got Malak's saber destroyed, he told Malak one last time, "Malak, we used to be friends, will you not listen to me? The Jedi can help! They can allow you to make up for what you did as the Dark Lord, they let me." "Yes, Revan they let you, but they had no choice." "No, Malak you are wrong.... please listen, I don't want to kill my former friend!" Revan pleaded, his hands together. "I-I-I don't know what to say Revan, you are showing weakness. And surely they will not accept me, not for all I've done." "You are wrong Malak, not only did they accept me again, they also accepted back a Dark Jedi on Dantooine that I turned back to the light. Please Malak, I don't want to kill you!" "Revan, I suppose I could return, if not only to make you happy, but also so I can make up for what I did as the Dark Lord." "Oh, thank you Malak!"

The two walked out of the Turbo lift.... Bastila ignited and raised her blade. Revan held up his hand, "It's okay, he's returned to the Light side of the Force." Bastila lowered her saber and glared at Malak. Carth came running off the Ebon Hawk, "We have to get out of here! Admiral Dodonna said that the Capitol Ships have hit the main stabilizers." All four of them ran back up on to the Ebon Hawk. Carth went and started up the engines, and Malak followed Revan. Mission stared at Malak before realizing who he was and then asked, "HEY! What's that Nerf hurter doing on our ship? You shoulda killed him when you had the chance!" "Mission! I know he destroyed your homeworld just a couple of months ago, but don't act like this, it will lead you down a dark path." Mission was embarrassed and then muttered to herself, There is no emotion, there is Peace. "Hey, Revan sorry, please don't tell the Council." Revan laughed and went over to her and embraced her. "Don't worry, what makes you think I'm gonna tell on my little Sister?" "Awww.... thanks." "Malak, I want you to go see the Mandalorian in the Swoop room, tell him what we did with Mandalore's mask." "Yes, Revan." "Hey Mission, I gotta go talk to Bastila ok? But as soon as we land on Rakta Prime I'll talk to you and tell you why I have Malak with me." "Ok."
11-15-2006, 7:12 PM
Nicely done! I like it! Well, Malak is redeemed? interesting plot...Nobody even thought about redeeming Malak except me...Well, I didn't officially redeemed him. Looking forward to see more and keep up!

I believe the prologue is the Old Republic, but it's before Battle of Geonosis, I assume? but the whole story begins at First Sith War.

BTW, a few spelling error, "embrassed", not "embarresed".

"embarrassed" is the correct spelling. --Jae

[Edit] Thanks, Jae.
 Anakin Skywalker
11-15-2006, 10:05 PM
Nicely done! I like it! Well, Malak is redeemed? interesting plot...Nobody even thought about redeeming Malak except me...Well, I didn't officially redeemed him.

Well, I believe in redemption, and Malak shoulda been able to be redeemed in the game. :D Oh, by the way this will be written in First Person.
11-16-2006, 1:06 AM
Well, I believe in redemption, and Malak shoulda been able to be redeemed in the game. :D Oh, by the way this will be written in First Person

That's good that you believe in redemption and I agree with you that Malak should be redeemed. I think every dark Jedi deserves a redemption. They're just misdirected.

Well, First person view? IMO, it's not a good idea though, but it's your choice.
 Diego Varen
11-16-2006, 1:30 AM
First person is quite a good idea. If Jae can do it, I'm sure RevanSithMaster can. Very good start RevanSithMaster. A hint would be to split your lines of speech up.


Bastila, come back to the Light. Revan was telling her through their Force bond. Never! Bastila responded.

How it should be:

"Bastila, come back to the light!" Revan was telling her through their Force bond.

"Never!" Bastila responded.

With some improvements on spelling, grammar and speech, this could become an even better Fic.
11-16-2006, 2:39 AM
First person is quite a good idea. If Jae can do it, I'm sure RevanSithMaster can. Very good start RevanSithMaster. A hint would be to split your lines of speech up.


Bastila, come back to the Light. Revan was telling her through their Force bond. Never! Bastila responded.

How it should be:

"Bastila, come back to the light!" Revan was telling her through their Force bond.

"Never!" Bastila responded.

With some improvements on spelling, grammar and speech, this could become an even better Fic.

Here it comes...Pottsie's typical MO.

But however, Pottsie is right. It is greatly enriched by adding some details.
 Anakin Skywalker
11-16-2006, 5:18 PM
Just in case your wondering what he looks like and all, here's a short bio

Name: Zulaan Quxion
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Picture and/or discription: except with a different lightsaber color, and blonde hair and light blue eyes
Melee Weaponary: Heart of the Force Lightsaber
Ranged Weaponary: The Force
Clothing/Armour: Jedi Robes(just like in the Picture)
Personal Spaceship: An Orange and Green Jedi Starfighter
Equipment: Lightsaber, the Force
Occupation: Jedi Knight
Background: One of the 200 Jedi that went to Geonosis to save Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi
Droid: R3-G9


Bastila, come back to the Light. Revan was telling her through their Force bond. Never! Bastila responded.

How it should be:

"Bastila, come back to the light!" Revan was telling her through their Force bond.

"Never!" Bastila responded.

With some improvements on spelling, grammar and speech, this could become an even better Fic.

yeah I meant for it to be Italicized. My bad, I forgot to put that on the post, so I corrected it :D(with quotation marks)
11-16-2006, 6:44 PM
Just in case your wondering what he looks like and all, here's a short bio

He looks like Dante in Devil May Cry 3.
 Anakin Skywalker
11-16-2006, 9:53 PM
That's good that you believe in redemption and I agree with you that Malak should be redeemed. I think every dark Jedi deserves a redemption. They're just misdirected.

Well, First person view? IMO, it's not a good idea though, but it's your choice.

Well if I used Zulaan more I would make it Third Person but since I won't use him that much in this Fic I'm making it First Person
11-17-2006, 5:10 AM
This has potential to be a great Fic. I like it so far, keep it up! :D
 Anakin Skywalker
11-17-2006, 11:53 AM
Chapter 1

I went back to the Archives and searched even deeper about my mysterious lightsaber. "Zulaan! The Council wants to see us." My master, Jedi Knight Daleb Uldo said. "Of course Master." I replied jamming my datapad into the computer. "What are you doing?" "I want to know more about this Lightsaber!" "Did you know, I have a couple of Holocrons made by Revan talking about his long lost saber?" "Really? But you know, there were many people to have this saber after Revan's demise." "Yes, I of course know this, being as I once had the lightsaber, then I lost it on Naboo." "Master, can I see these holocrons?" "Of course Zulaan. Let me run to my room and get them..... after we go see the Council." "Of course Master, let's go." I said pulling my datapad out of the computer.

"We have recieved word that Obi-Wan has been captured on Geonosis, we are sending 200 Knights and a few padawans into the Death Arena there." Mace Windu said slowly. "You have been chosen as one of the few padawans to go help Obi-Wan, you have shown the greatest strength out of all of them." "I will do what I can, Master Windu." I replied. "Good, Daleb, I want you to see that he makes it safely to Geonosis, he can handle it from there." "Yes Master Windu." He replied and we bowed and left the room.

"Come with me Zulaan, the holocrons are in my room." We walked to the Jedi Knight's room, when I walked in I was in awe. The room was so massive and had thousands of holocrons. He walked up to the farthest wall and pulled down a huge box. He brought it to me and handed it to me. "All of these are Revan's holocrons from when he was a Jedi and a Sith Lord. Don't worry there is only one holocron from when he was a Sith, it isn't corrupted." "Thank you master. Now we must leave!" I said.

Ten minutes later.........

"Get ready to jump into hyperspace." Said a female padawan sitting next to me who's name was, Valeria Taal. I pulled out my datapad and started reading it.

After Revan, the lightsaber fell into the hands of the Jedi Exile, Rissis Jarro. The Exile found the saber on Dxun where he met a Mandalorian who was the new Mandalore.

Rissis had the lightsaber he found in his hand when he met Mandalore. "What THE! That lightsaber looks very familar." Mandalore said to Rissis. "Well I'm not suprised," Rissis replied, "I found the lightsaber on Dxun." "You know, I think I saw that lightsaber in a former Jedi companion's possession, but he left me at the end of the Jedi Civil War." "Who was your companion?" "Well, right now that's not important what's important is getting you to Onderon." "Oh, right, let's go." "There is a Basilisk War Droid in the hangar. Take it go save Kavar and the Queen! Tobin and Vaklu will have them killed in a matter of minutes if you don't hurry."

A few days later........

"Sion, help me!" "What makes you so special? What enables you to defeat me?" "It's because I let go of the Force, turned away from it, just like she did. It's not all that bad Sion, in fact I wish I didn't have the Force flowing through me anymore, it hurts..... it's a burden." "But all I am is the Force if I let go of it then I will die." "Sion, if you help me defeat Kriea, I will help you let go of the Force, to heal you. If you help me and return to the Light side then everything will be okay, you will not die. I cannot be sure you won't if a Lightsider heals a Darksider." "All right Exile, I will help you." "Come on, as we wait she grows stronger." The two Jedi went down into the Trayus Core and found Darth Traya waiting for the Exile. "What are you doing here?" She asked Sion. "Getting ready to help the Exile kill you." "Oh, Sion you are foolish. The Exile will not help you, a Sith Lord." Sion looked at Rissis. He shook his head as if saying She is wrong about that! Rissis raised his blade and caught Traya by the throat. She sat there choking, but she still had control of the Force, she sent out 6 lightsabers. Three went after Sion and three went after Rissis. They both cut the lightsabers in half. Rissis went up to the middle of the Core and begged Kriea to return to the lightside, she wouldn't so Rissis was forced to kill her. He threw her body into the core and the Ebon Hawk came up and got him and Sion. Rissis activated the Mass Shadow Generator.

"Exile, you promised to help me let go of the Force." Sion said. Rissis brought out lots of medpacks and antidote kits. He sat down and started using the Force to heal him. It worked a little, but then he punched a medpack in Sion's leg. He sighed, it wasn't working, then he remembered there was a Kolto Tank in the work bench room. He put Sion in it then put his hands against it. The Kolto and Rissis' Force Heal together was doing the trick. After two hours all the cracks in Sion's skin was gone, he had hair again and he actually looked human. Sion stepped out of the tank. "Now, Sion, let go of the Force. No longer allow it to take over your life." The Force slowly drained from Sion. Now Sion was actually feeling like the Force was a bad thing. "We will take you to Courscant." Rissis said. "We will get you an apartment...." "Hey, what's sleeps with vibroblades doing here?" Atton asked. "How did you know who that he was?" "I can feel him in the Force, I remember what he feels like from Korriban." "He has returned to the Lightside of the Force, and I'm helping him set a course for Courscant." "Yes sir, Master."

BOOM! The ship banged around......

"What was that?" I asked. "Pirates!" Valeria Taal replied. "There after the ship...and us!" We all activated our lightsabers, but I was the only one with a Double-Bladed lightsaber. I sat down..... the Force surrounded me. "What is going on?" Asked all the Jedi. "Hey, Wait the Pirates have stopped attacking." :Attack the Pirates: I said to the pilot, reaching him through the Force. Boom! The pirate ship was destroyed. I got up. Valeria quietly asked me, "What was that, what did you do?" "I used Battle Meditation to make the Pirates stop and to make our pilot destroy them." "That's impossible, there are only a few Jedi that can use Battle Meditation." "Well I guess I'm one of them!" I replied. "Who are you?" "My name is Zulaan Quxion, my master's name is Daleb Uldo."
 Diego Varen
11-17-2006, 11:59 AM
Good Chapter, RevanSithMaster, but remember to seperate dialogues. Looking foward to more.
 Anakin Skywalker
11-17-2006, 5:40 PM
Chapter 2

The Jedi landed on Geonosis.....
I put my datapad in my belt. I put my lightsaber and Revan's lightsaber on my belt and walked into the Arena, followed by the other ten padawans. I glanced at Dooku, but he was to busy watching what was about to happen to notice me. I put the hood of my robes over my head, and instructed the other padawans' to do the same. I stared up at the platform where Count Dooku was and waited for Master Windu to appear. I felt the anticipation of the padawans, I turned around and shook my head. I turned back around and then I heard a lightsaber ignite. I pulled off my hood, and motioned for the other padawan's to do the same. We all jumped down into the Arena. Geonosians and Droids came rushing towards us. Both my blades were flashing redirecting blaster fire and cutting up Geonosians. I threw Revan's lightsaber to Obi-Wan. We all started killing all the Geonosians and destroying the droids. A blaster bolt came close to Valeria's heart, but my bottom lightsaber blade jumped in front of it. A blaster bolt hit my hand and I screamed. The entire arena shook, all droids were destroyed in the arena, but here more came. There were way to many, they circled all of us, the three remaining padawans and about one hundred and thirty five knights, and Master Windu. With Jango Fett dead not many of us were worried, and we knew Master Yoda would be here any moment with the clones so that just about eliminated the worry emanating from the Jedi. Dooku started talking, but we all ignored him except Master Windu who was intent on listening to the old fool. Then the droids blasters were raised on us, until Master Yoda and the clones dropped out of the sky and started destroying the droids. The clone ships dropped close enough to where we could get on them, so Valeria and I jumped on the closest one.

"Take these two to the base where Master Yoda is!" I heard Master Windu say to the Pilot over the comlink. So the clones dropped us off and I pulled out the datapad again, but this time I didn't read it, I put it back up and pulled out one of the holocrons that Master Uldo gave to me. I turned it on, and a man with a plain Jedi robe jumped out of the holocron. "Hello, what would you like to know?" He said. "I want to know about your lightsaber." "Which one?" "The most recent one, the one that glows very light blue." "Ahhhh..... well, that lightsaber was made by me when I rejoined the Jedi.........." I turned the holocron off.

"Yes, Master Yoda?" I asked. "About to go I am, reports I have heard of young Skywalker and Obi-Wan defeaten Count Dooku they have." The old master replied. "I'm going with you!" "Go with me, you must not...." "But Master Yoda.... I sense that something terrible has happened to Anakin, and he's my Best Friend." "Fine, go with me you may, but stay behind me you must." "Very well, Master!" Master Yoda and I hopped onto the nearest clone ship, and we took off. We were flying for about five minutes when I saw a woman's body laying in the sand. "MASTER YODA! Padme's on the ground, something happened." "Down our ship must go, to get Padme onboard." "Put down the ship!" I yelled to the pilot. I raced over to her and picked her up and put her on the ship. I bent over her making sure her pulse was ok, and that nothing major had happened to her. She woke up.... "Where's Anakin?" "It'll be okay, Senator, we're going to find him and Obi-Wan." We reached the hangar where Dooku was. "Stay here Senator Amidala." I said following Master Yoda into the hangar. Count Dooku was staring at two Jedi in a pile, but he heard us walk in and turned around. I waited for Master Yoda and Dooku to finish, just as Dooku destroyed the tower hanging over Obi-Wan and Anakin and Yoda used the Force to move it, I jumped in the battle. My double-bladed lightsaber was dancing avoiding Dooku's lightsaber. The Force was guiding my movement, allowing Obi-Wan and Yoda to push him into the ship docked there. He left the hangar, obviously returning to where ever he was before Geonosis. Anakin was still laying on the ground, I rushed over and helped him up. "Are you all right?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm fine Zulaan." He slowly replied. "A little beat up but fine." "Oh by the way, here's your lightsaber." Obi-Wan said handing me Revan's lightsaber back. "Thank you Master Kenobi." "You sure did fend off Count Dooku!" Obi-Wan laughed.... "Not even my apprentice could do that." "Hey, I could have but Dooku cut off my arm...." "Oh, excuses, excuses!" I laughed. Anakin didn't find it very funny. "I'm kidding.... oh, I'll be right back." I ran and got Padme, and brought her into the hangar. She ran over and hugged Anakin, both to show affection and to show him how sorry she was that he lost his arm. "Now, I'm not trying to rush this, but now that this battle is over, can we get off of this Planet, it gives me the creeps."

On the way back to Courscant, I made Anakin a "droid" arm. When we got there, I gave it to him and he went and had it put on. Then he went back to Naboo and I went to the Council chambers, because the Council had called me in there. Anyway, I walked in there Jedi padawan and walked out Jedi Knight of the Republic. The Council sent me to Naboo to look after Anakin and Padme, to make sure that there were no more attempts on Senator Amidala's life. I landed at Theed Palace, and the qeen told me that they were out at the lake house.... that Padme decided she didn't want to stay in the Palace. I thanked the qeen and jumped back into my new starfighter and went to where the queen said they were. I walked in at the wrong time, I saw the end of their wedding. Anakin was alarmed. "Don't worry, I won't say a word to the Council." "Thanks..... hey wait where is your padawan's braid." Anakin asked. "Master Yoda cut it off, I'm no longer a padawan, I'm a knight. Anyway if you don't mind, I'm gonna go check out these holocrons and my datapad." "Oh, yeah, of course, I'll show you to your room....." Padme said. "R3-G9... I told you to stay with the ship." R3 beeped..... The Council wants me to go to Mygeeto?" R3 beeped again..... "Let me talk to them, they told me to stay here.... In the mean time talk to C3-P0 and R2-D2. I'll be right back."

"Valeria! My droid told me the Council wants to send me to Mygeeto!" I said to her. "No, they don't, I want you to, I'm going to be stationed there for a while." "I'm sorry Valeria, I can't the Council sent me here to make sure Senator Amidala stayed alive...." "Please, I...I...I love you." "Wh-wh-what?" "You heard me, I said I love you." "I love you too, but I can't ignore the Council right now. I'll be there in a few days, I won't be here long. Padme's going back to Courscant in a few days. I love you, Valeria, but right now, I've got to focus on what the Council told me what to do. I'm sorry." "All right but I'll be counting the days." Her holo image faded out. I walked back into the room. R3 was beepin up a storm, all the while 3P0 was trying to translate. I walked up to the newly wed couple and asked them to show me where my room was for the next few days. They took me to a room not far from theirs and showed me where the power supply was for the droids... I went and got R3 and hooked him up. I sat down and made a holocron for my journal. I started recording and said everything I had found out about Revan's lightsaber, then I turned it off. I pulled out the holocron I had on Geonosis and turned it back on....

"What do you want to know?" The figure that I assumed was Revan asked. "I want to know all about your recent lightsaber, the one that glows a light blue." I replied.
 Diego Varen
11-17-2006, 6:01 PM
Another good Chapter RevanSithMaster, but remember to seperate the dialogue.
 Anakin Skywalker
11-18-2006, 4:56 PM
Just curious but could someone make a banner for the story? (Using Zulaan if at all possible.)
 Diego Varen
11-18-2006, 5:01 PM
Just curious but could someone make a banner for the story? (Using Zulaan if at all possible.)

If I could make a banner for this Fic, I would, but since not many members look here, why don't you post your request in this Thread (
11-18-2006, 6:12 PM
Just curious but could someone make a banner for the story? (Using Zulaan if at all possible.)

Eh, I forgot to mention that Revan is a Jar'Kai practioner?

It's my opinion. But good chapter though.
 Anakin Skywalker
11-18-2006, 6:33 PM
What does that have to do with the Banner?

Anyway back on topic, I have no idea how long it'll be before the next chapter will be out, I have to read The Call of the Wild for school.... if you want to blame anyone for this blame Mrs. Pence (she's my English teacher) not me.
 Jae Onasi
11-20-2006, 10:14 PM
There's a little quirk of writing for a forum that's different from writing on paper. It's harder for the eye to track from one line to the next when you have large blocks of text with no paragraphs, so you need to leave extra spaces in some places, otherwise the eye gets lost and can't find the correct line.

So here's what you need to do:
Hit return and leave an extra line every time you change speakers. Hit return and leave an extra line every time you start a new paragraph.

You want it to look like this:

Joe Jedi said, "Hey, this is a great lightsaber!"

Mary Jedi replied, "We need to defeat the Sith Lord. Let's make sure we use the Makashi Form and keep our Battle Meditation strong."

John Jedi said, "Sounds like a good plan. Let's go get the bad guy now."

See how much easier it is for the eye to move from line to line? You can go back and edit your post to add in the line breaks, and it'll be much easier for everyone else to read and enjoy. Keep up the writing!
11-21-2006, 11:23 AM
There's a little quirk of writing for a forum that's different from writing on paper. It's harder for the eye to track from one line to the next when you have large blocks of text with no paragraphs, so you need to leave extra spaces in some places, otherwise the eye gets lost and can't find the correct line. deleted most of quote for brevity

Yeah, Jae's point is quite my point. Thanks, Jae, and I hope this post didn't sway from the topic. Something that directly relates to a person's fic (comments on what you like, what you think could make it even better, things like that) are considered on-topic. Talking about things unrelated to the story is off-topic. --Jae

Eh, this is a good chapter, and looking forward to see more.
 Anakin Skywalker
11-25-2006, 10:51 PM
Sorry about the Short chapter but I gotta end this chapter at mysterious moment...

Chapter 3

"Ahhhhh...... my new lightsaber!" The holo figure that was Revan said. Yes, what is it about that lightsaber that makes everyone go absolutley koo-koo? I thought to myself. "That lightsaber was the one I had built upon returning to the Jedi Order. There is much history stored within the blade, as well as the hilt. The hilt was made from an ancient Selkath design......" What in the Galaxy is a Selkath? I asked myself. "And was supposed to be destroyed when I first made it, the Selkath were furious that I had found out their most ancient lightsaber design, the one used by their only Jedi...... Baklos Chotis." "Revan if I may ask, what is a Selkath?" "A Selkath is a fish-like alien..... there are many in the Senate." I turned it off not wanting to hear anymore about the Selkath or having to hear about Revan's lightsaber again at the moment. I un-hooked R3 and started talking to him about well random stuff. So when Anakin came and knocked on my door I was relieved. I hooked R3 back up to the power generator. "Yes, Anakin?" I asked. "Tell me how you feel about Valeria..." Anakin said. "How did you know about that?" "Two simple answers, Zulaan. One your my Best Friend, and two I could sense your emotions about this girl." "But Anakin, there's not a single Jedi soul except her who can tell what I'm feeling. I love her, if you must know. Just like you love Padme." I responded to his question. "But I cannot do anything about it, I am a Jedi Knight not a Padawan." "Well Padme's about ready to go back to Courscant. And yeah you can, just keep it a secret." "But Anakin, I can't live like that.... not like you and Padme." "Well Padme and I thought that at first, but now...." "Now your married !" I laughed. "Yeah..." "I suppose you could be right Anakin." "I am right!"

"You know, I would have thought you to trust me...." I said. "What do you mean?" Anakin asked curiously. "You didn't invite me to your wedding!" "Well I was going to, but Obi-Wan told me the Council wanted to see you." "All right, I'll contact you in a few days, make sure everything is all right with you and Padme. Tell her that I'm sorry about leaving without saying good-bye." I gave Anakin a hug, "I'll see you in a few days." I left Naboo and went strait to Mygeeto.

A few hours later......

"Dwoo-woo whee!" R3 beeped. "I can see that, R3." I slowly said to the little droid. "Beep-whee-dwoo." "I know that! They are Sith allow me to deal with them, you stay out of it!" I yelled over the blaster fire from the tiny ship. I focused on it, but was suprised to find a Force-Sensititve pilot. I shot him out of the sky and landed on the planet he had crashed on, it was a planet Lost to the Republic after the Jedi Civil War with Revan..... it was Rakta Prime.
11-25-2006, 10:58 PM
As I mentioned before, Nice chapter. Looking forward to see more.

Interesting dialog b/w you and Anakin.
 Anakin Skywalker
11-25-2006, 11:06 PM
Thanks, CSI my rival. I'll try to have more tomorrow.
 Diego Varen
11-26-2006, 11:41 AM
Good as always RevanSithMaster. And remember not to worry about the length of the Chapters.
11-28-2006, 10:01 PM
1st person i hate first person...anyway like pottsie said,

"Like this" Grivis told Revan sternly.

"FIne" revan replied

"hurry up" Grivis said.
Anyway Prologues okay
ill read others later...
11-28-2006, 10:29 PM
Great story ... Looking forward to more :D
 Anakin Skywalker
12-06-2006, 8:18 AM
This is the end of this Fic for a while, I'm going to write about the Mandalorian Wars... and NOT just the last battle. Plus, I'm having Writer's Block on this Fic, I have no idea where to go next......
12-06-2006, 7:51 PM
......Eh......Shame...But I'm looking forward to see more...
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