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Page: 26 of 53
Posted in: Lone Free Mercenary
08-18-2006, 6:14 PM
Not bad, not bad at all! I just had to laugh though at the 'Trando at the JobCentre' scene. If he had signed on where I live, he'd been waiting a long time without an appointment. :) Keep this going!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mercenary Crew III: Separatist Scum
08-18-2006, 9:20 PM
Raze had made her hyperspace calculations and she slipped the Carnage into the hyperspace stream with little more than a soft jolt. It would be a few hours until they reached Nar Shaddaa, and she decided that now was as good of time as any to get so...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mercenary Crew III: Separatist Scum
08-18-2006, 4:28 PM
Raze cocked an eyebrow. "A Hutt," she grumbled under her breath. "It just had to be a Hutt." With the doors shut, and the ship ready to go, she started to rev the engines up to full power. "All crew to their stations,"...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mercenary Crew III: Separatist Scum
08-18-2006, 3:38 PM
Hearing the com console bleep, Raze put in her earpiece, nodded and then hit the com link for the entire ship. "Okay, it's briefing time, people," she announced loudly over the ship's speakers, so as to wake anyone that may have drifted of...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mercenary Crew III: Separatist Scum
08-18-2006, 10:39 AM
"So, Captain," Raze said to Vanir as she ran her hands over the flight controls, "did Count Dooku or his 'apprentice' give you any preliminary co-ordinates for us? Or are we to just sit here at the space port until this mysterious brie...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mercenary Crew III: Separatist Scum
08-17-2006, 9:45 PM
"Competition?" Raze turned fully around in her seat to look at Jack, cockily leaning against the corridor wall. "It's only competition when you have two or more people striving for a common goal. My goal is credits to purchase a ship o...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mercenary Crew III: Separatist Scum
08-17-2006, 8:43 PM
The Falleen were exotic, reptilian humanoids with scaled skin, cold blood and pigmentation that altered according to mood, but the sleek symmetry of their facial features made them among the most beautiful of all humanoid species in the Galaxy. Enhan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mercenary Crew III: Separatist Scum
08-17-2006, 3:17 PM
Raze's perfectly symmetrical face tilted sideways with curiousity as she looked at Vanir and then Shadow. "K'Nala," she said to Shadow. "And I don't hate her. I just dislike the fact that she's on board in the first place. Her only p...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mercenary Crew III: Separatist Scum
08-17-2006, 3:06 PM
Raze gave a sideways glance as Captain Dres sat down in the chair beside her. "You're right, Mr. Logan," she said back to Richard through the comlink. "The pressure's slowly rising. Do any final checks that you need and report back to...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mercenary Crew III: Separatist Scum
08-17-2006, 2:18 PM
Raze grinned at the engineer's quip about Dooku's apprentice, and at that very moment, she decided that she and this Richard Logan would get along just fine. She pushed the com button for engineering. "She's boarding now," she said into th...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mercenary Crew III: Separatist Scum
08-17-2006, 1:49 PM
"This is completely different from anything I've worked with. How are things with you?" Raze's eyebrow twitched. She pushed the com button. "If you are enquiring about my well-being, Logan, then things are fine. And things would be ev...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mercenary Crew III: Separatist Scum
08-17-2006, 1:19 PM
In the small cockpit, Raze was going through the final preparations for launch. The Carnage was a fine ship--modern, quick, and with state-of-the-art armaments, but there was one thing that it came equipped with that she didn’t care for. A Dark Jed...  [Read More]
Not that it matters now (as it's too late to fix) but the bridge seems to be gettin a bit crowded! Remember, according to StarMark's opening description of the Carnage, there are only two chairs on the bridge--one for the pilot and the other for the...  [Read More]
Sorry. Just posted before I read this. But, I did give the captain an opportunity to go and meet the DJ as she boards....  [Read More]
Ok, since I'm the pilot, I'll volunteer as First Mate....  [Read More]
Just a guess, but that would probably be the Dark Jedi, Rexraptor....  [Read More]
Yay! Looks like we have enough to start. There is still one more gunner position available, and it would be nice to have one more character, but like I said, we could always pick one up in the story....  [Read More]
Posted in: KOTOR III: The Stand of the Sith
08-17-2006, 10:48 PM
There was a long silence. Then Aerl’s brow raised with realisation. “Oh,” he said slowly. “I get it. This place is like those cheesy fun-houses at those travelling carnivals that frequent the frontier planets on the Rim. Well, ‘fun’ proba...  [Read More]
Posted in: KOTOR III: The Stand of the Sith
08-17-2006, 11:02 AM
Aerl frowned a bit. "Yeah... well... there is that. But he's got to be around here someplace, right? I vote we pick another corridor and start looking." He paused. "That is, if we're voting," he added. He looked curiously at Manda...  [Read More]
Posted in: KOTOR III: The Stand of the Sith
08-17-2006, 9:21 AM
In the name of good… With Tysy’s words echoing in his head, Aerl snorted with disdain. “Good. Evil. Light Side. Dark Side. What’s the difference? Death is death, no matter what ‘side’ someone believes they’re on. The only ‘side’ th...  [Read More]
Posted in: KOTOR III: The Stand of the Sith
08-16-2006, 10:18 PM
Aerl shrugged and straightened his shirt. "Hit a nerve, did I?" he asked the Mandalorian, although he didn't expect an answer. Well, not a verbal answer anyway. A grunt perhaps. Or maybe a... Ooh, he thought, better apologize. "Look,...  [Read More]
MC3 has its own discussion thread already. You know, the one we posted our character profiles on? ;)  [Read More]
Posted in: [Fic] The crystal of life.
08-17-2006, 11:46 AM
That was a really, REALLY, good chapter. Lots of suspense at the end with the will-she-wont-she turn away from the Dark Side. Well done! And I just had to laugh at the 'whap!' in the nose. Classic! AND...over 3000 views for you, too! Woo hoo! Par-ta...  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC] Hidden Shades of Grey
08-18-2006, 11:10 AM
((@RP--Thanks! I've enjoyed writing my story as much as I've enjoyed reading yours. :) Thanks for all of your support over the months I've been writing this. @ Jae--Vaganza... Glad that brought you a smile. I was inspired by the way Daniel (Robin Wi...  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC] Hidden Shades of Grey
08-17-2006, 8:08 AM
Lol, good chapter Jasra. Although if Bastilla caught cute, beautiful little Ithra holding onto Rade's arm and claiming to be his wife she might get a but upset. ;) Yeah, I would imagine there'd be some Dark Side emotions showing up if Bastila saw t...  [Read More]
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