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Page: 22 of 53
Posted in: Dantooine Community RP Project
11-02-2006, 2:03 PM
Sounds fine to me. On to Phase 2! :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dantooine Community RP Project
11-02-2006, 4:38 AM
I'll volunteer Ashoka for the plague. It could be a further reason why their society is separated into the two tiers (Patricians & Grafters)....  [Read More]
Posted in: Dantooine Community RP Project
11-01-2006, 6:59 PM
I'll go with the general consensus for Q1: 'Yes' to Australia. Q2: No, a million is enough. (I mean, there was a nuclear holocaust and anything more than a million people seems to be a bit impractical for a single ship to hold, imo.) Q3: The 'war'...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dantooine Community RP Project
10-28-2006, 7:28 AM
Ok, here's my two cents... I agree with StarMark's premise that there was a war between two or more of the Empires. Otherwise, there would be no reason to maintain a 'military'. I've come up with three possible causes for this war--trade, genetics,...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dantooine Community RP Project
10-25-2006, 6:16 AM
Jasra's Votes 1. Starmark2k 2. WildJedi 3. Dark_Lady 4. Maverick5570 ((P.S. Kurt Cobain fan. :) ))...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dantooine Community RP Project
10-19-2006, 5:13 PM
((Finally! I was able to find time to finish this!)) Empire Creation Sheet JasraLantill’s Submission Empire Name: Ashoka Republic Colony Ship Order: Asia, Europe, South, North Colony World: Nirvana Climate and Terrain: - The Fifth planet in...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dantooine Community RP Project
10-17-2006, 7:48 AM
Hey, SM, thought you were keeping suggestions open until the 21st? I'm working on one, but haven't had the time to polish it up or post (as I've been battling it out with Darth RealLife again.) Will try to post something tonight, or at the latest tom...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dantooine Community RP Project
10-09-2006, 2:43 AM
Question 7: Why are Lasers Limited? 3) By Permit only (Jasra's Suggestion)- The governments strictly limit access of the weapons to the public Question 8: Alternate Weapons (Stinger's Suggestion)... With this question you can select multiples. 3) Ma...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dantooine Community RP Project
10-04-2006, 2:16 PM
Sorry I haven't jumped in before now. Great ideas so far! Here's my answers to the poll. I've got some other questions, but I'll give them a bit more thought before posting. Question 1: How long after Colonization should the RP be based? 2) 1000 yea...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battlestar Galactica (D&R)
10-03-2006, 8:37 AM
I love this series! Started out not liking it, but my hubby kept watching it and, well, it just started to grow on me. Now I think I like it more than he does. :) So, count me in for this one. Need to get a character together first, but think I'll...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars: Shadow Wars
09-22-2006, 7:28 PM
“Well, the tour was nice guys,” Va’ala said to Blink and Sarfas as they glided their trolleys to a stop in the hanger once again. “But, I really should get back to my own ship. You know, just so that Zeedo doesn’t think that I’m with you...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars: Shadow Wars
09-19-2006, 5:39 PM
Then a whirring noise could be heard, and then, 'Thoom', a noise cracked throughout the ship, and the stars turned into streaks before anyone could blink. They were in hyperspace, "ah, they finally worked out the co-ordinates. Your ships nav sys...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars: Shadow Wars
09-18-2006, 2:57 PM
"Ah, co-ordinates are here I'm guessing?" Ex-Zar asked Va'ala. Va’ala nodded. “Yup. Close to Centares.” Turning to a bridge officer, Ex-Zar said, "Set the co-ordinates that we get from the good captain’s ship, and head for th...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars: Shadow Wars
09-17-2006, 4:04 PM
"These are our trolly's, they're for moving quickly around the ship. These will be for the tour" Ex-Zar said motioning to the two seated craft. Ex-Zar walked a ways forward, and got on a third trolly farther up, Blink and Sarfis mounted the...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars: Shadow Wars
09-16-2006, 4:30 AM
"And we'd rather you didn't clean our ship, some of that dirt is holding hull on." Trailing behind Ex-Zar, Blink, and Sarfas, Va'ala agreed with Krell's assessment of their ship. "Yeah, don't clean it," she said to Ex-Zar as she f...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars: Shadow Wars
09-15-2006, 5:22 PM
Ex-Zar thought for a moment, "well I guess that's settled, but what is this "'The Wheel'"?""The Wheel? You haven't heard of The Wheel?" Va'ala gave Ex-Zar an incredulous look, then grinned. "Wow, you weren't kidding...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars: Shadow Wars
09-15-2006, 3:42 PM
“…wouldn't a fleet of 10 Imperial vessels, with the best of modern technology, drastically change the scale in which you do your job? Wouldn't you like to have this fleet as one of your assets? If you get into serious trouble and you're being cha...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mercenary Crew III: Separatist Scum
10-03-2006, 6:51 PM
Raze anxiously tapped her fingers on the console. "What's taking them so long?" she said outloud. She tuned the comlink to the landing control channel, then turned on the ship's long range scanners and began to scan the surrounding area for...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mercenary Crew III: Separatist Scum
09-17-2006, 5:55 PM
Raze snorted. "Oh, yeah. Real generous," she said to Richard. "So generous that he even let us play with his pet rancor while we went to rescue Shadow." She shivered with disgust as she remembered the huge beast and its malodorous...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mercenary Crew III: Separatist Scum
09-17-2006, 4:31 PM
"Ok, Seth," Raze said to the Zabrak. "You guard the ramp from any 'uninvited' guests that may appear and want to have a look 'round. Specifically any Republic clone soldiers, Jedi, or other bounty hunters." Just as Raze was leavi...  [Read More]
I'd considered jumping in, taking control of the Jedi strike team, but after reading the first page of this thread, I think it would be more in line with Starmark's plans if I would join in a different way... Jasra, might Raze run into an old friend...  [Read More]
Ok, is anyone planning on continuing this RP, or what?? Raze is taking off with theCarnage to avoid a Jedi strike team. Someone must have leaked information that there was a Sith on board it. :lsduel: You all better hurry up and get that information...  [Read More]
Posted in: KOTOR III: The Stand of the Sith
10-03-2006, 10:28 AM
Aerl had heard the others talking back in the main hold, but he was too far away in the cockpit for him to hear what they had been saying. Not that he really cared to participate in the conversation at the moment. He was just happy to get away from t...  [Read More]
Wow! Talk about a surprise ending! Great job! Loved the Epilogue. Please tell me that you're planning on writing more Sith Hunter adventures??...  [Read More]
Interesting dilemma facing the SithHunters! Are they planning to turn Tanith to the Light Side? If so, hard task ahead! Nice chapter though. :)...  [Read More]
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