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Mercenary Crew III: Separatist Scum

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08-18-2006, 4:13 PM
Shadow listened to Count Dooku over the comm. Gualla? He knew that Hutt. He had done some jobs for Gualla and the Hutt occasionally sold him weapons. He could use that to their advantage.

"Good news: I know this Hutt. More Good News: He owes me a favor for saving his hide from a Jedi and removed the evidence of the Jedi's disappearance. Looks like they found him again though, so we might have to be on the look out for Jedi." he said over the comm. He knew the prospect of Jedi would appeal to K'Nala.

Then he went back to taking apart and polishing his weapons. If you treat your weapons right, then they treat you right.
08-18-2006, 4:21 PM
"Hmm, Jedi huh? I know just the recipe they need." Jack thought as he went to the medical bay.

"Ey Doc, do you happen to have any lethal- and tranquillizing poisons around?" he asked as he was walking to the trandoshian doctor.
08-18-2006, 4:28 PM
Raze cocked an eyebrow. "A Hutt," she grumbled under her breath. "It just had to be a Hutt." With the doors shut, and the ship ready to go, she started to rev the engines up to full power.

"All crew to their stations," she said over the ship's intercom. "Buckle up. We're lifting off." She didn't think much of Vanir's Cavallier-style of leadership, and so hadn't bothered asking or waiting for confirmation from her Captain to leave.

In few moments, they had left Dooku's hideout and were entering space. She would need few minutes to calculate before she could make the jump into hyperspace.
 Diego Varen
08-18-2006, 4:40 PM
Nar Shaddaa, Trando thought to himself, Heaven. The only problem would be a Hutt, but with everyone else, this would be very easy indeed. Trando turned to see Jack.

"Yes I do," Trando told Jack, "Why would you want them?"
08-18-2006, 4:51 PM
"Well, for a couple of things really. I want to put the poisons on my daggers and darts so I could either tranquillize or kill someone with it without having to stab them numerous times. Of course that depends on whether our little Dark Jedi wants the target dead or alive. Is the tranquillizer poison strong enough to knock out a Jedi?"
 Jason Skywalker
08-18-2006, 5:31 PM
Nar Shadda, eh?, Vanir thought to himself. He had been there once, he failed his list mission as an assassin there, right there of all places. He didn't mind, and it didn't matter though. He wasn't going to hang out there much, just speak with the Hutt-spawn and leave.

(OT: So, looks like we have a renegade Sith who wants the power for herself eh?)
 Diego Varen
08-18-2006, 5:34 PM
(OT: So, looks like we have a renegade Sith who wants the power for herself eh?)

(Off-Topic: Too true).

"Well, for a couple of things really. I want to put the poisons on my daggers and darts so I could either tranquillize or kill someone with it without having to stab them numerous times. Of course that depends on whether our little Dark Jedi wants the target dead or alive. Is the tranquillizer poison strong enough to knock out a Jedi?"

Trano handed Jack several poisons.

"They are strong enough to wipe out a single Dark Jedi," Trando told him, "Just use it wisely."
08-18-2006, 6:12 PM
As the thoughts of Nar Shadaa began ringing through everyones minds, Seth wandered of to his dormitory, obviously not wanting to think about it as the place just brings un-pleasantries.

"Im of to bed, see ya'll later"

With a tired look on his face he scurries of to his dormitory, eager to fall asleep as hyperspace travel was a favourite thing in the world.
08-18-2006, 8:22 PM
((My character predicted it.))

Nar Shadda. A planet completely covered by city and ruled by crime, with a strong Hutt influence. He had no doubt that most, if not all, the crew had been there just once. But what he doubted was that they had ever heard of Gualla before. He was not a well known Hutt, Shadow only stumbling upon him when Shadow had gotten lost once about five years ago, and taking up a high bounty while Shadow was talking with him.

Gualla was one of the few Hutts who didn't deal with stuff like drugs and spice. Instead, he deals with materials and weapons. That would explain the base. He was also one of the few Hutts that let you walk in through the front door if you were invited or expected.

That's why Shadow was looking at his list of contacts with the Hutt right now. They varied at times, due to crimes and such killing the contacts and having to meet new ones. Ahh, yes, Shirque in the Refugee Sector. He was a Quaran that worked for Gualla and he knew Shadow. That area was also close to the Hutt.

After Shadow decided who he was going to contact, he decided to take a walk around the ship. He wasn't exactly tired yet.
08-18-2006, 9:20 PM
Raze had made her hyperspace calculations and she slipped the Carnage into the hyperspace stream with little more than a soft jolt.

It would be a few hours until they reached Nar Shaddaa, and she decided that now was as good of time as any to get something to eat. Leaving the ship's controls on auto-pilot, she left the small cockpit and headed down the corridor to the crew's common room.

Larger than hers or the Captain's quarters put together, the common room was where the crew ate and socialised during the long, dull periods of space travel, though Raze didn't think there would be much socialising going on with the rough and dangerous crew she was presently travelling with. But the common room had a small galley, enough to prepare 'E'-rations or a simple meal, and that's all that she really wanted at the moment.

She noticed Shadow passing through, obviously investigating the ship, and she pulled out additional portions of 'E'-rats. "You hungry?" she asked him.
08-18-2006, 9:27 PM
"Yes, thank you." Shadow replied taking a portion of the 'E'-rats and he took a seat at the table. Then he asked "What's your name? I didn't quite catch it while we were talking."
08-18-2006, 9:56 PM
"Thanks doc, I'll let you know how it worked after I get the chance to test it."

Jack left the medical bay and went back to his room. He was working at his workbench for a few hours before he was finished fusing the poison together with his darts and put it in the two daggers. The daggers and most of his equipment was custom build for him when he was still an assassin and were giving as a gift from a greatly satifsied employer. The daggers have a small space chamber inside them where you could insert poisons and the like.

"Haven't used those since my last visit to Nar Shaddaa." Jack thought.
"Man this place sure brings back...memories."

Three years ago, Jack was on a mission to kill a Jedi. The Republic had never ordered the assassination of a Jedi before, but this was to be the first of many to come. The only thing the mission briefing stated was that the jedi's name was Secura and she was interfering with the Republicґs plans with an illegal investigation of which the Jedi Council wasnґt aware of. One of the Republic Senators gave Jack the order to hunt and kill the Secura, stopping her from investigating the Republicґs business. Jethro searched for weeks when he finally tracked the Jedi down to a hotel named the `Mercenaryґs Retreatґ.

He still remembers how he went to her room through the ventillation system, peeking through one of the vents, watching the Jedi sleep in her bed.

That mission was one of the reasons why Jack had to resign as a Republic assassin.
08-18-2006, 10:24 PM
"Yes, thank you." Shadow replied taking a portion of the 'E'-rats and he took a seat at the table. Then he asked "What's your name? I didn't quite catch it while we were talking."

"Reisa," she said, sitting down across from him and opening her rations. "Reisa Tarn. But people call me Raze. Short for Razor." She paused, and looked up at him. "Don't ask why. It's not a pleasant memory."

She opened up her main course, then frowned. "Nuna." She shook her head. "Always nuna." She sighed, and took a bite anyway.

"So," she said, after swallowing. "What's your story? I know you're a merc and all. Most everyone here is. But why did you sign on for this? And," she added quickly, "don't say it's just money. That's the answer people always give. I want credits to get a ship of my own. That's my why. What's yours?"
08-18-2006, 10:42 PM
"I was more assigned to this than signing up to it. I get a monthly pay for being a personal killer for Dooku whether it be the sabotage of a senator's abode or other things such as a body guard. As to why I do it, I do it just because there's really nothing else for me to do. I've been at this kind of job for about ten years, and when you've been at it that long, it's hard to give it up and settle down. I don't really have a goal, just to live and continue the job." Shadow answered and he began to eat his rations as well.
08-18-2006, 11:11 PM
"Ten years? That's not that long," Raze said between mouthfuls. "I've only been a pilot for four years, but before that I worked for CEC's Transport Division for eleven. And before that, I was a computer tech for a bio-tech firm. Nothing fancy. They researched ingredients for perfumes and cosmetics and stuff like that." She rolled her eyes. "It was boring, but still worked for them for about thirteen years. Had a couple of other jobs before that, but nothing worth talking about." She looked up at him. "I know Dooku is very persuasive. He's Jedi. But you could change jobs, if you wanted to."

((OOC: If you do the math, Raze's job time adds up to more years than her stated age. If you're curious about this, then ask her. If not, don't. ;) ))
08-19-2006, 12:04 AM
Shadow let out a laugh and asked "Why would I want to? I get paid handsomely, get free ammo for my weapons, get to travel the galaxy, what more could I want?"

Then he said "And while ten years my not seem like much to you since Falleen live much longer than humans, with me guessing that you are around 40 to 45 years old judging on what you told me of your career, that is almost half my life time since I'm twenty-four so therefore it is a long time by my standards. Next, no job really fits the profile of a personal hunter-killer except that of an assassin, which I was before Dooku recruited me. Plus you haven't been doing straight out murder for ten years."

"I'm curious though, why do you want a ship of your own? And why did you accept Dooku's offer? You could have easily gotten a flight job of a cargo freighter and such, which most likely is safer than flying with a bunch of murderers that Dooku calls a crew." Shadow had finished his food quickly and now was looking straight at Raze's eyes.

They were beautiful, true, but he was looking more at her character than her eyes.
08-19-2006, 12:40 AM
Raze grinned at him. "I want a ship of my own, so that I don't have to take orders from anyone but me. Besides," she lowered her eyes, "no company would hire me as a pilot. No legitimate company, anyway. The company I used to work for had a...." She looked over her shoulder, feeling as if she were being watched. Or listened to.

She stiffened, reluctant to disclose much more. "They classified me as a 'serious financial liability,'" she continued. "Bastards," she said under her breath. "So, when I met up with Dooku, and he saw how 'dissatisfied' I was with my employer, he offered me this job. The pay was better, I could still pilot a ship, and, if we're lucky enough to survive this trip, I can finally get one of my own." She looked around. "Maybe even this one." She looked back at him, and grinned. "And you flatter me with your estimate of my age. Finished?" she asked, picking up her garbage and offering to take his away as well. "So, how did you know I was part Falleen?" she asked him.
 Diego Varen
08-19-2006, 1:18 AM
Trando left the medical bay and went to see the others in the common room. Raze and Shadow were there, but Trando wondered where everyone else was. Trando thought he might as well get to know everyone, before landing on Nar Shaddaa.
08-19-2006, 3:39 AM
After about 20 minutes of lying in his bed, Seth not feeling too well, leaves his dorm and heads off to the bathroom. After some unpleasant moments due to his hatrid of hyperspace travel, he heads to the common room knowing that sleep is no longer an options. On entry to the common room, his fellow crew-members notice to flushed face.

"Dont ask" He says while holding his stomach and sitting down on one of the chairs. "I hate hyperspace travel."
 Diego Varen
08-19-2006, 3:46 AM
"Yeah, I hate Hyperspace travel too, but you don't see me complaining." Trando told Seth.
08-19-2006, 3:57 AM
"Complaining? Ive just physically assaulted the toilet. Oh yeah that reminds me, no one go in there for another half hour, lets just say that I feel alot 'emptier'" he says while managing a grin.

Looking to converse with his fellow crew-members, he turns to Trando. "So........Doc, why are you here?, oh and have you got anything for an upset stomach?"
08-19-2006, 3:57 AM
"and i thought Mercenaries were suppose to be fearless... Not scared of a little thing like Hyperspace." K'Nala Said walking up behind the group in the common room With a grin on her face. "Perhaps my master would be interested in this development."
 Diego Varen
08-19-2006, 4:04 AM
Looking to converse with his fellow crew-members, he turns to Trando. "So........Doc, why are you here?, oh and have you got anything for an upset stomach?"

"I'm here on my own accord," Trando told Seth, "I have something for an upset stomach, but I can't be bothered to find it now. Look in the medical bay, it'll be there somewhere."
08-19-2006, 4:07 AM
"Just because my stomach doesnt work well with hyperspace travel it doesnt mean that im less handy with a gun or a turret. Ill take out any target for ya, gun or no gone. I need this money for matters which i will not elaborate on so their is no need to get telling your master anything." Seth looks K'Nala straight in the eye, trying to show the dark jedi his serious side.
08-19-2006, 7:00 AM
Raze grinned at him. "I want a ship of my own, so that I don't have to take orders from anyone but me. Besides," she lowered her eyes, "no company would hire me as a pilot. No legitimate company, anyway. The company I used to work for had a...." She looked over her shoulder, feeling as if she were being watched. Or listened to.

She stiffened, reluctant to disclose much more. "They classified me as a 'serious financial liability,'" she continued. "Bastards," she said under her breath. "So, when I met up with Dooku, and he saw how 'dissatisfied' I was with my employer, he offered me this job. The pay was better, I could still pilot a ship, and, if we're lucky enough to survive this trip, I can finally get one of my own." She looked around. "Maybe even this one." She looked back at him, and grinned. "And you flatter me with your estimate of my age. Finished?" she asked, picking up her garbage and offering to take his away as well. "So, how did you know I was part Falleen?" she asked him.

"Yes." Shadow said handing his garbage to her. "Simple really. When your skin color changed. I'd met a few of your kind over the years, some whole and some half. Since sometimes you are required to watch a target, I often got a look of them changing color. That and your long career confirmed it." Then he leaned foreword and lowered his voice so that only she could hear what he was going to say next. "And don't worry. I won't mention what your emotions were when we were in the cockpit, as long as you don't try a certain Falleen trick I know of. You wouldn't get far, but still." He said grinning.

He turned his head around to Seth and K'Nala and said "Give it a rest both of you. Hyperspace sickness is nothing to interfere with the job. Seth, you should try to go to sleep, making sure to keep a bucket near you. Being sick can take a lot of you. K'Nala, I doubt one of a crew of seven being hyperspace sick is enough to get the authorization for executing us, so don't get your hopes up. We are, as Count Dooku said, the best in the galaxy."

Shadow then let out a laugh and said "We're supposedly the best only because the true best was killed by a Jedi Master."
08-19-2006, 8:19 AM
"And don't worry. I won't mention what your emotions were when we were in the cockpit, as long as you don't try a certain Falleen trick I know of. You wouldn't get far, but still." Shadow grinned.

Raze grinned wryly back at him. She didn’t really care if Shadow told anyone she’d been feeling jealous about having K’Nala on board, mainly that it was likely K’Nala already knew. Raze was not ignorant to the fact that Jedi, especially Dark ones, were well tuned to the emotions and feelings of those around them. Primal thoughts such as those were very difficult to mask, even for those who had had ‘special training’, like Jack had mentioned. And as far as using her special Falleen pheromones on anyone she had to work with, she knew better. For a brief moment, her memory flashed back to the day that she had caused her ‘expensive accident’ for her former employer. Boy, did she know better now. She quickly pushed the memory out of her current thoughts. That was one thing she didn’t want K’Nala’s prying mind to know about. “Deal,” she said to Shadow.

“Seth, there’s sachets in that bottom left drawer,” Raze said to him, pointing to the storage compartments in the galley. “Dissolve one of them in water and drink it. That’ll help your space sickness.”

She gave K’Nala a wary, sideways glance, before rising and depositing the packaging from the ‘E’-rats in the bin. “I’m going to check on Logan,” she announced to no one in particular. “He’s been awful quiet in engineering.”

But she paused at the threshold to the back corridors, turning to say to Shadow, "And thanks for the chat. We'll do it again sometime."
 Jason Skywalker
08-19-2006, 8:29 AM
Vanir watched everyone or almost eating at the common room so he got out of his seat and entered the common room. Travelling ins hyperspace was nothing compared to other things. He sat down, grabbed some food and started eating. He then engaged in coversation with Trando who seemed a bit off.

"Hey there Doc," Vanir said, smiling. Even with his past, he always was happy. Except when he was angry of course, "So, care to tell me about you?" He asked Trando.
08-19-2006, 8:40 AM
Logan was silently mumming a tune to himself while he inspected the equipment and parts he had supplied with. So far everything he looked at was great, his tools were top of the range and he had parts to fix any damage along with spar parts incase the same damage accured twice.

Logan heard footsteps coming towars Engineering and looked to see Raze in the door way. "Hey,"
08-19-2006, 8:44 AM
“Seth, there’s sachets in that bottom left drawer,” Raze said to him, pointing to the storage compartments in the galley. “Dissolve one of them in water and drink it. That’ll help your space sickness.”

"Thanks" he said turning to Raze smiling and without waiting he went for the bottom left drawer. After a dissolving the sachets in water he takes a large gulp. "Lets hope their fast working".

Once finished he sits back down at the table and takes his modified zabrak blaster from its holster. Then he takes out a small tin of polish from his right pocket, followed by a cloth from his other pocket. "I love this blaster, its the only thing that reminds me of home. Got it from the head of my village, it wasnt that good, but ive made some modifications" he says while polishing the trigger area.
08-19-2006, 8:55 AM
"How's it going, Rich?" Raze addressed him familiarly as she casually leaned against the bulkhead wall. "Was wondering what you were up to. Everyone else seems to be congregating in the common room. You know, the 'feeling people out' phase of the journey." She raised an eyebrow, seeing that he was inventorying his tools. "Having any problems?" she asked. She cast a wary glance over her shoulder, but confident that there was no one to overhear her, she continued. "Being as this is really the first 'real' run this ship's ever had, there's bound to be... quirks that haven't been discovered yet."
08-19-2006, 9:02 AM
"Thats what I thought, however I've had a look, I've been more carefull ever since.." Richard paused "Well you know what. And everything seems to be order. The Sep's seem to have done a decent job on this ship. So what exactly was the mission, I was welding something when Dooku was talking."
08-19-2006, 10:01 AM
Raze snorted. "You didn't miss much," she said to him. "We're heading to the cesspit of the Galaxy, otherwise known as Nar Shaddaa. Dooku wants us to find and 'neutralise' some Republic listening post that's causing him some bother. There's this Hutt on the Smuggler's Moon..." She thought for a moment. "Guano? Guava? No, Gualla," she said, with a definitive nod. "Dooku suspects that this Gualla has helped the Republic build it their little spy base. So, we find him, and hopefully, with some persuasion from our lovely and pleasant bunch of hired soldiers on board, he'll tell us where it is." She grinned quickly. "Sounds fun, doesn't it. Well... fun aside from the fact that we have Dooku's little 'watchdog' on board." She lowered her voice slightly. "She's trouble, Rich. I'm no Jedi, but even I can sense that much."

She watched him for a moment. Even as she had been talking, Logan had been keeping an eye on the engine gauges. He had always been dedicated to his work, at least, he had been for the few years that she had known him. Dooku couldn't have hired a better person for the job. And Raze was glad there was at least one person on board that she didn't feel like she had to be watching her back around.

"You want me to bring you back some 'E'-Rats?" she asked, wondering if he was planning on remaining with his beloved engines, or thinking about perhaps meeting some of the crew. "They're not bad. If you like nuna, that is."
08-19-2006, 10:17 AM
"'E'-Rats?" asked Richard, smiling "Never tried them before. And since your offering, please do." Richard noticed something out of the corner of his eye which caused he to turn and flick a switch "There's alwase something that goes wrong." Richard took off a metal lid to the side of the engines and began examining the interior "So what are the crew like? I bet they're a lovely bunch."
08-19-2006, 10:39 AM
"Oh indeed," Raze said sarcastically. "The most pleasant and cultured collection of murderers and cutthroats you'd ever find on this side of Coruscant." She paused for a moment, watching him as he fiddled with something inside the panel his head was buried in. "The Captain's not that bad, though," she said. "A bit too Calvalier for my tastes, but he's 'cheery' enough. The others are... tolerable, for the most part, but I don't think any of them are true spacers though." She snorted with amusement. "By the way, if you were planning on using the fresher anytime soon, don't. Seth, the Zabrak, has got a touch of 'space sickness'." She grinned mischeivously. "It wasn't the Extended Rations, I swear," she added jokingly.
08-19-2006, 10:47 AM
Richard laughed at Raze's interption of the crew, causing him to loose a bit of concertration which resulted in him touching a wire. Fortunantally he only suffering small electric shock which felt more being picked by a needle. "ahhhh," Richard paused "Which reminds me, have you met the good doctor of this ship? I think they call him Doctor Death. Which hononistly sounds more like the name of an evil villian you'd find on a childrens holonet show."
08-19-2006, 11:25 AM
"Children's holovids?" Raze couldn't help but smile at Rich's comment. "Ah. I was wondering what you did in your spare time."

He looked up briefly, face stoic, but eyes smiling.

"Don't worry, Rich," Raze said conspiratorially. "Your secret is safe with me."

Her expression grew more serious. "But to answer your question, yes, I've seen the Doctor in passing, but haven't really had much to say to him yet. But you're right about the 'Doctor Death' part. It was mentioned in the crew profiles Dooku gave me and the Captain. And, if you saw them too, then Dooku probably mentioned it to warn us about him. I mean, you can kill off the hired guns, but you still need at least you and me to pilot and maintain the ship, right? And I don't believe for one second that Dooku gave us this ship out of the goodness of his heart. He wants it back in one piece." She paused pensively, remembering her little 'accident' she had had when with the CEC. "Safe to say though," she continued, "if the Captain ever assigns the good Doctor to galley duty, I'll be going on a starvation diet real quick."

"So, Rich, I've told you what I think. And you've met our mysterious Captain Dres. What's your opinion on 'the Raven?'"
08-19-2006, 11:55 AM
Jack finally finished enhancing his darts and daggers with the poisons given by the good Doctor. "Hmm, now I really want to start testing something, but since killing or tranquillizing any of the crew members is out of the question, the stealth generator will do."

Jack took his modified stealth generator out of his locker and put it on. When he turned it on, he vanished completely. When Jack looked down to look at himself, he couldn't see a thing, not even sign a standard stealth generator would have. "Now this is going to be tricky." he though as he started walking around the ship in stealth mode.

As he passed the engineering room he heard Raze and Logan having a conversation. Since he didn't have anything else to do, he decided to enter the room and sat down in the empty corner, where he could listen to the whole conversation without being noticed.

After listening for a while, he heard Raze say:
"if the Captain ever assigns the good Doctor to galley duty, I'll be going on a starvation diet real quick."

"She has no idea what the good Doctor is capable of making. I've seen stuff in that medical deposit of which an assassin could only dream off. If he ever get's mad at anyone, not even touching your personal belongings would be safe anymore ." Jack thought.
08-19-2006, 12:03 PM
K'nala decided to leave the Mercenaries to it and wanted to check out the bridge. Unknown to the crew she was given permission to kill any member of the crew if they tried to betrey her master (While she was playing the loyal servent). Because of this she had too know how to pilot the ship incase the betrayal came from the ships pilot and had to fly it as the rest couldn't.

She entered the bridge and looked around, no one was here at the moment they all seemed to be somewhere else on the ship. She analised the control and realised she was more than capable of flying it. K'Nala had a plan of taking control of the sepritist army, she only had to kill Dooku and take his place, sideous was unknown to the them and would remain unapposed. Once she had control of the Droid armies she will become the ruler of the entire galaxy, but first she had to kill Dooku and she needed Alies to do so...
08-19-2006, 12:30 PM
"Well I dought anything will happen to us. Because I have a little thing I like to call life incurance. I usually don't do stuff what I've done but I don't trust this crew the slightest, expect you of corse." Richard paused "Not to menchion, this ship is well built however many little faults keep proping up, nothing that would do any warm on they're own..." Richard finished, leaving Raze to do the math.

"What do I think of the captain? Can't say I really think much of him." Richards said pulling out an object that looked like computer graphics card(best way I can discribe it) he then slided over to Raze "Do you mind grapping the part that looks like that. It's in the corner over there."
08-19-2006, 12:50 PM
"Looking for something? Or are you just learning the controls?" Shadow asked K'Nala from behind her. He had followed her in and was curious.

Shadow remembered the first Dark Jedi he had met, Count Dooku, or Darth Tyrannous as they called him. He was completely different from what Shadow had expected. Sith were supposed to be ruthless power-hungry monsters from what he had been told. Dooku was a kind gentleman.

Dooku had offered him a contract and Shadow had accepted, since finding a contractor in that time was a bit hard due to heavy Jedi crackdowns recently. It was actually his easiest one. All he had to do was sabotage a luxury ship carrying a few important senators. It was easy to disguise as mechanic, after studying how to fix things in a ship so that he could pass off as one, and then plant a few hidden charges in the engine room and bail out. He also killed his first Jedi that day three years ago. After that, Shadow decided to take up a long term contract working for Dooku.

Shadow hoped that his apprentice would know good manners like him.
08-19-2006, 1:07 PM
K'Nala wasn't shocked by the appearance of the assassin, she felt his presance through the force. On hearing his Question she turned around. "I was just curious." She answered Calmly looking the large man up and down. "You must be Shadow Gravemind, my master spoke highly of you. He said you were a good a killer, Is that true?"
08-19-2006, 1:29 PM
"Do you mind grapping the part that looks like that. It's in the corner over there."

Raze nodded with compliance and walked over to the part in question. But her hand froze just above it. She looked at him askance. The part appeared new to anyone with an untrained eye, but to her eye it was... reconditioned, as used parts were referred to by those in the trade.

"Ah," she said with realization. Logan was replacing certain non-critical new parts with slightly used reconditioned ones, no doubt to justify any reasons for repairs, but also to have a good supply of new parts to make any replacements if needed. "This one?" she asked, as she picked it up and handed it to him. She winked at him. "Clever."
08-19-2006, 1:58 PM
"Thats the one," replied Richard as took it off her "Thank you." He then placed in the reconditioned one in to replace to new one he had removed earily. He then placed the metal lid back on and turned a lever on a pipe above which caused some steam to released from a pipe above the hyperdrive engine.
08-19-2006, 2:14 PM
"Yes, yes very interesting....." Jack thought as he stood up and leaned against the wall. He was annoyed by the topic of this little conversation. "I seriously doubt the Republic will give you the time to repair the ship when we're being blown to bits and pieces by a couple of cruisers..."
he grew tired of listening to the friendly chit-chat and left the room.
08-19-2006, 2:18 PM
"I seriously doubt the Republic will give you the time to repair the ship when we're being blown to bits and pieces by a couple of cruisers..."

(was that a thought or a was he speaking)
08-19-2006, 2:25 PM
"I get the job done whatever it might be. Although, I do kill my targets efficiently and silently at most times." Shadow replied. Then he asked K'Nala "How long have you been under Dooku? It seems odd that I have not seen you in the three years I have been working for him."

It was very odd Shadow hadn't seen her before. Shadow had worked with and seen most of Dooku's clients and hired hands before, ranging from Jango Fett to Durge to even General Greivous, though Shadow and Greivous didn't get along very well.
08-19-2006, 2:59 PM
"My Master's training involved Isolation from the outside world, He has been training me in the Dark Arts Since I Killed my former master... seven years ago." K'Nala replied Remembering the day Dooku found her standing over the dead Jedi. She remembered feeling guilty about what she had done and how she was planning to turn herself over to the jedi, but Dooku stopped her. Dooku saw the dark potential within K'Nala and showed her the path she now follows, He focused her Rage, Anger and lust for revenge against the Jedi's Lies.
08-19-2006, 3:09 PM
"Do you have any combat expierance? And if you do, have you killed a Jedi who was intent on killing you also?" Shadow asked. He had no doubt she could kill anyone on the ship due to her training. But it would be better to have someone who had live fire intent to kill going over their head at least once in their life.
08-19-2006, 3:16 PM
K'Nala Thought for a moment before she spoke, she didn't particuarly like answer questions but she decided it was best to indulge the mercenarie. "Although I have been isolated there were two instances where i proved my great skill's with my weapon. The first came When a jedi was sent to assasinate me for killing my master, He found me and tried to convert me. I did not listen and we dueled, until i killed him. The second was a few weeks ago when i infiltrated a republic dropship and killed every last clone on board. Is that enough Experiance for you?"
08-19-2006, 3:26 PM
"Hmm... Yeah, that sounds about good." Shadow replied. He stood for a few moments looking out into the black of space, and then asked "What do you think of this crew?"
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