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Jae Onasi

Latest Posts

Page: 28 of 98
Posted in: Getting to know each other
 Jae Onasi
05-11-2008, 10:26 PM
What??? :confused: He means 'follow the rules and Jae Onasi will never have a problem with you, and in fact will be sunshine in your life.' One of these years Jebus and Ferc will figure that out. :xp:...  [Read More]
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: You have no idea how badly I needed a good laugh today. I have no idea if her earmarks are pork or not, either. Since she represents the state with the biggest city in the nation, I'd expect her to have a few more than the se...  [Read More]
Posted in: Voting in the 2008 Presidential Election is...
 Jae Onasi
05-29-2008, 10:50 PM
I have one little voice. By myself, I'm not going to make very much of a difference, although the people in Broward County, FL learned just how important their votes were in the 2000 presidential election. However, if a bunch of people who share my...  [Read More]
Posted in: 'Pet' crystal's Cheat Code?
 Jae Onasi
05-19-2008, 2:47 AM
Quit spamming, Scorpius. Save that kind of conversation (posts 3 and 5) for PMs. This is your final warning not to spam. Please do not spam again or we'll have to take your posting privileges away to prevent you from continuing to spam. Locking.......  [Read More]
Posted in: Custom Titles...
 Jae Onasi
05-19-2008, 1:42 AM
Not to mention that the little game threads in the general forums boosted mine somewhat :p . Posts made in the game threads in the general forums do not add to post count. ;)...  [Read More]
 Jae Onasi
05-22-2008, 9:37 PM
jmac--you can fry ants in a couple seconds if you use a high power magnifying glass. They get all crunchy too, after that, and aren't all sour from the acid....  [Read More]
Posted in: Gold sellers - ugh.
 Jae Onasi
05-18-2008, 3:57 PM
Gold selling sucks hardly! Way back when i was playing Guild Wars, there was always gold sellers spamming at you on private chat whenever you arrived to major city. Always reported them. They've cut down on that alot recently--There aren't obvious g...  [Read More]
Posted in: Gold sellers - ugh.
 Jae Onasi
05-15-2008, 12:00 AM
edit: omg...I just saw an add for a service on this site! Report that one to tk102 and Aristotle--they can make a complaint to the company that provides the ads. I don't think LF should condone something that violates the EULAs of games, but that's...  [Read More]
Posted in: Gold sellers - ugh.
 Jae Onasi
05-14-2008, 8:37 PM
I never knew you liked naked orcs that much, Hall. I commend you for your open-minded views on love....  [Read More]
Posted in: Gold sellers - ugh.
 Jae Onasi
05-13-2008, 6:23 PM
Report them. If the companies hear from enough people, they'll start doing something about it. If enough people leave the game because of the spammers, the companies will take notice. We were having a problem with that in Guild Wars, too, and then...  [Read More]
Posted in: Gas-Tax Holiday as a litmus test for POTUS
 Jae Onasi
05-02-2008, 11:36 PM
Uh. A tax cut is not going to kill people. (unless you happen to be an economist who worries that every dollar being spent unwisely will cause catospheratic errors). Relax. Or, in other words, get back on topic! Lastly, it was something we were discu...  [Read More]
Posted in: Gas-Tax Holiday as a litmus test for POTUS
 Jae Onasi
05-01-2008, 7:04 PM
Here's the webpage for finding and contacting your Senators. ( This is the page for finding and contacting your Congressional Representative. (  [Read More]
I have about 7 Gb on my computer right now, but my iPod only holds 4 so I have to pick and choose. If I get around to loading all my CDs (and convert my cassettes to mp3s) I'll probably have about 20 GB worth of music on the computer, but I'm in no r...  [Read More]
Posted in: Worst Video Game enemies.
 Jae Onasi
05-16-2008, 12:24 AM
Uh, no, please don't post off-topic things.... Some of the worst were in VtMB--the werewolf as stoffe mentioned, but I hated those nasty tzimisce flesh creatures in the Warrens. I'm going to use noclip through that level because I can't stand lookin...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mass Effect for PC!!
 Jae Onasi
05-29-2008, 7:07 AM
People seem to be doing a good job here about being careful with the subject of illegal downloads. However, since we're talking about the problem of illegal downloads I thought I'd remind everyone that talking about how to crack the game or specifics...  [Read More]
Posted in: US National Primaries
 Jae Onasi
05-31-2008, 3:38 PM
15 May: They're all pretty much opportunistic, the only question is 'how opportunistic are they'. The only ones who I ever met/studied who weren't like that (at least to the usual degree) were Bill Proxmire and Paul Simon. 31 May: DNC meeting news...  [Read More]
Posted in: US National Primaries
 Jae Onasi
05-15-2008, 8:47 AM
More than a few of them had already made their endorsements, so I don't think Edward's blessing was a necessity.Maybe not an absolute necessity, no, but certainly not unimportant. Could be. Considering just how little impact Clinton's predicted win...  [Read More]
Posted in: US National Primaries
 Jae Onasi
05-14-2008, 8:43 PM
Oh, I knew he'd give an endorsement to someone--that was a political inevitability given the delegates he held. A small number, to be sure, but in a race with this relative level of closeness, no delegate is unimportant. I think he's timed it to blun...  [Read More]
Posted in: US National Primaries
 Jae Onasi
05-12-2008, 9:22 AM
Clinton and Obama are two of the most energetic campaigners I've seen in a long time. I think McCain will have a tough fight no matter who wins--he's representing the party that so many are now disenchanted with. He's already starting the race with t...  [Read More]
Posted in: US National Primaries
 Jae Onasi
05-11-2008, 11:06 AM
There's no chance for an independent ticket. Lieberman won as Senator after losing the Dem primary because the Republicans and moderate Democrats let him know in overwhelming numbers that they would re-elect him if he ran on an indy ticket. His situa...  [Read More]
Posted in: US National Primaries
 Jae Onasi
05-07-2008, 10:41 PM
I followed Dukakis' campaign. Barack Obama could run circles around Dukakis. He's smarter, more polished, more articulate. The money issue--in politics, the one who can raise the most money is far more likely to win. That's not always true, but it...  [Read More]
Posted in: US National Primaries
 Jae Onasi
05-07-2008, 12:55 PM
@ Source--The number of pledged and super-delegates is not subject to opinion polls, however. So far Obama is ahead in popular vote and pledged delegates. Neither can win the party's nomination outright right now--it's going to come down to the super...  [Read More]
Posted in: US National Primaries
 Jae Onasi
05-07-2008, 9:39 AM
Well, yesterday's primaries were in NC and IN. Obama won easily in NC, and Clinton won very narrowly in IN. Clinton canceled her morning appointments apparently, though last night she mentioned she was going on to campaign in WV. Will she withdraw or...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Coruscant - Jedi Temple
 Jae Onasi
05-05-2008, 6:24 PM
You can only learn certain forms with certain classes, so you won't be able to learn every single form with your guardian. Paul, don't get mad at people for recommending KSE and then say rude things. Not everyone remembers or knows that you don't k...  [Read More]
I haven't quite finished NWN1--NWN2 came out about the time I got midway through it, and I found NWN2 far more interesting and with much better graphics. I love the dialog--Sand and Grobnar have some of the most hilarious lines peppered throughout th...  [Read More]
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