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Page: 14 of 20
Posted in: What Flaws Did You Find In BF II?
11-08-2005, 7:57 AM
My response is: 1) Well, I don't mind the difficulty, but I often felt that I was doing everything with my co-op partner and that's it. No bot support. In fact, I dunno why the bots are there sometimes. 2) LEARN TO FLY! Left thumbstick is pitch up/d...  [Read More]
Posted in: What Did You Think Of the Space Battles In BF II?
11-08-2005, 7:48 AM
I think it's called 'learning to fly'. I love the controls on PS2, they're pretty much the same as BF1 with a roll/tilt function. But it's really cool. What I don't like is that transports take tons of damage crashing into ships in the hangar..when...  [Read More]
Posted in: Galactic Conquest
11-08-2005, 8:01 AM
Playstation manual sucks. So 'that's how it works....  [Read More]
Posted in: Welcome to the game! We are all noobs!
11-03-2005, 11:48 AM
I am 'so' looking forward to playing it! I find that me and my 'comrade' work really good in co-op. I think if you've got a few REAL LIFE mates online or offline, it makes a real difference to teamwork. You get to learn their moves, their thoughts, y...  [Read More]
Posted in: Hoth Impossible
11-08-2005, 7:41 AM
Well, have you noticed that you end up doing most of the work yourself? When have your allies done anything? (They can't capture CPs for example). I will conceed that they are better at NOT DYING though....  [Read More]
Posted in: terrible graphics, too much clutter
11-08-2005, 8:16 AM
I will say that split screen co-op on PS2 is FUGLY! Damn, it reminds me of Rainbow six. I suppose it's the cost of upping the detail. In BF1, it was a lot clearer, but now it's grainy....  [Read More]
A bit obvious, I will admit. I don't like the new 'Rebel Tank' though. It's been nerfed from being a rival to the 'Clone Tank' to being the rebel equiv of the Hailfire droid. Ugh....  [Read More]
Guides rock. At least they should mention tactics that work in practice as well as in theory. I've always wondered why no FAQ I've read mentions that hover tanks in Rhen Var can climb mountains, or that water stops blasters on Kashyyk(SIC?) and so on...  [Read More]
Impressive. Still, I'm going to be playing it on PS2. If you actually have a friend who's as aggressive in combat as you are, co-op play is better than just about anything....  [Read More]
Or more accurately, lose online because some n00b wants to play as a Jedi for the whole mission. Excellant findings, I'll have to admit. Pandemic must have been on the coffee again....  [Read More]
Posted in: FORCE THROW should who want this power included
10-24-2005, 6:59 AM
Well, I suppose it prevents people chucking tanks at people....  [Read More]
Posted in: Site updated
10-17-2005, 7:18 AM
To quote Patten in "Hostile Waters": "It's about time!"...  [Read More]
Posted in: SWBF II = Messed Up! ("realism" debate)
10-18-2005, 8:08 AM
Well, just to drag it on, there shouldn't be a health bar either. And remember, since most troopers are wearing eyepieces, their field of view should be rubbish (E.g Republic commando). And also, don't forget the classic "shoot the gun out of th...  [Read More]
Posted in: SWBF II = Messed Up! ("realism" debate)
10-13-2005, 5:25 AM
Yeah, I can agree on that. But then again, don't use pilot much in SWBF1 except for piloting!...  [Read More]
Posted in: SWBF II = Messed Up! ("realism" debate)
10-12-2005, 3:49 PM
WTMFFF???! Do you live in the same universe as we do? None of those Star Wars weapons are real. Give me an M60 over a Stormtrooper POS any day....  [Read More]
Posted in: SWBF II = Messed Up! ("realism" debate)
10-12-2005, 11:58 AM
Yeah, I'm beginning to see your point as a direct counter to the Jetpack's effectiveness anyway. Maybe if they replaced the Jetpack trooper with the Blaze Trooper. That'd be a lot better actually. Because it'd have the heavy armour but slow walking s...  [Read More]
Posted in: LucasArts and MTV Partner To Debut SWBF2
10-18-2005, 8:11 AM
Got it, played it, won it. It proverbially owns BF1/2 in the graphics department hands down. Now 'that' would be the best SW game ever, if it just used that kind of technology....  [Read More]
Posted in: LucasArts and MTV Partner To Debut SWBF2
10-17-2005, 7:11 AM
Best....weapon....ever! You know, I reckon if someone modded Onslaught/Assault mode to be Star Wars themed and sold it as a sperate game, SWBF3 would be out of business....  [Read More]
*Yawn* This is Star Wars, the name is an instant money maker. You want the best, try Westwood (before they were eaten alive by EA), or Epic, or ID. You know, people who DEPEND on the strength of their name being unsullied or they'd be down the pan....  [Read More]
Posted in: Do you think the psp grathics is crap?
11-01-2005, 6:12 AM
Okay. :P (Gotta love the sig.) *Ahem* 1) The PS2 has the best controls IMHO, weapon fire and the change weapon buttons are linked to the shoulder buttons. It literally means you intuitively fire with R1 and change primary weapon with R2, while 'Gre...  [Read More]
Posted in: Do you think the psp grathics is crap?
10-31-2005, 7:07 AM
Well, I guess you wont be needing a map screen then. :P...  [Read More]
Posted in: Do you think the psp grathics is crap?
10-12-2005, 9:48 AM
But the new Pokemon is crap though. The old ones made no pretence that 80% of all Pokemon you could capture were useless, but the new ones just spawn so many new ones that you pick ones that you think look "brilliant" and find out you're ge...  [Read More]
Posted in: CIS Strategies?
10-18-2005, 8:09 AM
As a point, it is possible to outmaneuver the ATTE at distance, because the Spider is better at turning. Also, the middle leg of the walker is the weaker point, they'll take disgusting damage if shot there....  [Read More]
Posted in: CIS Strategies?
10-17-2005, 7:07 AM
I don't understand why they never had a zoom when they are 100% accurate at ANY range, while the Hailfire is about as accurate as flicking rubber bands at a tank, but gets a scope anyway....  [Read More]
Posted in: Stormtrooper Mod
10-31-2005, 7:12 AM
Didn't know this was still going on....  [Read More]
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