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Posted in: LucasArts and MTV Partner To Debut SWBF2
09-29-2005, 11:43 AM
Nah, Betas aren't made public. Unless they want to make EVEN MORE money....  [Read More]
Posted in: Thus Far, do you plan to buy SWBF2?
09-29-2005, 5:23 AM
For all the "nay-sayers" out there. Is there any more evidence why LA are going to be making a killing out of BF2? Still, I bet in the UK it'll be seriously over-priced....  [Read More]
Posted in: Thus Far, do you plan to buy SWBF2?
09-28-2005, 3:59 AM
As a point, Empire @ War is created by Petroglyph, the team made of former Westwood Studios employees. Westwood made the Command And Conquer series which are well known for being mini-masterpieces in their own right, and they have great support for t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Heavy Troopers
09-29-2005, 3:22 AM
Heavy trooper carries a rocket launcher. The marine is the equivalent of a Snowtrooper. In BF2 they have the marine "model" an an officer, and the "Commander Bacara" model as a heavy trooper....  [Read More]
Posted in: Heavy Troopers
09-28-2005, 4:18 AM
Yeah, but you'd have a heavy trooper wearing light armour and looking as mean as a purple plum on legs. Most people who bought BF1 don't bother about the differences, really....  [Read More]
Posted in: Oh Screw This!
09-29-2005, 3:08 AM
Well, Halo 2 at least has enter/exit animations for all vehicles! Although they do explain the "jump out and jack a vehicle in mid/air thing....  [Read More]
Posted in: Oh Screw This!
09-28-2005, 3:49 AM
TK, I love playing with words, ever watched Monty Python? Way better than The Simpsons hands down. Or Red Dwarf, they are the masters of unique swearing. As always you seem to find a passion in using anything that anyone says to prove that I have pe...  [Read More]
Posted in: Oh Screw This!
09-27-2005, 3:57 AM
Oh I read it. But I'm not gonna feed your fire. If you throw around subtle little insults (like you just did again), no way am I going to acknowledge it. So please, use the internet for good, not evil. Look, in the name of something real evil, just S...  [Read More]
Posted in: Oh Screw This!
09-26-2005, 11:31 AM
Can I just tick the "agreed" boxes, and we can both quit the long posts? Especially since I'm not in disagreement. (Although perhaps I spend too much time in my computer labs..there goes my eyesight). If you must know, for interest, politi...  [Read More]
Posted in: Oh Screw This!
09-26-2005, 9:29 AM
Until HordaK and Redtech drop the childish insults, their posts do not dignify a response. Wait, you've been whinging non-stop about how much SWBF2 sucks on and on and when I do make a sensible (but long post), instead of reading it and making a poin...  [Read More]
Posted in: Oh Screw This!
09-26-2005, 4:52 AM
What an intelligently written, moving opinion. I aim to please. It puts the point across without having to degenerate into insulting people with the opposite view! And you can actually have girlfriends while wanting a perfect game! It's called want...  [Read More]
Posted in: Oh Screw This!
09-25-2005, 10:29 AM
Damn, you people need girlfriends, F-A-S-T! (I know it's an alien thing, but you can get used to people of the opposite sex). I'm going to repeat this until someone starts getting fed up. SWBF2 is a game! Not a sim Or a realistic game Or even a det...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dark Troopers overpowered in Battlefront 2
09-25-2005, 12:15 PM
Agreed. Ain't buying it though. ;P...  [Read More]
Posted in: omg, the graphic =[
09-28-2005, 3:51 AM
Laziness I suppose? I mean, this did have to have a demo by the release of Episode 3 on DVD....  [Read More]
Posted in: omg, the graphic =[
09-26-2005, 3:46 AM
Well, while I don't mind getting a mag for console demos, for PCs, it's unfair that they can't have a free download from fileplanet, say. A beta means you're obliged to comment on bugs and you're legally bound not to spill beans etc. Also, you pay fo...  [Read More]
Posted in: omg, the graphic =[
09-25-2005, 10:25 AM
Weird when one thinks about it. A dedicated PC Battlefront 2 would most likely be "teh win" (or at least the first person models would look better than Jedi Knight 2). Anyway, I don't own Battlefront, I play it with a friend. Everyone wins...  [Read More]
Posted in: Shoot it, shovel it, shutup.
09-26-2005, 3:37 AM
Well, still doesn't make much sense, although the pistols and other infinate ammo guns do...well, I call that balancing....  [Read More]
So, how many "non-geek" Star Wars fans can tell Clones apart? I mean, Bacara's lot don't jog my memory at all even though I've seen the screenshot they're in. (And watched ep III). Most people who'll buy this game will be "WTF?" a...  [Read More]
I knew there was a point playing games. To enjoy oneself. Personally, I'd prefer if the Empire and CIS always lost because they did in the films, and General Grievous died of asthma, as that's more realistic. ;)...  [Read More]
I'm sure .50 cal would do the trick, but a standard M16 couldn't puncture it. And hey, the armor may be strong, but it ain't impact-resistant. Rocks don't count! :) Well, I can assure you, that most "decent" assault rifles have a higher pen...  [Read More]
Hey Pho3nix, you read VGCats too? Cool. ------------------------------- TK, just adding... Wait, suicide bombers in Star Wars? You'll be telling me there's a 911 scene in Ep 3 now? It wasn't something Lucas created I'm sure. *shrugs* Can't say that...  [Read More]
Cows=tasty! Fortnox, I meant that BF2 is not going to be a realistic simulation of the events of Star Wars, because the movies aren't realistic. In a three on one fight, the US Marine corps would out gun any Storm trooper that even tried to lift it'...  [Read More]
"Cry me a river." All opffence intended, but GET A LIFE. BAttlefront isn't a sim, it's an arcade team-based shooter....  [Read More]
Posted in: A detailed list of the Heros/Jedi from OPM for BF II!
09-25-2005, 12:17 PM
UT2004 music rocks!...  [Read More]
Posted in: What would be a GOOD to add-onto the game...
09-28-2005, 3:28 AM
Saying that, if there's loads of stupid bots hitting the wall, millions will become epileptic overnight!...  [Read More]
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