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Page: 48 of 58
Posted in: What Games are you Currently Playing?
12-30-2001, 4:10 AM
Thought I'd bring back one of the most posted-at threads from the YaBB forums. Post what games you're currently playing and/or hopelessly addicted to. For me: Microsoft Pinball Arcade - I got this game at the same time as Grim Fandango, and I stil...  [Read More]
Posted in: year two: elevator.
12-30-2001, 1:52 AM
You just have to know what exactly to do once you're in the elevator. Plan your route out before you start the lift moving, and you should be in the clear. If you've tried about a million times and still can't get it to work, it might be a bug in the...  [Read More]
Posted in: SOLD!
12-29-2001, 4:50 AM
I don't know whether I'm the last to find out about this or not, but it still burns me up. Apparently Telefragged has sold the domain to DreamCatcher Games, which is basically some sort of online store. At least it sells adventure...  [Read More]
Posted in: so what did everyone get for gifts?
12-30-2001, 8:25 PM
I think you're supposed to talk about the quote if you use them. Also: You worry too much. It's kind of hard to reply if we don't observe (and by that, I mean read) each other's posts, so quit freaking out when you get quoted....  [Read More]
Posted in: Damn MixnMojo!
12-28-2001, 7:27 PM
Lies! Mojo is awesome....  [Read More]
Posted in: YaBB forums
12-30-2001, 4:13 AM
Not anymore! You're back to your old (new?) self again....  [Read More]
Posted in: YaBB forums
12-28-2001, 5:54 AM
MtBlancPamir is known as Dinghy Dog on these forums. He's posted here before, in the poetry section....  [Read More]
Posted in: Christmas goodies
12-28-2001, 7:35 PM
Originally posted by Andrei I got Urban Terror and I've gotta say it rocks hard. Props to Jake and the rest of the UT team. You're right about that. It's the most fun with Quake 3 I've had in awhile. Can't wait for Beta 3....  [Read More]
Lupe, don't worry about anything. You're not going to be banned, as you haven't done anything offensive yet. Your behavior HAS improved. I'll make sure that the moderators won't abuse their authority to compell you to leave. Just do me a favor and tr...  [Read More]
Helios wasn't the problem; you were....  [Read More]
Posted in: "Interesting" GFN thing..
12-28-2001, 6:20 PM
It's got that familiar Thrik style. Very nice work....  [Read More]
Posted in: Too many forums
12-28-2001, 6:46 PM
Yeah, I mean, people have posted in every forum now, so it'd be harder to reap them now. :manny: Anyway, I had a lot more forum ideas that I didn't include, such as an LSA board, which may or may not show up in the future. It depends heavily on who t...  [Read More]
Posted in: LoTR = Good
12-28-2001, 6:08 AM
I feel that way about a lot of films; theatres are designed with that goal in mind, after all. The room goes dark, and everything else just fades away into the blackness as the story unfolds....  [Read More]
Posted in: LoTR = Good
12-28-2001, 4:51 AM
Sorry to get your hopes up ;). I was half-hoping someone more qualified than myself would step in and take my place in this particular discussion, so I could sit back and learn, heh....  [Read More]
Posted in: Hey where's Lupe?
12-30-2001, 4:17 AM
Lupe, you haven't harrassed anyone yet. That's a good start. Your behavior is better than it has been in the past. Keep it up....  [Read More]
Posted in: Hey where's Lupe?
12-28-2001, 7:12 PM
Your first and second chances were used up at the EZboard and YaBB forums....  [Read More]
Posted in: 1 request to this site...
12-28-2001, 7:23 PM
What I need is for you to be a bit more mature....  [Read More]
Posted in: Let's bring back the old traditions!
12-30-2001, 8:15 PM
I think it's safe to say you misinterpreted his post....  [Read More]
Posted in: Let's bring back the old traditions!
12-30-2001, 7:29 PM
Ehh, the thread had been stale for a few days. It'd be better to let it fade away....  [Read More]
Posted in: Let's bring back the old traditions!
12-29-2001, 10:51 PM
Silliness is good in moderation. When overused, it becomes annoying however....  [Read More]
Posted in: Let's bring back the old traditions!
12-28-2001, 7:19 PM
person... However, just then, Manny wakled by, and reminded Glottis to stop hogging the spotlight, since it was his story after all....  [Read More]
Posted in: um hello..........
12-28-2001, 7:10 PM
Rumor? Um, I know he's back. I'm the one who made him a moderator....  [Read More]
Posted in: First screenshot from Sam & Max in Space
12-30-2001, 5:05 PM
Indeed. Just go to the website and it should explain how to access your webspace (since it's already set up if your nickname is registered)....  [Read More]
Posted in: First screenshot from Sam & Max in Space
12-30-2001, 2:14 AM
Also: Offsite hosting is key....  [Read More]
Posted in: First screenshot from Sam & Max in Space
12-30-2001, 2:05 AM
Confused, would we? I'll just see about that!1...  [Read More]
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