Maybe, you could release what you've got, and come back later and finish. I'd love to see what you already have released now. I'll finish my saber and upload it separately.
I'll give it two to three days and see if anyone wants to take over, then if nobody does i'll release what I already have.. :)
Maybe have a helping hand from the tsl usm authors?
Nah, it wouldn't be fair asking them to go through that again.
What I might do though, is release what I have as a modders resource.
So others can use them in their mods.
If you were going to release it, I'd say to release it as a source pack. That's just my opinion though.
Very unquie hilts guys! I like them.
Lordjedi, PLEASE stop posting +1 posts!
You'll get into trouble for it eventually, as I myself did. ;)
Methinks you still haven't gotten the whole "Don't post about it and just use the Report a Post function" thing... -RH
Anyway, i've decided to release the models asa resource pack for modders to use in their own mods. I'll RAR em up then send em to KotORFiles later today. :)
As this mod is now dead, I think it should be closed, so if the next moderator to pass through would like to do the honours! :xp:
Okey-dokey. -RH