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Cantina 13: Rebellion

Page: 12 of 22
11-04-2004, 1:19 PM
Kal: Master, let me handle him. He killed my mother.
11-04-2004, 2:25 PM
((OOS: o.O *starts building Kal's funeral pyre* XD))

Coruscant Underlevels

*The sun was long gone.

Aboard the Inquiry, Rwos and Gilian wait for the other Blades to arrive in the gathering area next to the hatch. Both of them wore their normal outfits; Gilian in black, with a few black armor pieces, decorated with dark red and silver ornaments, and Rwos with his silver plate chest-piece, silver-lined red pauldrons, purely ornamental blue loincloth, and pieces of a black leathery material and thin dark gray strip-armor elsewhere. Gilian has black, metallic claws on one hand, and a silver crecsent moon blade on her other arm, with the long blade that could extend from the middle retracted. Rwos carries a silver sword of his own on his back, and an inactive blue lightblade on his belt. Both also carried black throwing discs or blades on their belts. Both wore different roughly axe-shaped masks designating their different specialities, Rwos' a broader, more elaborate design as opposed to Gilian's which were practically tatoos.

Nereli arrives first. The dark elf appears partially stripped-down; the ornamental design pieces of his outfit gone, leaving it almost entirely black. He wears a chest-piece of a material similar in look to leather, another piece protecting his neck, a silver belt, and a network of black straps on his arms and legs. In one gloved hand he holds a set of long, thin clawlike weapons with translucent blades. In the other, he holds a long, double-edged but very thin-bladed shimmering sword.

Following shortly were the elf Slythe, and the gargoyle Akaver. Slythe wears no visible armor at all. The flared sleeves of his light coat are rolled back, and his simple light-colored elven clothing has flair to it, accentuated by his long, strangely styled back-spiked flowing hair. His hands and arms are bare. A silver sword was strapped at his waist behind him, beautiful in design, but clearly useless for nonmagic combat.

By contrast, the Lady Knight Sieze Akaver wears full plate armor, studded with crystals, especially lining the edges and joints. The armor makes her appear even larger than her already exceptional eight and a half feet of height. Even her wings had a black covering, nearly matching her deep black skin. A huge spiked chain is draped across her shoulders, and she carries a large but short-handled morningstar with axe-blades in place of studs, and a bladed hook on the handle's end.

Next came the orc - or Orka - Nereli had called Tari Mazk. If the Knight Akaver wasn't already in the room, she would have cut the most impressive figure. Her short, thick black locks are tied back atop her head. She wears immense stone pieces on her shoulders, arms, ankles, and waist. Circular metal pieces covered her chest, shins and partially her feet, wrists and hands. The rest of her bronze-green skin was bare, displaying a hugely muscular physique. Despite this, it was clear that no human, or even gargoyle, could have as much as stood up in the outfit she wore. She carries a great spiked hammer with a long handle.

Shane, in black and silver with two firey blades on his back, and Raschel, in standard Blade black armor with a double lightsword handle at her waist, come next. After them, rounding up the group, come Orion and Ida. Orion wears a white cloak this time, bright against her red skin, and carries a bow and quiver on her back, the twin scimitars she used when expecting a melee fight nowhere to be seen. She does not wear Blade dress, making her the only one without a mask. Ida walks next to her, purple in her outfit identifying her as Orion's escort, the rest of her body suit dark blue and black. She also carries her violet lightsword deactivated on her waist.

The ship lands, and the cloak deactivates. The hatch in front of the Blades - and Orion - slides open. Nereli takes the lead, exiting.*

Nereli: We have a rough location. The Inquiry will continue to monitor. Remember, the primary target is K'Warra K'laar, but he must be wounded and disabled, not killed. *looking at Orion* You are allowed to assist as you see fit, but do not disobey an order to break off combat, or you will be returned to the ship to stay.


SSD Executor, Prison Garrison

Starr: *to Luthen* Where did you get the Vanguard warriors? Do Reletha Darkstar or her allies possess more?

Luthen: I was given them by a woman who called herself Robyn Red. Chancellor Reletha and her allies do not possess any other Vanguard that I am aware of. The woman Robyn said that the Vanguard were retrieved from Ulna Shardes where they were left when Farran Darkholme died.

Starr: How did you know to ambush me where you did?

Luthen: I was told that also by the woman Robyn.

*Starr reaches into Luthen's mind, receiving a mental picture of a woman in dressed in bright shades of red, wearing a crimson cloak and mask. The mask had an axe-blade shape traced in it, but covered her entire upper face, revealing only a sharp, deadly smile formed by soft lips. White-glowing eyeslits were cut into the axe-blade shape, the design of which looked familiar to Starr.*

Starr: What did this woman Robyn tell you about herself?

Luthen: She said that she was acting as an emissary of the Blades and Termand Rwos, who wish to see Lord Cracken, his heirs, and his apprentice Starr Hailfire dead.


Hyperspace, En Route to Coruscant

Aren: *via holoprojector* Kioet, the exit point is approaching quickly. You will probably be pulled out of hyperspace by an Interdictor any minute now. Make sure your ship systems are in full working order, and prepare for ship-to-ship combat. Remember to use your energy missiles on the capships...or exceptionally annoying fighter craft. Also remember that your missile load is twenty, and you do need to give the payload time to recharge once you use part of it.
11-04-2004, 7:21 PM
((He was talking to Irvine. He glanced at starr thinking about wether or not Irvine was the superior in that situation. Plus I had already clicked reply before you posted, so I didn't know you had done so

Cracken: Just noticed your sig, invader zim rules))
*When Chavo arrives at the celll he looked around. Some escape route would come for him it always did. He paced around the room. Any minute now. He paced again, c'mon just an exit, and again. Finally he just started throwing a shoe into the air and catching it agian*
Greer: All right. Can you give me descriptions and names of the two techs who you mentioned.
*Greer was handed a datapad, which automatically drew a sketch of someone from descriptions*
11-05-2004, 2:56 AM
Med Tech: Well one was a Bothan, short brown fur, yellow eyes, black steek over each eye running back to his scalp, if they have scalps.

The other was a human. *Looks at the other tech.* You saw him more than I did.
11-05-2004, 8:59 AM
Obroa Skai, Uplink Node

Deac: We'll take him together. *Looks at Drones* So. Clones of Malice. After we dust you we'll take them.

*Deac throws his left saber, and force speeds after it, right saber held in both hands. Syrnl, meanwhile, breaches the side door and enters...*


Obroa Skai, Chapel Of Lokpihet

*Syrnl bursts in, red lightsaber activated. Rishtag stands*

Rishtag: The chosen one. You return. But you do not have our black lord, no, you have renounced everything we gave you.

Syrnl: I've come to butcher you all on your own altars.

*Syrnl beheads the nearest acolyte*

Rishtag: It won't save your soul. Even if you kill us, our blood won't earn you salvation.

Syrnl: Maybe not. But if I'm going to hell, I'm going to have a fair welcome when I get there and I want to make sure you don't mess it up.
11-05-2004, 10:44 AM
Kioet: all systems appear to be functioning properly.
11-05-2004, 1:20 PM
Coruscant Underlevels

*The Blades head away from the Inquiry, and head down through gaps in the duracrete-work.

Several hours pass in the dark and damp, only a few ghouls, rats, and scattered other life-forms being encountered this deep.

The Blades are heading down a series of metal caverns, and have just emerged into a huge underground open area, canyons going deep down and reaching far up out of sight, when the Inquiry contacts them*

Blade: *via comm* Sai, we are detecting large numbers of life signs near your area. They have magic signatures. They're shielded by a local mask that sensors have a hard time penetrating.

Nereli: Can you detect anything else about them?

Blade: We don't think they are alerted to your presence. But we can't be sure yet as our sensors just found them.

Nereli: Then we will proceed with caution.

Gilian: Wait...I sense...

*A bright green crossbow bolt streaks down from a ledge high above. Nereli, moving just as fast, slices the bolt in half with his blade before it hits him*

Gilian: Duncan!


Coruscant Space

Aren: Five seconds. Three. Two. One.

*Kioet's missile boat bursts out of hyperspace, inside an Interdictor's inhibitor field*

((Deac: Your Interdictor...your move. :D))
11-05-2004, 2:38 PM
((Deac: Not clones of malice, just think of it as like 'almost blanks'. liek only F. Irivne know's who's DNA he used for them (which technically he does ;)))


*F. Irvine smiles as he let's his 'drones' drop his showd blocking his force presence. And his eyes begin glow white like Cracken's did when he used his Sleeper abilities...

A burst of the dark side escapes from him as it happens, sending shivers down Deac's and Kal's backsides.

F. Irvine extends his right hand, and opens his palm, as Deac's lightsaber flys at him. His hand briefly glows blue and Deac's saber suddenly stop spinning and corrects itself to let F. Irvine swing his hand onto it and use it as his own weapon!

With that he swings it and deflects Deac's oncoming attack, then laughs.*


SSD Executor

*Irvine was walking back to his quarters the suddenly senses his clone's power. He stops dead in his tracks.*

Irvine "That's from him? It's like his power is comparitive to my father's?"


Flax's ship(damnit bd name it ffs)

Med tech "Well he was sorta wierd. He seemed like he was almost incontrol of things, like there was something about him. It was like he knew what he was doing. Like Ice.
It seemed when he consentrated on something at one point, these wierd tattoo things showed up on the sides of his face, like red long triangles that almost looked like flames two each on each side of his face. But clearly not there when it seemed like nothing was going on.
He had short dark hair, but he wore a hat. His ears now that I think of it, they seemed a little big, but then he wore a big hat that seem to have been fitted for him anyway, since his ears were 'tucked' in. The hat went down lower anyways..."
11-05-2004, 2:47 PM
((Its called the IndependanceII, its posted in every thread.))

*Kal advances, cautiously, his orange blade up.*

*Suddenly there is a flash of light and a ghostly apperition appears.*

Ivrine, your time has come!
11-05-2004, 3:52 PM

*F. Irvine creates a strong force push at Deac, making him skid backwards.

F. Irvine looks at the ghost.*

F. Irvine "Identify yourself..."
11-05-2004, 7:44 PM
*Greer frowned, on the datapad was a picture of the bothan exactly as was described, but the picture of the human was slightly disorted*
Greer: You sure he was human?
*Chavo starts singing an old war tune from the clone wars*
 Cmdr. Cracken
11-05-2004, 10:37 PM
SSD Executor: Prison Garrison

*Cracken suddenly stood straight* Termand Rwos wants me dead? for what reasons?
11-06-2004, 4:18 AM
Have killed so many that you do not recognise me?

*The power of the Unifying Force begins to flow into Kal and Deac, greatly boasting their strength.*

*Kal andvances more confidently and exicutes an diagonal upwards cut aimed at disembouling F.I.*


Med Tech: Like I said, I didn't know him very well.
11-06-2004, 4:35 AM
*F. Irvine blocks, and then pushes Kal forward away from him with little effort.*

F. Irvine "Soephe Flax I take it? No matter how much power you lend to them I will always be more powerful then they are."

((I'd rather if you don't argue that, cus Red and Cracken will be breathing down your neck too :P

and F. Irvine is stronger, him having decades of practice of using the force to enhance his strength :)))

*F. Irvine looks at Kal and Deac, as he takes Deac's saber and snaps it in two, like a twig. He then pulls out his own lightsword and ignites it.*
11-06-2004, 5:53 AM
[Just as long as he's not invincible]

Main Uplink Gallery

Deac: You b*stard. I spent good time building that saber.

*Deac takes his silver saber, the Starkiller family one in both hands*

Deac: Irvine, you have caused misery and suffering enough to warrant a good dismembering.


Chapel of Lokpihet

*Syrnl rushes at Rishtag and cleaves another acolyte in two. Three remain.*



*The Interdictor fires on the missile boat*
11-06-2004, 7:29 AM
Greer*while waiting for the other medic to answer*: Can you describe the tatoos?
11-06-2004, 1:36 PM
((his sleeper abilities and him being more of one mind lets him out class them, but not invincible. IE: he can use more then one force power at once for example))

Independence II

Medic "Well they're usualy not visable, but there like two red stipes on each side of his face, that come from his hair, where they are the widest, then generaly 'thin out' to points near his lower jaw."



F. Irvine "Misery? Suffering? You give me too much credit. I haven't even begun to start any of that. Clearly you think less of me. First of all the 'so-called' Surpeme Chancellor, I will deal with Reletha myself. You better tell the republic and let that travel to Cracken and his 'Empire', that her head is already claimed. I'd get on that fast, cus if she is, I will bring about the largest spree of your 'so called' misery and suffering you'd have to call it an atrocity."

*F. Irvine extinshes his saber.*

F. Irvine "I have no gain killing you starkiller. That feud was between you and Lokpihet, not me. Don't make it apealing to me to strike you down and you're little apprentace there too. Regardless how strong you're able to become, I will still over power you."
11-06-2004, 1:49 PM
Uplink Gallery

Deac: Then get the hell out of the way of those controls and drop that disk on the ground

*Rishtag bursts in*

Rishtag: You will do no such thing. We had an agreement. We will blacken the universe!

*Rishtag suddenly notices the activated lightsaber that has gone through his chest*

Syrnl: When you get to Hell, tell Lokpihet I'm coming for him.
11-06-2004, 1:57 PM
*F. Irvine had kept the disk hidden and hadn't even reached the console.*

F. Irvine "What disk? Oh and tell Lokpihet if you see him if things continue the way that they are, I'll be sending down some more friends for him to play with..."
11-06-2004, 2:00 PM
Syrnl: Don't let him do it, Deac. That console will cost a million credits so replace...but that disk will bring down every computer in the galaxy.

*Deac throws his remaining lightsaber at the console and it explodes in a shower of sparks*

Deac: Leave. Now. And Reletha's MINE.
11-06-2004, 2:04 PM
*F. Irvine looks at Deac's action, and looks neither displeased nor angry.*

F. Irvine "There's more then just that one... Make me."

*F. Irvine ignites his saber once again, pointing at the floor, the long blade cuts through at least two feet.*
11-06-2004, 2:06 PM
Syrnl: I guess this is going to be done the hard way.

*Syrnl draws his saber and rushes toward Irvine*
11-06-2004, 2:14 PM
((deac: clean out your pm box XD

note: clean out the 'sent items' too))

*F. Irvine pulls his saber up in an upwards diagonal swing, throwing up chunks of the floor at Syrnl. He spins around to block Syrnl when he gets through the dibris.*
11-06-2004, 2:17 PM
*Greer checks the datapdad. The image looked clearer, with the tatoo appearing and disappearing.*
Greer: When was the last time you saw him?
11-06-2004, 2:23 PM
Independence II

Medic "I guess after I give him my gear, he had all the condentals that he needed to work as a Medic it seemed..."
11-06-2004, 2:31 PM
((Scar, its the UNIFYING FORCE, the guys are getting it fed to them through a spirit at one with the force. However, since you persist things are now going to get worse.))

Kal, you must let my guide you.

Kal: But mother........ alright.

*Kal feels a sense of imence peace and calm.*

*He charges at Ivrine, the force flowing though him and exicutes a left-right swing, followed by an upwards cut, followed by his father's lightenign fast Form II lunge. All in no more than two seconds.*
11-06-2004, 3:01 PM
((damnit bd, F. Irvine is MENT to own those three, sry to say it but, you want him to be like Cracken and start throwing sleeper powers left and right?

just noting that the fact that F. Irvine has somewhat of an aresnal of what to use agenst those three. Note that he let those three drones sit off to the side, not doing anything. He could very will command them to get themselves involved and enhance himself further, just like Sophae's ghost was/is))

*The last moment before Kal's assult, F. Irvine lowers his blade, and his body seems to vibrate. Two images of himself appear then dissappear, as he closes his eyes.

Then gets cut down, and his body bursts, and a stream of energy splits from what was his body in two directions on either side of the group...*
11-06-2004, 3:06 PM
((OOS: F. Irvine "Soephe Flax I take it? No matter how much power you lend to them I will always be more powerful then they are."

((I'd rather if you don't argue that, cus Red and Cracken will be breathing down your neck too :P

and F. Irvine is stronger, him having decades of practice of using the force to enhance his strength ))


((his sleeper abilities and him being more of one mind lets him out class them, but not invincible. IE: he can use more then one force power at once for example))

No, Scar. Like all Sleepers, F. Irvine's Sleeper powers are based on twisting/warping/altering reality, not a function of his vast resources of power (which he doesn't have.)

Cracken is the one with the insane amount of power, because it's been augmented and "cultivated" artificially by the Girl.

F. Irvine is of more than one mind, and that lets him 'multitask', as you said, but his ability to change reality is based on his personality just like with Cracken, and Kioet. He won't necessarily beat anyone based on raw power, but on powers that the Jedi do not know how to deal with. Things that are insanely unexpected (re: his splitting power back in C8). The powers of Chaos. Sure he is powerful, but that's his 'edge'.


F. Irvine is MENT to own those three, sry to say it but,

Being "meant" to own them has nothing to do with him being able to or not.

you want him to be like Cracken and start throwing sleeper powers left and right?

Yes, that's the point. :) [But he can't just crib Cracken's powers, if I need to say that again XP]

Will make a real post later :p))
11-06-2004, 3:16 PM
((ty red for explaining that ^_^

although him having the strength ability is true, he's been using it since pth ;)

Although, its still sorta yeh or nay on the decision of him being able to use light force powers, weither or not WH Irvine has been corrupted enough yet :)

Resourses on the other hand the amount he can use, not jsut number, is currently a little over (but not too much) then twice his oringal self (Elder Irvine fusing wiht WH Irvine) could be very well along the way (maybe sooner) he'll get more inside that noggin of his ;)))
11-06-2004, 4:13 PM
*Kioet dodges the turbolasers, targets the interdictor's bridge and fires two energy missiles*
11-06-2004, 4:22 PM
Greer: I suppose we won't get any identification from DNA or fingerprints we might find then, probably forged into the system. Do you know anyone else who saw him?
11-06-2004, 5:21 PM
Medic "No idea..."
11-06-2004, 5:36 PM
*While asking the next question Greer sends the photograph for every camera's recording on the ship be scanned for anybody resembling the sketches. He showed them to the medics*
Greer: Are these images close?
11-06-2004, 6:30 PM
Coruscant Underlevels

*Duncan's voice comes down from above*

Duncan: It is true, then, that the Blades have come to hold traffic with common demons.

*Rwos activates his lightsword, the blue fire around the bright blade chasing away the shadows around him. Gilian had already extended her silverly arm blade. The other Blades waited*

Nereli: Identify yourself, stranger.

Duncan: I am Cyrus Duncan, slayer of demons. I am a hunter, but you are not my prey. Leave now, and your lives will be spared.

Nereli: Unfortunately that is impossible. We have come to retrieve the gargoyle K'Warra K'laar, and it is here that we have found him.

*The air shivers. A cloaked being with a scarred face appears*

Being: *looking at Rwos and Gilian* You two again? Geez, you never quit!

Rwos: You! *to Nereli and the others* That is the demon controlling the Guardian, Sejhan!

Sejhan: Can't put anything past you, can I? Fine, you want K'Warra - excuse me, "the Guardian"? Come and get him!

*The air shivers, and Sejhan disappears again*


SSD Executor, Prison Garrison

Luthen: She said that Lord Cracken would betray Rwos and the Blades, that his power had become great, and dangerous. I told her that Lord Cracken was dead. She told me she did not believe that to be the case, but that I must kill Starr Hailfire while his master was absent, or it might become impossible.

Starr: *anger in his voice* Did this woman tell you why Rwos and the Blades believe Lord Cracken would betray them?

Luthen: Lord Cracken had allied with Rwos and his friends before, and betrayed them, bringing much pain and suffering throughout the galaxy. Thus he would likely betray them again, and must be killed preemptively. She said these Blades had worked with Cracken, after he made a second show of friendship, only to discover the extent and nature of his new power, and find how to best exploit and destroy it, under the pretense of helping him find his daughter.


Coruscant Space

*The energy missiles hit the local-area shield projectors on the Interdictor's bridge tower, causing them to burst into flame*

Holo-Aren: Focus your missiles on one area to disable the ship. And beware of fighters - although they stand little chance against you, they have the advantage of numbers...
11-06-2004, 6:53 PM
*Man-from-corner, after checking out his weapons for awhile announced*
Man-from-corner: All right, I'm going off to the mission
*He then went to the Transport room and stepped in the teleportation doohickey*
Man-from-corner: This is going to get funky....
 Cmdr. Cracken
11-06-2004, 9:56 PM
(( To Add to Redwings discussion on the Sleepers, Is Cracken. Cracken is bound by nature to Order. His rule depends on it, and thrives on it. With out order withing the Empire, he loses power politically.

Thus, derives his Sleeper powers of control and order. Does he have access to destructive means? Yes, He's a Fskin' Sith Lord, but more so are his Sleeper powers to control or contain. He bends people or reality to his making and design.

Problem is, unlike FH Irvine, he hasn't used alot of his sleeper abilites, and is still figuring out how to apply them. Once he does however, the power generated will be immense, because of the 'cultivating' as Redwing put it, that was done.))

SSD Executor: Prison Garrison

Cracken: Who was his woman who passed this information and task of killing my apprentice to you?
11-06-2004, 11:11 PM
*Kioet targets the interdictor's hangar bay and launches two more energy missiles, and follows up with a strafing run with laser cannons on the cruiser's hull*
11-07-2004, 5:47 AM
Deac: What the...?

Syrnl: Is he gone?
11-07-2004, 6:47 AM
((Yeah, but F. Irvine used his powers before :D

I donno what ideas red has came up with for skills for F. Irvine, but I do have a few of my own ^^))


*From the right of the three* "Not exacty!!" *The sound of a saber igniting (yellow)*

*From the Left, and another sound of an igniting Saber (blue)* "Foolish Jedi!"

*On the right was a version of F. Irvine wiht Black hair and yellow eyes. ((cant get enough of that trailer XD)) His face looked heavly corrupted.

The one on the left, had the same white hair that had always been seen with, expect this encarnation didn't look the slightest bit currupted.*

White "Do they really have to be so persistant?"

Black "Let's get this show in the road! Shall we??"

White "Let's.."

*Two of the drones suddenly get lifted up, and get force pulled to each of the encarnations. They each grab for their necks, and their eyes darken to an obsidian as the drones' presence weakens and fades. During the entire time they were gaurding themselves, exept at the last moment when they get momentarly distracted with their 'obsorbtion' as they release their 'death grip' and breathe in a deep breath as the drone's body bursts into dust.

The two encarnation's presences grows a bit equal to of that of the drone's..*
11-07-2004, 8:49 AM
((Time to get megga funky!))

*Suddenly more spirits coalesse, those of all the jedi that F.I. has killed. Each Jedi holds an epipheral lighsaber. Sophae is now far more distinct.*

Sophae: Can you say "Bad Karma"?
11-07-2004, 9:09 AM
((just dont over do it...))

Black "Cartainly. But answer me this, why haven't you tried that before on Cracken?"

*The 'black' encarnation pulls out a comm unit and speaks into it.*

Black "Malice, it would be more enjoyable that I have alot less interference wiht outside parties..."
11-07-2004, 9:14 AM
((Hey BD, you stole my line. I PUT A JIHAD ON YOU!
Scar: What's next? Blonde Irvine? Purple-haired irvine? :p))
11-07-2004, 10:54 AM
((shaddup jm :P))
11-07-2004, 11:09 AM
((And who did you steal the line from, JM?))

Sophae: I didn't want to be over dramatic.

*The spirits walk inexably foward.*
11-07-2004, 6:18 PM
((Some hobo on the street who was smoking pot))
11-08-2004, 10:17 AM
Malice: Certainly. I've just taken the liberty of sealing off your entire block. Have fun.

Deac:That b*tch. I see a saber in the heart's not enough for her.

Syrnl: Well, how about you two take the one over there and I take this one?
11-08-2004, 10:27 AM
Kal: You mean the one with yellow eyes?

*Kal stalks foward.*
11-08-2004, 12:42 PM
Black *into comm* "Thats nice Malice, unfortunately I require a reminder to these dead jedi, that they are infact dead and their interferences on the living is quite unwanted..."
11-08-2004, 1:10 PM
Sophae: Oh you have no idea, Ivrine.

*The Dead Jedi walk foward, each exicutes a flurry of attacks, the sabres simply pass through anything they touch but every time they make contact with either Ivrine he feels the pain of the death blow he delivered.*
11-08-2004, 11:44 PM
((OOS: BD, see discussion thread? [Jedi acting like Sith? Well, that's funky, I suppose...:x ]))

SSD Executor: Prison Garrison

Luthen: She called herself Robyn the Red. I of course had her DNA and form analyzed and tracked through all of our databases. No records of her exist. I do not know where she came from. She contacted us, not we her.

Starr: And she called herself a Blade...

Luthen: Yes.

Starr: Did she carry a weapon?

*Starr again pierces into Luthen's mind, reading the unguarded surface thoughts*

Luthen: Yes. I remember she carried prominently...a sword with no blade or sheath.

*Starr sees the image of the woman in red again, this time focusing on the weapon at her side...a lightsword handle, an ornate sword hilt carved with characters in an alien language, with no blade*

Starr: Master, do you see the image in her mind? Only a Jedi or a Blade would have a weapon like that...and the only other hilts I have seen with that design were carried by Termand Rwos and one of his partners...and the only other mask like that woman's was worn by one of Termand Rwos' allies as well...

((OOS: Will post with the rest of this stuff later. Deac, going to RP the Interdictor fight or shall R15 and I fast-forward that fight?

And yes, this IS meant by Aren to be over-the-top and get Reletha Darkstar's intention...a single missile boat breaking a planetary blockade...or close to it, depending on what RPs out in the end ;)))
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