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Cantina 13: Rebellion

Page: 11 of 22
10-29-2004, 1:45 PM
Blade Ship Inquiry

Gilian: A man named Cracken? *She looks at Rwos* The same Cracken I met on Coruscant during the period when the sun was blocked out, and later on the planet Korriban?

Rwos: There is a Pash Cracken with NR Intelligence, so we should contact Taklin Flax. I don't even know if Lord Cracken is in this dimension. *He narrows his eyes at the ship* However...that reality warp could have been Cracken manifesting his powers. He may have destroyed this ship. We should try and contact the Imperial Loyalists...There is always the possibility that Cracken has returned to his old ways, and will not help us, on the other hand.

*He looks at Nereli*

Rwos: This Reletha Darkstar, though, I can guarantee that you cannot trust her. For one thing, she is an ursurper of the seat of power she occupies.

Nereli: Interesting. However we have no reason to disbelieve her at this point in time. We will contact both these Crackens. You may do it, as you have connections with the leaders of the two groups. In the meantime, we must move on to our next objective.



*Kioet is suited up on a field, fighting droids. His transformed Vanguard suit is nearly unrecognizable. It is coated with a material that makes it look much smoother, and blacker. Black plates of armor with an ornate design of shimmering white-blue are placed on it, and green crystal spikes protrude from the shoulders. Kioet's head is completely covered by a black helm, with an opaque white visor.

Aren, Farran, Artemis and Shadows watch*

Aren: We reworked the suit to sync with a Trandoshan mind instead of a human mind. *She looks at Farran and Artemis* Take a look at this. *She motions to a monitor displaying numbers and percentiles* This is Kioet's sync ratio.

*The numbers are fluctuating continuously, but stay generally between 70 and 100%*

Artemis: That's...impossible. The best sync ratio I was able to get a treated human subject to sustain was about 50%. His lowest numbers are 20% higher than that!

Aren: Behold the mental powers of a Sleeper. And it's only getting stronger, you realize. *She grins* The storm is on the horizon. As it gets're seeing the signs. And he isn't even nearly at the peak of his power.

Farran: How do you know what the peak of his power is? I thought you said Sleeper powers have never been documented before.

Aren: I don't know, but I do know that this isn't near the full documented power a Sleeper can show. *She smiles* And of the three documented active Sleepers in this dimension so far, we directly control one, indirectly control another, and are keeping close tabs on the third.

Farran: What? Who are the others?

Aren: That's my secret, naturally. But don't'll probably be finding out soon enough.
10-29-2004, 2:32 PM
((okay its like 24-25 days left for me on this

Deac: high gear time

Cracken: PLEASE remove yourself from World of Warcraft sometime during the day and reply, it'll only be a few minutes to write some paragraphs :D

I only stress this cus, i'll prolly never be ****ing back to the rpg EVER!! :P (red you edit that and i'll bitch you out on aim XP)

Sorry. :D

BD: i know you'll cheering, so sush!!! :P))

***Time skip 2 days :)***

Obroa-skai System: Just outside of sensors. SSD Lucifer Hangar

*F. Irvine walks to his shuttle. This was the first time in the two days after he left Malice to Havok, that he's left his quarters.

A trio of white-robed men following him. They had bald heads, pale-white skin, and their faces lacked any sort of expression.

Strangely to those who could sense a force presence, they wouldn't be able to sense F. Irvine's, just a weak ripple around him.

F. Irvine and his 'trio' reach the shuttle...*

((deac you're cue.))
10-29-2004, 3:12 PM
*Kioet scans the area to get an enemy count, and notes that there are exactly twenty droid enemies*

Kioet: Not bad.

*Kioet extends his right arm towards a group of droids' direction, the droids automatically start firing on him with repeating blaster cannons*

Kioet: Behold: my splendor.

*a lightning bolt shoots out of Kioet's right hand and strikes the group of droids, Kioet jumps in the air, avoiding the blaster bolts, activates his shield and unholsters his tank gun and fires a blast, vaporizing the three deactivated droids. Kioet then puts away his tank gun

Next, a group of four hovering droids start shooting at Kioet with laser cannon blasts. Kioet lets his shield absorb the blasts, deactivates his shield, then activates his jetpack and flies straight at the hoverdroids, and fires a volley of rocket darts at them, destroying them. Kioet drops behind an assassin droid and melts it down with his flame thrower before the droid even has time to react. A few meters away, the rest of the droids attempt to make a last stand against Kioet all their weaponry aimed at him. Kioet laughs, places a teleport mark, and speeds extraordinarily fast towards the droids, laser and blaster bolts tear by him in slow motion, Kioet stands in the center of the droids, who are still trying to track his sudden quick movement, and quickly equips and drops 4 thermal detonators, recalls to his teleportation spot, and jumps high in the air to dodge all the blasts of the laser and blaster bolts. Kioet's speed returns to normal and the explosions of the four thermal detonators sends droids parts and shrapnel flying in every direction. Kioet quickly scans the area, he missed a droid, but it quickly gets destroyed by all the blasts of its comrades weaponry. Kioet's smile is masked beneath the visor. *

Kioet: DAMN...
10-29-2004, 3:28 PM

Aren: Fascinating, isn't it.

Farran: The Vanguard suit can't draw off droid power. Magic enhancements? What exactly are you planning on doing with him?

*Aren grins widely*

Aren: *into communicator feeding to Kioet's suit* Csuhen, do you feel you are ready for your first paid mission?
10-29-2004, 8:22 PM
Godsheim Sation

Odin: Thank you.

*Odin opens the letter and reads it.*

((BD: If you care to say whats in the letter, otherwise I may make it a marriage purposal in which case Odin will say no... :)))
10-30-2004, 6:44 AM
Obroa Skai, surface

*Deac's ship lands and him and Syrnl exit*

Deac: We need to get to the Holonet uplink satalite, and the only way to get there is from the central Computer bank.

*Syrnl is hot-wiring an abandoned speeder. He shocks himself, then places a computer probe from his left finger into the ignition. It starts*

Syrnl: Coming? Or do you want to take a bus like a good jedi?
10-30-2004, 8:33 AM
My Good friend Odin,

There are two things which I wish to comunicate to you, I will deal with the less awkward first.

The current crisis has highlighted to me the need for strong leadship among the nobility in my home sectors. I have always held the Overlordship by majoriety on Agamar and I can rely on most of the Lords on other planets to follow a strong leader. My worry is that after my death my son, Halren, will not be able to hold my coalition together. For this reason I have decided to demand the Overlordship of the Sectors after we have concluded the current war. Needless to say there will be some resistance. It will not be long winded the the Republic will turn inward. I believe that the Republic may become less receptive to envoys from outside her borders during the resultant disturbances. If you want the Republic to commit to anything in writing I would suggest having the Chancellor's Signiture within a standard month.

I know you are a capable leader and I merely wishid to inform you of the likely results of my own actions. I hope that I will be able extend an offer you to visit my people before the end of the year

My second reason for writing is to ask a favour of you. I know that in the event of your death your people will trigger a holacaust to spare the sentients of the galaxy. I do not wish to debate the moral point with you but as a leader I must ask you to spare my own planet that fate. There is no greater shame for an Agamarian than to be killed while they sleep. I am asking you to allow my people to die with their swords in their hands, though I pray it does not come to pass in my lifetime.

Your loyal friend,

Taklin Flax


Kal: I think I should drive.


Flax: Anyone has to sign for something like that. The only people with free access are the quartermasters. I suggest we check the lists. I would have throught that someone apparently losing their entire uniform would get flagged in the database.
10-30-2004, 2:00 PM
Kioet: I believe I'm ready.
10-31-2004, 7:00 PM
((BD: See discussion thread please))

Godsheim Station

Odin: Is there anything else?
10-31-2004, 9:03 PM
Orbital Hangar, Tatooine

*Aren, Kioet, Farran, Artemis and a few accompanying droids exit Kioet's shuttle. Aren leads them to the center of the hangar, which currently has only a sparse number of ships.*

Aren: A highly upgraded Cygnus XG-2 Missile Boat. This is how you'll get through to your target. Shields are much stronger, and the armor is reinforced. The laser cannon system is of course completely replaced. We've also changed the missile payload - energy missiles, more powerful than standard fare, and the payload recharges. No single fighter - no single squadron of fighters - is going to take you out in this.

You've also got a special weapon, and extremely powerful missile blast that can punch a hole in planetary shields. That's going to be important.

*Farran looks at Aren sideways. Aren smiles and presses a button on a remote, and the missile boat's cockpit opens*

Aren: I'll be communicating with you via the minature holoprojector in your cockpit, as well as an earpiece once you exit your craft.
10-31-2004, 9:30 PM
Kioet: You...are just full of surprises.

*Kioet walks around the ship, examining its exterior*

Kioet: Very impressive.
10-31-2004, 9:41 PM
Aren: Some files we, er, obtained, told us you've had experience flying this type of craft. I'm glad you're pleased.
10-31-2004, 9:51 PM
Kioet: Wait..where exactly am I going? What are my targets, and where are we expecting to find them? Will I be engaging capital ships and orbital defenses? You said this ship has the ability to punch a hole through a planetary shield...will it work on ships as well? I'm not asking these questions out of fear or anything, just like to be informed.
 Cmdr. Cracken
10-31-2004, 11:15 PM
((Joint AIM post with me and red. would take too long otehrwise.))

*Cracken strides into his office, noticing his desk is uncluttered. He smirked, and took a seat. Starr walked in behind him, and stood at attention*

Starr: What is it, my Master?

Cracken: I noticed a small flucuation in your feeligs when you were on the transport.

Starr: I...yes, Master. I was off guard from the surprise of your return.

*Cracken waved his hand, while checking his messages* Not what I ment, my apprentice. i think i felt them more when we were on the Tyderian class shuttle... *he glanced up* you should know what i'm talking about, yes?

Starr: not sure, Master.
Cracken: I think you do. There is conflict bewteen what you have been taught.... and what you want. What you have been indunuated with, and what is new.

Starr: Yes, Master. I have felt feelings, emotions...emotions that should be foreign to Sith. You know that this has been my weakness before. *He looks down, remembering his actions in the past...ancient past, on the journey with the Time Matrix*

*Cracken nodded* yes, a Sith should reject all of those... emotions, rage, hatred, anger, those emotions feed our power....

*Cracken sent the message to starfighter command* but if so, if you recall, how did i have two children and a wife for some time?

Starr: Allowing emotions that you cannot control...the ancient Sith warned against that. You have a greater power than I, Master.

Cracken: But at the time, i had not this.... extra power, i was a mear Dark Jedi.

*He began typeing another message, this one to the armored ground units* The point is Starr, there are something even Sith cannot repress. something so demanding of human nature that they surface whether we like it or not.

*Starr bows, partially in attempt to mask the expression playing on his face, knowing anyway that it was a useless gesture in front of his master*

Starr: What is this something you speak of, Master?

*Cracken stared at Starr, as he hit the send key* Love, Starr. Despite what the Jedi have believed, and what you may have believed yourself, any and all sentient beings can love. *He pointed at Starr* It's this feeling your are hoplessly trying to repress....

Starr: But, according to the teachings of the ancient can only go hand in hand with dominance, can only be used as a path to power. How can this emotion be allowed...without the desire to dominate?

Cracken: Ahh yes... The teachings of the Ancients. Those who fought the great Sith War.... *Cracken chuckled* If we went by those teachings Starr, when I married out of love, not dominance, I would have been executed. The only reason Vader didn't hunt me down is because my father would have been very, very upset.

Let me tell you what I told my father. Love, one of humankinds most enduring emotions, leads to the darksest emotions... Jelousey, anguish, lamenting, and most of all, Anger. *Again he gave a brief chuckle* And he used this idea against me..... clever man..... *he looked sternly at Starr* The point, my young apprentice, is that love is a powerful emotion, something that a Sith should have. Be it for destruction, chaos, power.... or for family. Take Alys, I have not forced her to take the Dark Side, instead, letting her choose, though by fate, she will fall eventually. Irvine I have left to his own devices, more letting him sort himself out before I start giving him power... I love my family, but not of dominance, but for the fact... they are my children, and I do love them...

Starr: ...Forgive me, my master. *He seems at a loss to what to say* ...What must I do?

Cracken: What am I, your heart? You're a grown human, it is not my place to meddle in your personal affections. *He stared at Starr* Though know that she is my ONLY daughter.

Starr: That is exactly why I ask...Master. What would you have me do, or have me refrain from doing?

*Cracken nods in understanding* Cracken: I see... you want to make sure that I don't kill you for wanting to be with Alysara in a most painful way.... * He smiled* I'd rather it be you than anyone else.

*Starr bows. His face is expressionless, but Cracken can feel a huge leap of emotion inside him*

Starr: I...I understand, Master.

Cracken: Now, with that out of the way.... why don't you take Irvine and the Guard down to the docking bay where we have a rather unexpected and rather uninvited guest.

Starr: Immediately, Master. *He bows again, and quickly exits*

Executor Simulator Bay

*Alysara walked down to the starfighter simulator bay. There, the 128th TIE Defender squadron was getting ready for thier sim run against the shipyards. The 128th was recently re-built, and was intended to be Cracken personal TIE Defender guard squadron, but with the on coming war, elected not to lead it. With a vacency for a Squadron leader, the men were a bit nervous.

As she entered, they all turned and looked at her. Realizing who she was, they all snapped to attention.*

Alysara: At ease, men. My father has deemed it so that I am to take control over one of the TIE squadrons in the coming battle. You are the best, are you not?

*The squadron sounded off in a unified "Yes ma'm"*
And is it also true that you are with out a squadron leader?

*Again, a unified "Yes Ma'm"*
Alysara: Then I am your new suqadron leader. Let's get to work.
10-31-2004, 11:27 PM
((You can die happy now, Scar. :p

Woo! Things are finally moving. :D

Now, JM, hurry and post so we can time skip before everyone else leaves us behind ;)))

Irvine's Presidential Suite, SSD Executor

*Starr barges in, an extremely strange expression on his face. It seemed to be the effect of using a somewhat shakey Force illusion to mask another unusual expression. The combination looked quite odd.*

Starr: Irvine, come with me. Your father has ordered us to...greet an uninvited guest in the docking areas.


Orbital Hangar, Tatooine

*Aren smiles*

Aren: The shield-buster can be used on a ship, but it's limited use, so it'd be a waste to use it on a fighter craft. Your missiles and laser cannons will work just fine. As for your other questions - yes to all. You're going to Coruscant. You'll be "rendezvousing" with your targets there.

Farran: Coruscant?! That's been taken over by Imperials and corrupt Republic forces. Why Coruscant?

Aren: Because that's where the contingent of Blades investigating this dimension are heading.

*Farran is speechless*

Aren: Anyway, Kioet, your targets are on their way to Coruscant already. If you want to get there before they leave, you'd better get going now. I'll finish debriefing you when you're in hyperspace.
11-01-2004, 5:16 AM
Kioet: I must get going then.

*Kioet climbs into the ship and straps himself in, the cockpit hatch closes. Kioet powers the ship up, and flies it out of the hanger, and enters hyperspace.*
11-01-2004, 9:06 AM
*Deac, Syrnl and Kal arrive at the uplink station*

Deac: to get in...

*While Deac is thinking, Syrnl goes to the two guards standing at the doors and stuns them both with bio-electrical energy.*

Syrnl: They'll wake up. Come on, the elevator's not far.

[Scar, get F. Irvine there.]
11-01-2004, 11:42 AM
*The obligitory squad of 12 Stormtroopers enter from a side door.*

Officer: Stop those Jedi!

Kal: Master, Stormies!

*Ignites sabres.*


Mirra: I was told to deliver the letter to you, My Lord and to say that any reply should be written and sealed.
11-01-2004, 1:31 PM
((You have no idea redy ol boy XD


omg, someone other then deac ending a portion of his post with '*ignites sabers*' XD))

Irvine's Presidential Suite, SSD Executor

*The room still untouched. Nothing askew or tossed about.

Irvine sat on his bed, in a meditive position. Very calm now. He looked like he was well and that nothing had happened eariler.

At the news, he let's out a sigh.*

Irvine "Very well. How ever I would like to speak with my father personally later."

*He stands up and walks to the door.


((Hmm, okay. although i was wondering what sort of things he'll run into when try to land.))

Obroa-saki: Space port

*F. Irvine's shuttle lands. The cargo bay door opens. The Stormtroopers gaurding the landing pad, suddenly lift up in the air, and get banged about off of walls, and get thrown off of the pad.

F. Irvine walks out of the shuttle, and his 'trio' follows.*

1 "The Jedi Deac Starkiller and and the one called Srynl Darkstar are near a upload station."

2: "We must hurry."

F. Irvine "You think I wouldn't know this myself?"

3: "Appologies, Master."

*F. Irvine and the trio lift off of the ground, and fly up into the air, and race towards the other three.*

((happy deac? :D))
11-01-2004, 3:06 PM
SSD Executor

*Starr and Irvine board turbolifts and are taken to the docking bay. They approach Chavo's ship*

((JM: Your cue))


Orbital Hangar, Tatooine

*As Kioet takes off, Aren walks over to one of the side portals in the orbital hangar and begins punching in a code*

Farran: Are you insane?

Aren: What? Isn't this what you two had in mind when you stole Executioner technology?

Farran: There's only one of him, and - How many Blades are there?!

Aren: Oh...about thirty, forty, give or take. But I only expect he'll be facing nine or ten, the inquisitorial group.

Farran: Ten! Ten high-class Blades to one imperfect Executioner model?! Sleeper or no, you're sending him to his death!

Aren: Aw, are you worried about your hired mercenary, Ariel? Or are you just jealous because you saw him first? *The portal opens in a flash of blue* Do you really think I'd have such a useful tool destroyed right off the bat? Please, you underestimate me. As always. *She steps through the portal, disappearing*
11-01-2004, 5:10 PM
Nom and Tarila had gone to their ship, still in orbit of Tatooine, but Tarila was growing impatient.

"Are we going to go after one of the targets?" she demanded. Nom smiled, but shook his head.

"Not yet," he answered. "We have to wait for Greer to pick up his... enemy. When he has gone, we will begin." He stood and gripped Tarila's shoulders. "Be patient, little sister. We will not stay here forever."
11-01-2004, 5:16 PM
*Chavo heard footsteps echoing in the hangar. He walks out of the ship while he yells out.*
Chavo: All right! I'm coming out, don't shoot me.
*He sees Irvine*
Chavo: What are you doing here? Don't tell me because you beat me I ain't gonna get paid, I've been searching for this guy for months now!
11-01-2004, 7:16 PM
((OOS: *Irvine stands puzzled*))
11-01-2004, 7:26 PM
((Seems everyone's forgotten about Chavo's storyline, JM. :D

I've been rereading the old Cantinas to figure it out, and have got as far as the end of Cantina 9, where Chavo is hanging around with the two Irvines.

Will post again once I figure out what's going on/confirm whether or not Starr knows Chavo. :p ;)))
 Cmdr. Cracken
11-01-2004, 8:51 PM
*Cracken strode down the prison garrison aboard the Executor, reaching the cell he wanted. He nodded to the guard, who opened it.*

Leave us.

*The trooper nodded, and walked back to his station.*

Well, Admiral Luthen, my apprentice has made mention of you having information we need.
*His eyes began to glow white*

Now, we can do this the easy way.... or the hard way....
11-01-2004, 11:56 PM
((Scar: See discussion thread.

Okay, everyone else, assume we are in sync with the rest of the RPG, except Starr, Irvine and Chavo I guess.))

SSD Executor

Docking Bay

Starr: *Sideways glance at Irvine* know this being?



Luthen: *looking wasted and haggard* What motivation do I have to tell you anything, Dark Lord of the Sith... You will kill me, painfully, either way...


Time Skip: Insert Time Here


*The Blade ship Inquiry slides out of warp space above Coruscant. Rwos looks through the main viewscreen, startled, at the Golan Defense Platform in front of the ship, flanked by two Star Destroyers. Space is thick with patrolling TIEs*

Rwos: That can't be...Coruscant...

Nereli: That is the name for it here, yes.

Rwos: I really, really hope you have this ship cloaked, unless you want to start a minature war right here, right now.

Nereli: *smiling a little* Of course we do.

*The Inquiry passes over the Golan Platform and between two formations of TIE fighters. Not one craft takes notice of the black ship*

Rwos: So K'Warra is here?

Nereli: He is somewhere on the planet's surface, yes. Our locators are still pinpointing the exact coordinates.

*The Inquiry passes through the three rings of Golan Defense Platforms. The ship slides through the double-layered planetary shields with only a small discernable ripple*

((OOS: Assuming the shields are even up at the moment. Deac, up to you whether Reletha senses Rwos or not. :)))


Tatooine, Underground Shadow Base

*Aren stands in front of an enormous screen, divided up into many different smaller screens. One shows a view through Kioet's mask. Others show various exterior views of his ship in hyperspace. Still others display different sorts of readouts.*


Hyperspace, Kioet's Ship

*A small, shimmering holographic image of Aren appears on a small projector in Kioet's cockpit*

Aren: Csuhen, do you read me?
11-02-2004, 5:10 AM
((How is the ship passing through the shields, oh, and they are always up.

Scar, I'm going to catch this assassin but I'm getting bored, so give me a lead, JM, interview the techs already. I'll play one, Scar will play the other.))
11-02-2004, 7:41 AM
((The same way Blades can use teleporters to go immaterial. The ripple was the visual interaction of their cloak with the planetary shield.

And no the shields are not always up (fully at least) or no one would be able to get through, yes? :)))
11-02-2004, 9:03 AM
[Someone else using ignites sabers? *Clutches chest and dies*]

Holonet Uplink

*In a small computer room, a terminal has been set up, along with a shrine to Lokpihet. Several acolytes chant as Rishtag sits in the operating chair*

Rishtag: Soon...soon there will be no more communication. Soon the galaxy will choke and die.

Obroa Skai

Deac: Syrnl! Hold them off! This is my fight!

Syrnl: Like hell it is. I want all these guys to suffer.

*Ignites Sabers. Syrnl begins charging, brutally stomping his way toward the skylift. Deac weaves gracefully between the stormtroopers and arrives first*

Deac: Kal! Come on!
11-02-2004, 12:25 PM
*As Deac starts his charge Kal deflects a flurry of laser bolts aimed at the group, then follows his master through the melee, despatching the last trooper with a stab to the chest. He arrives a moment behind Deac.*

Kal: I'm here, Master.

((The shields are lowered just as you are about to go through them and raised straight after, not even an X-Wing could slip through, unless they were in perfect sync with a larger ship.))
11-02-2004, 1:15 PM
((Al right, all right i'll interview them))
*CHINK-CHINK sound from Law and Order*
Detention Center, Deck B
12:49 PM
Nov. 2
*Greer arrives at the detention center and looks over both prisoners.*
Greer: Before we begin, is there anything any of you want to tell me outright?
11-02-2004, 2:08 PM
((*reads red's post*

I dont think you got it bd, imho, their ship sorta when out of phase allowing them to go through the force fields :D))

Detention Center, Deck B

Medic 1 "Whats there to tell? Didn't I say about a hundred tmes to the guards what all I could remember?"

Medic 2 "Yeah, and that other guy just told me that he'd..." *points at the other medic* "been relieved."

((note: i'm just putting it like the one medic's been already through this once, or at least been saying it over and over to a guard))
11-02-2004, 7:24 PM
Greer: Didn't you two notice anything out of synch with anyone, especially new guys?
11-02-2004, 8:11 PM
*Kioet sits back in his seat, enjoying his ride through hyperspace*

Kioet: I read you.
11-02-2004, 8:56 PM
((OOS: Waiting on Scar for the Executor, and waiting on Scar in Crisis as well...geez Scar :p ;)

Oh, and shouldn't F. Irvine have arrived at Deac's location by now? :D

*ducks bullets*))

Pre-Time Skip

SSD Executor Docking Bay

Starr: Well?


Post-Time Skip


*The Blade ship remains aimed straight down going through Coruscant's atmosphere. It levels off near the top building spires of the planet-city's uppermost level*

Blade: *to Nereli* Sai, we have a narrowed location to roughly directly beneath us. Depth uncertain, but we will eventually be hitting solid walls.

Nereli: Then take us as deep as you can and stay aboveground. We'll proceed on foot.

*The ship, still cloaked, lowers into Coruscant's dark underlevels*


Shadow Base

Aren: Good. A small warning you should know about. Our intelligence tells us that "Interdictor" craft are placed along most or all hyperspace routes. So be ready for a fight.
 Cmdr. Cracken
11-02-2004, 9:33 PM
Executor Prison Garrison

Cracken: As I said, there are more painful ways to extract the information I require....

*Cracken's eyes continued to glow, and he outstretched his right hand toward Luthen. The Admiral clutched her head, searing pain ripped through her mind. Then nothing. Luthen looked almost comatose. His new powers could strip someone of all barriers of apprehension, letting him interrogate at will.*

Cracken: Now, tell me what you know. Everything.
11-03-2004, 1:33 AM
((Beats Scar over the head for not reading his post.))

Medic 2: We picked up a couple of new techs on Agamar, I haven't had time to get know either of them. One thing I will say, when we got to the med bay the only thing in Santago's bllood was a jawa's ton of spice.
11-03-2004, 8:46 AM
Elevator To Uplink Node

*Syrnl clutches at his chest*

Syrnl: Deac...I've got less than an hour. There's some things I need to say.

Deac: Syrnl. You weren't a brother to me. You were my enemy. You killed our family, you raised a pair of hellions and turned me into a freak. But you are my brother. I hope you find peace when you finally pass.

*Syrnl is upset by this, but understands and nods*

Syrnl: I can accept that. But remember Deac, these people wanted all this horror more than I ever did.

Deac: I know. That's why I'm going to let time take you. And then I'm going to kill Reletha.

Syrnl: No! Please! Tell her...tell her I said there was a better way...

Deac: They didn't do it for you. They did it for themselves. And Orthos wanted it enough to be his last wish.

Syrnl: He...hated us that much?

Deac: No. But he knew what you were all capable of. That's why Lokpihet killed him.

Syrnl: Maybe he was right. I had a lot of trouble dealing with who I used to be. But now I'm going to pay for it. I've seen where I'm going. It's not a pretty place.

Deac: Maybe. Or maybe you can do some redeeming before you go.

Syrnl: Huh?

Deac: Take those b*stards down with you. See if that doesn't take you to a better place.

Syrnl: For what it's worth, I'm sorry brother. For everything.

*The elevator arrives*
11-03-2004, 9:06 AM
Kioet: I was just about to ask you about those...but it's nothing I can't handle, I'm sure.
11-03-2004, 12:25 PM
((*hits red*

i work remember? :D
oh yeah, i now have newfound pity for cracken's position of having to work and go to school and being begged to post :D

anywho, Irvine shouldnt have direct knowledge that chavo WAS the guy lookin for his relitives ;)))

Obroa Skai: Upload station

*The four land on the floor silently. F. Irvine notices the guard's bodys laying about. Then they walk into the building, only to force speed following the path.*


SSD Executor

*Irvine raises his eyebrow, and thinks for a moment.*

Irvine "I believe he was hired to keep tabs on me and my envolvements with my Father." *showing a clear attitude change since Irvine and Chavo met* "Assign him a quarters and place him under house arrest. I'll figure out something to do with him. I would like to ask my Father a few unrelated things before I do."
11-03-2004, 2:49 PM
Kal: Master, I sence darksiders, we need to hurry.
11-03-2004, 6:04 PM
((Yeah, but all I'm saying is that RH Irvine should recognize Chavo, and vice versa, not that he should know what mission he was on.

P.S. also remember that he's force-sensitive))
Chavo: C'mon man, I understand some guards but house arrest? I've just been stuck on the ship for months, at least give me a chance to stretch my legs.
Greer: Any chance the spice may have been forced on Santago, or injected without him knowing?
11-03-2004, 6:58 PM
Irvine "I only suggest it due to this being the Flag Ship of the true Imperial Fleet. And I wouldn't want you to go anywhere."
11-03-2004, 7:21 PM
SSD Executor, Docking Bay

*Starr looks at Irvine somewhat suspiciously, then waves guards over*

Starr: *to Chavo* You can explain yourself later. *He gives Irvine a look, then glances back to Chavo* In the meantime, you can stretch your legs in maximum security. *to the guards* Take him to the barracks equipped with ysalamiri.

*Chavo is dragged off*


SSD Executor, Prison Garrison

((OOS: Cracken, to hurry this up, I'm going to have Starr enter the interrogation as well, since he knows what questions to ask Luthen. If you have a problem with this, or you want Starr excluded, IM me or post in the discussion thread. :)

By the way, if someone has no apprehension about what will happen to them if they answer, they still need those specific questions to answer. Without apprehension, they won't be hiding anything, so there is no obvious place to start when asked "tell me what you know. Everything" ;)

Note: If you want, this interrogation can be taking place after the time skip.))

Luthen: *without moving, or even raising her eyes to look at Cracken; voice totally devoid of sarcasm, despite the words used* You wish my knowledge, Lord Cracken? All of it? Where do you want me to start?

*Starr enters the room*

Starr: You called for me, Master?

((Will post on Coruscant/Kioet's ship later, need to get home ;)))
11-03-2004, 7:23 PM
*Chavo shrugged*
CHavo: Whatever you're the boss *he glances at Starr*. Or so it seems to me. Wouldn't know, but by any chance would you be able to tell me what's been going on with you?
11-03-2004, 7:26 PM
((OOS: JM, Chavo is being dragged off, and Starr walking away. ;)

Plus, reading the other RPGs, Starr and Chavo never met. You might be thinking of Greer. [Unless Chavo is talking to Irvine.]))
 Cmdr. Cracken
11-03-2004, 8:40 PM
*Cracken looked at Starr*

Excellent timing, my apprentice. You said Luthen had knowledge which we require. Question her, get what you need. She'll be very... cooperative.

*Cracken stepped back into the door way, arms folded, with a smug grin on his face. He was beginning to enjoy this...*

Executor Simulator Bay

*Alysara climbed out of the TIE simulator cockpit, the sim run over, and bee lined it staright for the 3 flight simulator group. As they climbed out, they looked very anxious and nervous.

They screwed up, getting them killed and risking the sucess of the mission. Alysara was not pleased.*

Alysara: Can anyof you please explain what the H--- that was all about?!

*Three flight snapped to attention, and gave a resounding "No Ma'm". Mistake one. They all flew back, pushed through the Force.*

Alysara: I don't care about your damned ego's, or you quest for glory. You WILL follow my orders in battle to the letter, do you understand!?

*They all nodded, slowly pulling themselves up, and they nodded.

Mistake two. Once again, thet found them selves sprawled out on the floor, this time with problems trying to breath.*

Alysara: I'm sorry, I didn't HEAR YOU.

*Bearly able to breathe, they yelled as loud as they could "Yes Ma'm!". Satisfied they understood her, She released them, and realized she was using the Dark Side.... She breathed deep, trying to calm herself. Her anger cooled down, and she turned to the rest of the squadron, who was watching with apprehension*

Alysara: Let this be a lesson. Those who don't follow orders will be treated like those who fail my father. And he doesn't like failure.

*The squadron nodded*

Alysara: Thanks to your friends in 3 flight, we will run this again 3 more times.

*Dissapointment reverberated through the squadron, though they dared not show it infront of thier new leader.

Alysara climbed back into her simulator cockpit, and did Jedi breathing exercises. She needed to control her anger more... before she fell completly*
11-04-2004, 2:39 AM
*The Medic shrugs.*

Medic: The stuff he took was the real thing, the stuff Imp Intel used to read minds, that has to be taken orally, it was solid. He had some of it in his stomach when we pumped it. I would have thought you would have had to lever his mouth open if he didn't want to take it. I didn't see any marks.

*Shrugs again.*
11-04-2004, 9:33 AM
Uplink Node

*Deac, Syrnl and Kal exit the elevator to come face to face with F.Irvine*

Deac: You. Let's finish this. Syrnl- kill the cultists

*Ignites sabers*
11-04-2004, 12:58 PM
*F. Irvine smiles then shifts his eyes to the 'drones'. They silently walk off to the side.*

F. Irvine "They are not going to fight, they have no need nor the desire to nor even the will to. You're fight is with me, besides I'm alot mroe then what you three can handle anyway..."
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