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Cantina 13: Rebellion

Page: 13 of 22
11-09-2004, 7:25 AM

*The Interdictor fires all weapons on the missile boat*
11-09-2004, 6:40 PM
*Black and White take several blows. They're pushed back to a wall where they are holding them selves up.

They didn't put up much of a struggle. Black just looks at Soephe with a smile.

Suddenly the lights from the building flicker then shut off, a terminal's monitor flickers as well, then strange cryptic pictures flash on them.*

Black *Standing* "Heheheheh. You're such a fool Sophae, even in death."

*Black and white change into a myst form of energy and a third one ackompanies them, and reforms F. Irvine, holding the data disk, with a wide smile.

He then swings his arm at the 'dead jedi' and they vanish, other then Sophae.*

F. Irvine "They kept you and your pathetic Jedi occupied while I finished my plan. You're trick could have been easily revoked, anytime."
 Cmdr. Cracken
11-09-2004, 7:04 PM
Cracken: Yes, Starr, a matter we'll have to look into when i see Rwos again.

*Cracken turned* We're done here, *he waved his hand, and Luthen seemed to "wake up". He continued out, Starr following, and the cell doors slam shut*

Time Jump: 2 days

*Cracken sat in the commanders chair on board the Executor. Holovid displays feed him information on ground troops, reservers, fighter squadrons, and his fleet's status. All indicators showed green. Earlier, he gave his son control of a battalion landing planet side, to destroy a garrison withig the capital city itself, stunting resistance after the fighting from gurilla forces. That battalin was highlighted, as was the 128th TIE Defender Squadron. They were tasked with destroying any and all fighter opposition, in conjunction with the dozens of other squadrons.

Overkill came up in the finalization briefing, but alas, Cracken insited with extreme forcefulness it was needed. over 9/10th of the total Imperial Fleet were participating, many just to ensure no ships escape during the fighting. others to supress Reletha's other fleets from interfereing with the main battle, should they arrive.*

Cracken: Initiate hyperspace, destination, Kuat.

Tojo: At once, my Lord.

*Tojo gave the signal, and the entire armada leaped into Hyperspace........

Kuat was a busy place, always was. As one of the single largest shipyards in the galaxy, it had orders coming in fro all over, most of them government orders for military ships. Relentha's rule didn't slow this down.

However, the sight of the massive Imperial Armada certainly gave pause to many a worker, who simply were in awe. The commuication jammer quickly got to work, cutting off Kuat from the rest of the Galaxy. Interdicter Cruisers moved to the skirts of he orbit around the planet, firing up Hyperspace inhibitors.

Nothing was going to leave the system.

All at once, Ion cannon fire spewed forth from the Imperial Armada, striking down shipyards, turrets, communications arrays. Fighters poured from the bellies of all the STar Destroyers, many heading for the surface. Drops ships contating countless battalions raced to the surface, bombers and Interceptors escorting. The Vengence, Executor, and Titan released thier fighters, all pouring forth like a tidal wave of Imperial might.

Cracken smiled, this battle would soon be over, and Kuat would again be apart of the Empire.*
11-09-2004, 7:20 PM
*Chavo spent the two days singing, throwing and catching his shoe, eating and sleeping. Finally he heard the faint sounds of a battle. Obviously not on the ship, probably attacking someone. He yelled at the guard*
Chavo: HEY! What's going on out there?
11-10-2004, 5:40 AM
Sophae: You are more the fool.

You have shown yourself and now you will never escape him.
11-10-2004, 1:26 PM
F. Irvine "From whom? Flax? Bah! I need nothing from him, I have a date with destiny awaits me. Farewell..."

*F. Irvine takes a step and turns and vanishes.

The remaining Drone, grabs his head, and appears to have great pain. Seconds later, his head explodes, and his body falls limp onto the duracrete.*


SSD Lucifer: Havok's friend's quaters

*The little red headed child was taking a nap in his bed. Then suddenly he gets up and flashes of energy around him appear. His eyes turn white as his body dissovles into pure energy and reforms back into a new body...

...F. Irvine's.

Regaurdless of the transformation, he'd kept his same appearence from when he was on Obroa-Saki. He exits the quarters, then pauses just before he leaves the door. He then looks back onto the bed, the child was suddenly there again, sleeping like nothing had happened, he continues his way to the bridge with a smirk on his face.*
11-10-2004, 1:50 PM
*Sophae turns to the boys.*

Sophae: He must be defeated, or I am stuck here.
11-10-2004, 1:59 PM
Deac: Is he gone?

Syrnl: Yes...and so are they

*Rishtag gasps*

Rishtag: slaughter us all. We'll be waiting for can't outrun your eternal damnation.

*Syrnl sabers Rishtag in the chest*

Syrnl: But your eternity will be longer than mine.

*Syrnl gasps*

Syrnl: This is it...Deac...

*Deac takes Syrnl's hand*

Deac: Be at peace. I guess maybe you deserve that

*Syrnl breathes his last. His body does not fade away as many jedi or sith had done, perhaps because he was not meant to, or perhaps due to the artificial nature of his powers. Deac takes the body and prepares to walk away*

EDIT[ For those re-reading]- To find out Syrnl's Fate:
11-10-2004, 11:29 PM
((OOS: Okay, officially, everyone just assume that what's going on at Coruscant is in sync with the most current time frame. XD [Cracken's right now, I believe.]))

Coruscant Underlevels

*Duncan steps around the ledge and disappears.*

Blade: *on comm* Sai, unidentified life signs approaching fast.

Slythe: Guessing they're not here to have a nice chat.

*From several doors on the other side of the cavern, growling furry humanoids with bestial features emerge, carrying huge, metal weapons. Gilian extends her arm-blade*

Gilian: Enough of this. You go ahead, I'll take care of Duncan.

Nereli: No, Gilian, you come with me. Slythe, Lady Akaver, Shane, you come as well. Rwos, Mazk, Raschel, Ida, Orion, deal with these creatures. Capture this Duncan if you can. If you cannot then rejoin us as soon as possible.

*Nereli leaps atop another level of ledges. Slythe, Akaver and Shane follow. After a moment, so does Gilian.

Raschel ignites both yellow blades of her double-ended lightsword. The air warps around her as she mentally casts a spell, and then she runs at full magic-enhanced speed towards the attacking group. Mazk charges after, swinging her now-glowing warhammer into a readied position. Rwos and Ida follow quickly.

Orion leaps to a ledge slightly higher than the level of the others, notches several glowing arrows into her bow, and fires them at the bestial humanoids unfortunate enough to attempt to follow Nereli and the others. They fall roaring into the great abyss off the walkway edge*


Coruscant Space

Holo-Aren: *as Kioet's shields absorb a hail of turbolaser fire* Evade! Attack the ship's vulnerable spots.
11-11-2004, 3:43 AM
*Kal lloks at his master carrying his dead brother, then turns to the apperition of his mother.*

Sophae: He must not be allowed to carry out his plans.

*She fades away and Kal follows Deac.*
11-11-2004, 8:58 PM
Kioet: But I was just starting to have fun! Alrighty then....

*Kioet targets the cruiser's bridge again and empties a volley of energy missiles on it, then activates the SLAM drive on his missile boat in order to get clear of the explosions*
11-12-2004, 1:32 PM
*Greer sent the pictures to be scanned through cameras to find anyone caught with similar faces.*
Greer: All right, I guess that is all. I may be back to ask more questions.
*Greer left the room and called Flax*
Greer: I forgot to mention this, but while on Corusant I managed to get someone to capture my replacement. I'm wondering if we can get them to drop him off here. They also may be able to help with the assasin problem we currently have.
((And yes, I'm doing this for the dilema the assasins will have between betraying Greer or taking the contract for Flax.))
11-13-2004, 6:12 AM
*Flax picks up hsi comlink.*

Flax: We'll be reverting in about 36 hours to do a course re-alignment and check we haven't lost anyone. You can make the call then.

I'm headed down to the foward rec-room on deck C-12 right now, meet me there and we can talk about this little encounter you had.

Should I call Sellenna and have her meet us there?
11-13-2004, 6:36 AM
Greer: Yes. She may be able to help.
*He called the comlink he gave to Tarila*
Greer: All right, are you able to meet me somewhere? If so go to *he gave them the coordinates on where they would stop*. Meet me there with the captured man.
11-13-2004, 7:18 AM
*About Twenty minutes later Flax and Sellenna arrive in the Rec Room.*

*Flax takes off his rank insignior and orders a drink.*
11-13-2004, 8:35 AM
((oh yeah, deac: if you want to do anything with Stormbaltz or malice now, pls do so ^_^

cus i need to get them all up to speed ont he time skip))

Independence: Rec Room

*In the far corner a small crowd were watching a tech and an engineer are playing a game of Sabbac. The the tech sat with his back away from the bar, and was embarassingly losing. The engineer sat there with his cap on, he was looking down at the table, so the brim of his hat obscured his face.*
11-14-2004, 7:41 AM
[Nope, Stormbaltz isn't aware of Irvine's plan and Malice has lost contact with the drones on the surface]
11-14-2004, 7:51 AM
((I thought Sabbac-man was still on Tatooine???))
11-14-2004, 8:17 AM
((JM: he left.

Deac: Very well then... check PM before you reply tho :)))

SSD Luficer

*F. Irvine enters the bridge, to the surprise to everyone not knowing that F. Irvine came back, they quickly stand at attention.

He casualy sits down in the commander's seat, then he raises his hand telling everyone to 'at ease'.*

F. Irvine "Stormbaltz. there should be at least ten to fifteen habited systems either directly or almost between here and Coruscant. Plot your course."
11-14-2004, 9:54 AM
((and how'd he get onboard?))
11-14-2004, 10:29 AM
((It'll have to be a different guy. Here's the reason:

Agamar and Tatooine are on opposite sides of the galaxy, litterally.

Check your maps guys))
11-14-2004, 10:40 AM
((I'm joooooooooking!))
11-14-2004, 10:52 AM
SSD Lucifer

Stormbaltz: Coruscant, sir? *He then decides now is not the time to argue* Very well. Any targets in particular along the way?

[Note: Stormbaltz has no idea that Cracken is alive, or the F.Irvine is not the real Irvine]
11-14-2004, 10:54 AM

I DONT have "Another Guy"...

nor do I care, becuase I dont have time to think up a new character and make up a back ground for him, ask red how much detail that is....

In fact that transport from the assassin guild base went to Nar Shadda, maybe along the way THEY MADE A DETOUR!!))
11-14-2004, 12:15 PM
((You make up back stories? I ad-lib everything. I'm amazed that the transpost managed to make a two month long detour in a matter of hours. I don't care, the guys gonna be dog meat in about five minutes.))
11-14-2004, 1:28 PM
((*shoots BD*

I'm sick of that...
the guys gonna be dog meat in about five minutes.

controlling-freak attitude from ya...

I'm dropping this half-baked half-godmoded plot.))

*The Assassin gets away with no confertinations*
11-14-2004, 1:40 PM
*SUV ship runs over assasin ship*
Driver*Feels a bump*: What the hell was that?
11-14-2004, 7:42 PM
Coruscant Space

*The Interdictor's bridge explodes, followed quickly by the main reactor. The outer edge of the explosion washes against Kioet's shields, but doesn't penetrate*

Holo-Aren: Good. Now, micro-jump further into Coruscant's orbit before they can begin reacting. The jump is already programmed into your nav-computer. I'm remotely bringing it up for you now.


Shadow Base, Tatooine

*Aren grins as she watches the displays*

Aren: Time to put on a show.

*One of the display screens shows Kioet's destination - outside the rings of Golan platforums, within easy viewing range of Reletha Darkstar's skyhook*

((OOS: Assuming skyhooks go in orbit, Deac? *Has never played Shadows of the Empire*))
11-15-2004, 7:28 AM
[OOS: Yes Red, Skyhooks are orbital stations connected by huge turbolifts from the ground]
11-15-2004, 9:40 AM
((You know what, I'm fed up with your half baked excuses.

1. All I did was have a little joke with one very minor character, who you didn't even care about enough to specify a service. Then you posted a lame excuse for dialogue so I went and had a little fun, because you gave me an opening to drive a stardestroyer through.

2. It all could have been resolved in a couple of posts and we could have all had a laugh. You killed the guy and you have to live with it. You put an assassin on a spacebourne warship, in hyperspace, and he isn't getting off for 36 hours.

3. Now Flax and Sellenna know where he definatly is on board so he really is dog meat. How the hell is he going to survive the next 36 hours?))

*Flax sees the man slip out the back.*

*He raises his comlink.*

Flax: Security *Pause.* This is General Flax, the assassin has just left the foward Rec Room on deck C-12. Initiate Alpha-One lockdown!

*All accross the ship every door is sealed every light is turned on, grates slam down on every intersection of the ventelation system. Every being is confined to the room the currently occupy and forcefields are activated at the intersection of every corridor. Throughout the ship all extertal ports and hatches are locked down, including the hangers.*

((What the hell does confertinations mean. Its not in my dictionary and I can't even find it with a google search.))
11-15-2004, 12:12 PM
((i cant seem to figure out at the time))
11-16-2004, 11:54 AM

SSD Lucifer: After time skip

*The Luficer and the rest of her fleet sped the entire two and a half days in hyperspace, even rerouting power from various systems to gain more speed.

During the first day F. Irvine had cut some of the planet's that he wanted to stop and practice his powers on. Meanwhile he assisted Havok with practice with wielding a lightsaber, who was becoming quite proficient at..

Other power was put into each ship's docking bay where each ship was instructed to 'build' portions of a super structure. Where each 'portion' were to house 2 to 3 hundred drones a piece...

F. Irvine now enters the bridge after the hard travel.*

F. Irvine "Stormbaltz, order the fleet an all stop. Allow their reactors a break. Prepare an encrypted channel to be open for coruscant..."



*The ships that held the infantry that Cracken entrusted Irvine to command with touched down. Resistence from the separatist's had been launching artilary fire at the landing ships and fireing Ion bursts at the stars above.

As each ship touched down, the doors open and out poured Stormtroopers dressed with Clonetrooper style colors on their armour, ment to distingish between the two forces. Irvine seemed to casualy walk towards the forward command post to begin ordering the troops.

The stormtroopers had already began making strategic postions towards some facilities...*

Irvine *To a commanding Stormtrooper* "Commander, I require updates every so often. Order your men to proceed. Be advised that the separatist troops did also wear simular colors as we do, be aware of anyone attempting to either 'blend in' with our troops, or using guerilla warfare to surpress or eliminate our troops."

*After the Stormtrooper salutes and leaves. Irvine unsheathes a lightsaber from his belt and looks at it with dissappointment. His own lightsaber had been taken away and replaced with a Sith's lightsaber. Reguardless if the crystal color were the same, his crystal was natural and lacked of any darkside enhancements that had been fused in the crystal of the saber he now posseses...*
 Cmdr. Cracken
11-16-2004, 9:03 PM
*As the ground war began, the space battle was still raging. Still lopsided in favor of Cracken's forces, the Seperatists still fought against them. Alysara's 128th TIE Defender squadron was in the thick of it.*

Alpha 5: I need help guys, got one on my 6!
Alpha 4: I see him, 5, wait... oh.... he blew up.

*Alysara's Tie Defender swooped through the remains of the TIE Interceptor that was hounding 5, she slammed the reverse, pulled a 90* turn, and fired two shots into the oncoming TIE Fighter, ignighting the cockpit in a ball of flame. Suddenly, a huge Ion Cannon shot tore past Alysara's fighter, striking a Star Destroyer. It's shields collapsed, leaving the capital ship defenseless.

On the Executor, Cracken took in the new information.*

Cracken: Order Armored Battalions 9-15 to destroy those Ion Cannon Batteries. Bomber squadrons should focus on the shield generators so we can begin planetary bombardment.

Send my son's battalion armored support.

*His staff simply nodded as they passed along Cracken's orders. A fresh wave of transports left the bellies of the fleet, sending more troops to aid in the ground assault.*
11-17-2004, 8:36 AM
Nom contacts Greer again, a hint of impatience in his voice. "Where are you? We're on Tatooine and can't wait for you much longer. Would it be better for you if we left Adrian with a friend of ours? She could give him to you. Just let us know what you want."

"A friend of ours?" Tarila wondered after Nom had ended the call. "Who lives out here that we know?"

"Rena Toral," Nom answered. "I suppose it is only me who knows her, but she's trustworthy. If Greer wants it that way, I'll introduce you to her."

"Can she watch Adrian as well as we could?" Tarila asked. Nom smiled.

"Better," he replied. "Much better."
11-17-2004, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by jokemaster
Greer: Yes. She may be able to help.
*He called the comlink he gave to Tarila*
Greer: All right, are you able to meet me somewhere? If so go to *he gave them the coordinates on where they would stop*. Meet me there with the captured man.
11-17-2004, 12:28 PM
Kuat Surface: forward Imperial command post.

*Irvine survey's the battle. Platoons has already advanced into several complexes.

Suddenly the same Stormtrooper as before approches.*

Stormtrooper *needing to shout due to the artillary* "Lord Irvine. Report from the Eclipse!!"

Irvine *calmly* "What is it?"

Stormtrooper "Emperior Cracken is sending down more Armoured Battalions. Battalions 9-15!!"

Irvine "What's my father's intentions that I do with them?"

Stormtrooper "He's ordering that all Ion cannon placements to be destoryed."

Irvine "Then get it done already..."
11-17-2004, 3:19 PM
((OOS: Scar, the Imperial Loyalist stormtroopers do NOT have Clonetrooper-style armor. Rather, they have different insignia, and an updated armor design. This has already been established in previous threads...

Cracken: Remember your TIE Vultures. :)))

Kuat Space

*Starr mediates on the bridge of one of the SSDs, monitoring the space battle with his mind. The enemy forces begin receiving flashes of terrible visions, and begin seeing enemies where there are none, and no enemies where they actually were.

Several of the Separatist fighters begin attacking meteors, empty space, and even each other. Others are simply distracted by mysterious sounds or flashes of light. Confusion begins spreading among the Separatist forces*


Coruscant Underlevels

*The Blades and the furry humanoids meet in the center of the walkway.

Raschel throws herself into the attacking force in a spinning motion, devastating them at close quarters with her double-bladed lightsword. Several of those who tried to avoid her blades were forced off the walkway and down the chasm. Only a few got past her initial attack, only to be crushed by Mazk's warhammer. Raschel takes a blow to her shoulder from one of the giant weapons, but the edge barely penetrates her armor, and she shrugs off the magic charge of the weapon before eviscerating the attacker.

The four Blades reach the end of the walkway with almost no trouble, Orion following from behind. The walkway opens into a great structure that had been apparently transformed into some sort of living quarters. More of the furred bestial humanoids were lounging around the area, even just now going for their weapons, clambering down stairs towards the intruders.

Duncan emerges at the top of the stairway*

Duncan: Fools. If this is the fate you desire, then this is the fate you shall have.
11-17-2004, 3:37 PM
((*shrugs* i must have missed it))
11-17-2004, 6:07 PM
((Hey RW, will you be controlling our bounties?))
*Corner-man arrives on Nal Hutta. He knew where Dregga's family lived and landed on the outskirts. He looked around, got a speederbike from his ship's compartment, and headed there*
11-17-2004, 6:26 PM
Originally posted by jokemaster

Greer: Yes. She may be able to help.
*He called the comlink he gave to Tarila*
Greer: All right, are you able to meet me somewhere? If so go to *he gave them the coordinates on where they would stop*. Meet me there with the captured man.


((Whoops... Missed that:D ))

The giant black ship belonging to the Vilnovs slipped slowly away from orbiting Tatooine. As it moved, Tarila began entering the coordinates that Greer had told her. After a couple of minutes, the ship slid into hyperspace.
11-17-2004, 7:04 PM
Kioet: Coruscant, here I come!

*Kioet's ship jumps into hyperspace*
11-18-2004, 2:14 AM
*With everyone locked down the sucurity forces begin a slow, staged deck by deck search.*
11-18-2004, 6:39 PM
*A guard goes up to the 'well playing' sabbac engineer, and throws off his hat. The person behind it, was clearly not the man.

a while later while Flax was searching along with the meny gaurds. suddenly from behind Flax in a long thing corrador, a click is heard.

behind him, was Sabbac-man holding an earthy-like sub-mechinegun pointed at Flax.*

Sabbac-man "I'm sure you're looking for me, Talkin Flax. But frankly the joke and the fun of it all kinda ran out, dispite you're gaurds wandering about. If I wanted to, I'd get away leaving you not a clue in the world what is going on. Tell you what, before you acknowlege yourself, how about I introduce myself..."

*Sabbac-man throws off his cap showing his face.*

Sabbac-man "My name is Behemoth. And don't forget that there's a reason why I'm called that."

*Behemoth quickly notices Flax's sword at his side.*

Behemoth *still not giving Flax enough time to respond* "Ah classic steal. I do love it when I find someone who likes to keep with the classics. Tell you what, I'll get rid of the 'new-age' weaponery, if you don't mind bringing each other to a place to 'slug' it out a bit in a rather 'larger' area then this. I'm sure you don't want more blood spilled. Beind a 'Jedi' from what I heard about you fellas..."
11-18-2004, 10:57 PM

Btw, Scar, don't you have to leave, like, Monday? XD))


*Kioet's ship emerges from hyperspace above the planet. Almost directly in front of him is a Golan platform, fighters patrolling around it*

Aren: Hit fast and hard! Turn them to rubble!
11-19-2004, 1:54 AM
*Flax centres himself in the Force.*

Flax: Leave us.

Sergant: Sir.

Flax: Leave.

*The soldirers leave and the blast doors close, leaving the two men in a room 20m X 5m.*

*Flax makes no move to draw his sword*

Flax you can either surrender or I will defeat you and you will be a prisoner anyway, with worse prospects. The sword isn't steel.

((Outside Agamar Flax probably wouldn't wear a sword, especially while acting as an Alliance General but I'll allow this. Maybe he was on his way to the practice deck when Greer called him, maybe he had a premonition.))
11-19-2004, 5:14 AM
((Red: I KNOW. and that i got Crackles and Deac whom i'm waiting on...

full demon name, technically he's not either davin nor goliath at this point

BD: either way BD, either way. oh btw: Is flax wearing any armour?))

Behemoth "Hmm, sad I was hoping for larger, oh well this'll do I suppose."

Flax: "You can either surrender or I will defeat you and you will be a prisoner anyway, with worse prospects. The sword isn't steel."

Behemoth: "I'm not going to surrender. " *raises his eyebrows.* "And I'd expected it to be not steel, but it was the idea behind the expression that counts!" *loking more serious* "Before we start this..."

*He pulls out a short stack of papers.*

Behemoth "Just that you know, there are meny more people I could have killed, but our friend Santago seemed like a more fitting sleazeball."

*Behemoth tosses the papers at Flax, which lands at his feet*

Behemoth "Like I'm sure you know already that he's practically a coke-head. Although those papers would say something more to the liking that he'd get punished for anyway. In those papers are a bit of encoded messages from his own personal files ment to automatically be transmitted when your ship exits hyperspace. I'm sure you'd not let a spy to live for letting this 'Reletha' know about your fleet coming to her world that I figure you're going to take over."

*Behemoth's sword was hidden for most of the time, he opens his coat to reveal it on his left side., he leans forward and keeping his right hand at least a foot away from it's hilt.*

Behemoth "Although I'm not the type to forge documents, but hell, if I can get a job, knock someone off and get a bit of cash in my pocket when I do it. Fine with me. But that's not enough to convince ya, how about at least keep this one a gentlemens fight?"
11-19-2004, 5:58 AM
*Kioet engages the platform, firing off several energy missiles, then targets the fighters patrolling it, locks on to each of the fighters and fires missile after missile*

Kioet: Hell with them!
11-19-2004, 9:46 AM
Shadow Base, Tatooine

Farran: *Watching Kioet demolish the Golan platform* Why didn't you just put a cloak on that missile boat and let him ignore the defenses? I thought you didn't want to risk your Sleeper too much...

Aren: The trouble with turning invisible, Ariel, is that no one can see you.

*Farran stares at the screens silent for several moments*

Farran: Then...this is a show? For someone else?

Aren: Two plus two, Ariel...
11-19-2004, 10:30 AM
((Flax doesn't need armour.))

Flax: What on Agamar are you talking about?

((Scar, again with the nonsensical posts.))
11-19-2004, 10:36 AM
((this is why its nice to have contact with you and deac on an IM application

it makes all sense to me, but i'd like if i could be told BY YOU personally over AIM or something

cus that helps everyone for planning and s***

*Knows red agrees*

oh if you wonder about when he said 'gentlemens fight' he ment to ask if there would be 'rules'))
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