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Cantina 13: Rebellion

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10-19-2004, 12:06 AM
((Scar, they have drugs in Star Wars, Han was a drug smuggler for crying out loud!))
10-19-2004, 3:04 AM
((you know what? what ever!! *exits arguement and ignores anythign further*))
10-19-2004, 9:38 AM
[Dammit, Red, knew I'd get that wrong!]

Darkstar Skyhook
Reletha: As I understand, he was killed in the razing of Ulna Shardes several months ago.


Godsheim Station

Elella: *Remembering these are the Aesir she is speaking to* He's gone off on a rage-fuelled vengeance spree to destroy the last child of my evil uncle and avenge one of my cousin's he's doing fine really. What part of Asgard are you from?
10-19-2004, 11:03 AM
Mirra: He must be better, he remembered to take his apprentice this time.


Flax: Now that thats sorted out.

*Everybody sits, an aide brings caf.*

Flax: Captain Jil, we asked you here because we've decided to give you a choice of assignments. I've been looking for replacements for some of our squad commanders, we have several posts available and I wanted to give the choice, quite frankly your record speeks for itself. Viper and Falcon Squadron both need new commanders, so do Hammer and Scropian Squadron.

10-19-2004, 1:05 PM
((It's called Spice in Star wars, but still drugs. Geez, if BD and Scar ever met they'd do a resevoir dogs with the rest of us trying to protect one or the other.))
10-19-2004, 1:11 PM
Kioet: I don't know where she left to. We parted after you sent me to train on Argonia. She never said where she was going. I should probably have the shuttle checked for homing becons.

*Kioet sighs*

Kioet: Well, I've been wondering, since I'm getting this upgraded armor, do you have any mission planned for me?
10-19-2004, 1:28 PM
*Man-from corner approached the weaponry terminal. He chose a high-powerd armor-piercing projectile weapon, silenced and with removable scope and automatic fire. After that he chose the modified E-11 and a bunch of thermal detonators that also sent out an EMP pulse. He chose a blastar and a projectile hand weapon as his sidearms.*
Man-from-corner: Hmmm, I think even Drugga's army is gonna have a problem with me.
10-19-2004, 1:41 PM
((Rawr ;)))
10-19-2004, 6:40 PM
Godsheim Station

Valkyrie: I'm not from Asgard.
10-19-2004, 9:04 PM
((Scar: Are you actually going to post? Like with Sungchi replying to Riss? Or Fused Irvine?))

Cantina, Back Room

Aren: Absolutely. Before you go, though, I'd like to run you through a short practice run in your new suit. To make sure everything is working perfectly, and better show you the changes we've made.


SSD Vigilance Blast Site

Nereli: I see. Is there someone we could speak to about these Vanguard, then?
10-20-2004, 1:51 AM
*Hal has finished Derjec and is now playing virtual sabaac with the X-Wing and nerf.*
10-20-2004, 3:09 AM
((well i forgot about shungchi, but as for F. Irvine, it's deac's turn w/ malice

>.< not too much time for posting in the morning))

Nar Shadda

*Shungchi looks about the rubble, and of the tower.*

Shungchi "I may have been more freelance, but this was a more welcoming site after several slayings... Mainly of course I would have to get my pay.."
10-20-2004, 9:23 AM

Makon: Whichever of the X-Wing squadrons needs me most sir. I prefer the Incom over the A-Wings.


Godsheim Station

Elella: *Distraught. Horrible teen party memories flood back again* So...where are you from then?
10-20-2004, 10:21 AM
Kioet: alright, let's get these tests done and over with then!
10-20-2004, 10:50 AM
Flax: In that case I'll asign you to Falcon, you'll fly on the right of my Blues.

Ackbar: Now that that is taken care of, will you please outline the plan, General Madine.

Madine: We have stolen the codes for Coruscant's planetary shield, in additional to an Imperial Shuttle, a commando team will be inserted and charged with disabling the shield by tapping into the computer core. Many Bothans died to bring us these codes and the fatality rate on the mission may be high, I'm looking for a volanteer to this mission.

*Everybody looks for Han, he's still locked up with Leia, so everyone looks at Greer.*

((I'm bored with playing it straight.))
10-20-2004, 2:11 PM
Greer: All right I'll do it. Anything else you want me to do while I'm down there?
10-21-2004, 3:29 AM
Sellenna: I could use about 12 yards of smimmer silk for some new dresses.

Cracken: We're sending you in with a replicate computer core, install it and it will bring the shield down for you.
10-21-2004, 12:47 PM
((*hits deac with a stick*))
10-21-2004, 1:19 PM
SSD Lucifer

Malice: So...Obroa Skai...what do we do when we get there? I mean...what are we really going to do. Surely you don't work for the Darkstar Cult now?
10-21-2004, 1:35 PM
F. Irvine "I'm going to access their libraries, and upload data that the cult wanted me to do. As for working for them, I hardly consider it, more or less its a favor for Lokpihet. If they want something else done, they need to come to me next and make it worth my while..."
10-21-2004, 1:54 PM
((*Hits Deac with a stick as well*

You've forgotten Reletha! :D

Will post later ;)

*Watches everyone take a drink* :xp:))
10-21-2004, 1:57 PM
Greer: Simmer silk for dress, got it. I think I'll rescue the Solos too, seeing as this will probably be easy compared to some other missions I've been on.
10-22-2004, 3:43 AM
Drago: I was going to mention this earlier. My commandos can't get anywhere near the Imperial Palace to rescue the Solos and we need a team to go in and deactivate the defences. It has to be a team already on planet.
10-22-2004, 12:38 PM
[2 sticks! Owwww:( :D ]


*A runner enters*

Runner: We've just got the latest shipment of mail from Coruscant. We've recieved contact from the resistance down there!

*He goes to Makon*

This one was specifically for you...

*Makon opens the letter. It reads only: "Tolvis II". This is deeply meaniful to Makon, and he falls back in his chair*


Darkstar Skyhook

Reletha: I know little of the project. I never authorised their use. However, I am unable to give you the location of any production facility, as I believe the last one was destroyed in the immolation bombing of Ulna Shardes.
10-22-2004, 12:38 PM
((pokes Cracken with a stick :)))
10-22-2004, 2:20 PM
((Wait, my char's stuck b/c of cracken too
*pokes with stick along with scar*))
Greer: I think we'll be able to do it. we could use more information however.
10-22-2004, 2:58 PM
((Gone till Wed, Grandparents))

Madine: Well give us the reports, man!
10-22-2004, 3:16 PM
((I thought they already had the report....))
10-22-2004, 8:33 PM
((Kioet: I hate you all.))
10-22-2004, 9:23 PM
Nom and Tarila had not yet left the Cantina. Instead, they had remained, staring at the new weapons available to them and wondering what they had just gotten themselves into.

"It's interesting, don't you think?" Tarila said thoughtfully. "Not very long ago, we were trying to avoid attention, but here we are."

"We'll get some attention if we don't do this right," Nom agreed. "Negative attention."

"First, we should contact Greer so we can hand over Adrian," Tarila suggested. Nom nodded slowly and went to the surface of Tatooine. He hailed Greer.

"Greer," he said. "We're on Tatooine at the moment. We'd like to finish the deal here and hand over our prisoner. Where can we meet?"
10-25-2004, 3:23 PM
((*Wonders where Cracken is* :D))

SSD Vigilance Blast Site, Blade Ship Inquiry

Nereli: Who authorized their use? How and why did they come to be on this ship that was destroyed?

((OOS: Deac: Note, Admiral Jene Luthen came across the Vanguards on her own, if Reletha feels like telling the truth. ;)))
10-25-2004, 4:19 PM

SSD Luficer

*As F. Irvine pushing Malice's hoverchair towards her quarters. A door on for an adjacent quarters opens up and out comes running a little red headed boy whom looked about eight with a wide smile and laughing playfully and runs past F. Irvine and Malice and around the corner. F. Irvine turns his head to follow the child until he went past the corner with his own smirk.*

?? *From inside the quarters, a child's voice* "Hey were'd you go! I'm going to get you!!"

*Then from the same quarters runs a blonde haired ten year old with a grin on his face, until he stops dead with a shock oh his face when he sees Malice.*

*Havok was stood there almost tear-eyed trying to utter out something*
10-26-2004, 8:42 AM
SSD Lucifer

Malice: you've grown...


Darkstar Skyhook

Reletha: I would suggest you begin your search with a man named Cracken. It seems the admiral who authourised their use is now with him.
10-26-2004, 12:07 PM
Cracken: You'll be briefed on the specifics once we have analised the reports from the mail ship.

Ackbar: We have nothing further to discuss for the moment. This meating is ajourned.

*5 hours later.*

*Over comlink.*

Flax: Greer, I think you should see this, come to Security Central.


*Mirra wonders off to get a drink.*


Kal: Goes to the lounge and does some sabre exercises.
10-26-2004, 1:35 PM
*Greer sighed then answered while heading there*
Greer: On my way. As long as you search for spice on those present.
10-26-2004, 1:56 PM
((why is it that r15's the only to give me a comment on the obi-mime kenobi pic XD))

*Havok runs up and hugs Malice and starts sheding tears, but not before F. Irvine steped in and slowed the child down, not wanting Malice to be innocently harmed in her temporarily weakend condition.*

Havok *in tears with his head in her shoulder. still spoken like a child* "I thought you wouldn't come back.."
10-26-2004, 2:21 PM
((Aw, that's almost sweet and tear-jerking scar, if it weren't for the fact that they're, y'know, evil and want to take voer the galaxy))
10-27-2004, 8:30 AM
SSD Vigilance Blast Site, Blade Ship Inquiry

Nereli: We thank you for your assistance.

*Rwos stares at Nereli, wanting to say something, but staying off-'camera'*
10-27-2004, 11:51 AM
*When Greer arrives Flax turns to Murry.*

Flax: Show him chief. *To Greer.* You just have to see this.

*Murry lifts two heavy bags onto the desk and unzips them.*

Murry: *Gestures to one full of white powder.* This is powdered Rissa spice. *Gestures to the other.* Pure Gliterstim. Santago must be the biggest drug dealer this side of the Cron Drift!
10-27-2004, 12:27 PM
SSD Lucifer

Malice: I wasn't sure I would either...but I'm here...and we're going to stay together from now on. I promise...
10-27-2004, 12:41 PM
((*Begins to hit BD repeatedly over the head*

dont ignore my posts damnit >.<

*points out that he had an assassin kill santago with a poison* XP))
10-27-2004, 1:12 PM
((So BD's joke is gonna turn into a side-story? Holy freakin' crap!))
*Greer stares at the spice, impressed*
Greer: So are we keeping him under arrest?
10-27-2004, 2:13 PM
10-28-2004, 2:11 PM
Flax: Here's the thing, Santago died in the Med Bay a couple of hours ago, at first they thought he'd OD'd on something really exotic, then we found this.

*Hands Greer the note.*

We're in hyperspace so that means the assassin is somewhere on this ship, find him, and if you're sure, just kill him. If not bring him here then we'll exicute him. We revert in four days.


*Mirra wonders over to Odin, she smiles and makes a minimal curtsy.*

Mirra: My Lord, could I speak with you for a moment? Alone.
10-28-2004, 2:30 PM
*What ever BD's ship is named*

*In a corrador*

Guard "You hear whats going on?"

Technition "Yeah, I heard that Colonel Santago's dead." *whispering* "And you know what I heard a rumor that's been going on."

Guard *whispering* "Yeah?"

Tech *whispering* "He was murdered. An assassin got on baord and poisoned him. And you know that medic's uniform that got found near spacedock? Yeah I heard that it must have been used by him."

Guard "Really, I heard about that uniform, they went up and down that thing with all sorts of scanners, can't find a single thing. Not only that, none of the security cameras got a good shot of the guy who wore it, or even seen anyone drop off the suit. But were it was found, it was ment to be found."

Tech "Well we're not going to leave hyperspace anytime soon, so who ever that assassin is he's gotta be hiding somewhere."

Guard "Yeah security's going to be beefed up to. I wouldn't want to be that guy."

Tech "Well you know about that rumor I heard."

Guard "What about it."

Tech "The thing is, is that if under any normal circumstances if this assassin were just any hired gun, we'd catch em in a heart beat."

Guard "What are you saying? This one's not a 'typical assassin'."

Tech "Exactly, I heard that the assassin put a note in Colonel Santago's coat before he died. It was an ensigna of one of the best assassin guild of all time! For all we know that maybe Santago's not the only one that'll drop dead before he's caught!!"
10-28-2004, 2:44 PM
Greer*while reading the note*: Any other leads
10-29-2004, 8:39 AM
Flax: We found a medic's uniform by a garbage chute outside the infirmery. We've been over it. I have the two techs who picked the Colonel up confined to quarters, 2-1B is locked down and under gaurd, I'd like you to interview the techs and have one of your lot check the droid over.
10-29-2004, 8:55 AM
Godsheim Station

Valkyrie to Ellela: I'm from Vanaheim.


*Odin looks at Mirra for a second*

Odin: Of course come with me.

*He leads Mirra out into an empty corridor outside the banquet Hall.*

Odin: What do you need?
10-29-2004, 1:07 PM
Greer: All right, have Perez check the droid and I'll head down to interrogate the guards. I'd also like to have information on anyone who could've gained access to that uniform, I'm assuming not anyone can just go into a closet and get one.
10-29-2004, 1:43 PM
Mirra: My father gave me this letter, *She profers an old fashioned paper evelope sealed with the Flax crest in dark blue wax.* I don't know whats in it. My father said I was to give it to you privately. He also said to warn you he will be seeking the Kingship after the end of the current campaign.

(( NOTE:

This will almost certainly prevoke Tournament and the Republic will be occupied with preventing it from escalating into a space bourne war.

Odin should know this, as the law of Lahara Sector and Gricho Sector is natorious for its archaic nature, just as the entire region is known for its "quaint" traditions))
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