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Posted in: What audio formats are compatible for JA?
02-21-2004, 10:30 PM
Im editing the sounds for a skin im making and after a few goes was told my mp3 audio encoder might have expired. Can I save in another format, or is there another way to convert to mp3?...  [Read More]
Im trying to make a new npc that can cloak like saboteurs and shadowtroopers. I know its not something in the .npc files as i cant see anything in them, so something must be directed at them that causes them to do it. I thought it might be in the sha...  [Read More]
Posted in: Skinning wookies (fur) problems
01-24-2004, 6:19 PM
Basically, I copied chewie and made a new skin by changing the colours with photoshop hue/saturation adjustments and some changes to the face. This was fine for most of the skin, but the fur surfaces, that are part transparent, have become completely...  [Read More]
Posted in: Giving my model tags and bones
01-22-2004, 11:19 PM
Since i couldnt get the .glms into GMAX i got milkshape on trial to make my model. I imported the desann model into milkshape, ticking to keep the tags bones and caps. I then cut off his hands, legs and head(the surface, not the tags). Then i importe...  [Read More]
Ive been messing around with modveiw, trying to put the hands, legs and head of the trandoshan model onto other models. However i cannot get the two models to 'line up'. None of the tags seem to be in the right place, and sometimes the models come up...  [Read More]
Im making a skin based of the single player rodian, mostly just palette swaps and the like. However, the trim of his outfit, the colour of which is selected by the player for the original skin, doesnt show in photoshop, and i dont know how i can make...  [Read More]
Posted in: Where is the code for guns?!?
01-19-2004, 1:35 AM
Im trying to find the code for gun, but where sabers have their .sab files i can find nothing. Specifically i want to see if i can find how to make it so a lightsaber hittinga target causes the disintegration effect....  [Read More]
Posted in: Helpful stuff for making sabers/weapons:
01-18-2004, 5:50 PM
***Discaimer!!! This is not my work!!!*** I was fiddling with some idea i have for a customised Saber, and wanted to make it a bit 'different'. Remembering that the superb melee mod features weapons that have had attributes changed to give them dif...  [Read More]
I have set up a .bat to open JA with all my prefered options like my keyboard layout, dismemberment, melee blood spillage ect. Basically i would like to know if there is a command, similar to corpseremovaltime 0, to get the blood stains and scorch ma...  [Read More]
Posted in: Tutorials for Hilt-making?
09-22-2003, 6:52 PM
Ive downloaded Gmax and want to make some saberhilts to import into Academy, but cant get the tutorials in Gmax to work, prehaps they need a seperate download. Anyway, I would just like to know if anyone can point me to tutorials to make the hilt mod...  [Read More]
Posted in: Saber dismemberment?
09-02-2003, 10:10 AM
OK, maybe Im a big of a sicko of something, but in Outcast's single player I would always use the g_saberrealisticcombat 1 code and cut op the bad guys. Now Ive seen a few videos and I think Ive seen heads come off, but Im not sure due to video quali...  [Read More]
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