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Manny C

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Posted in: Dig 2?
 Manny C
11-07-2005, 7:42 PM
well ok then... ANYHOO, what sort of idea would work in a Diggish sort of way? Desert island has been done...twice. Although it's been done, i wouldn't mind a Space Station/ship like in Event Horizon, except maybe less scary and more mysterious like...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dig 2?
 Manny C
11-07-2005, 3:14 AM
i would but i dont know how. do you?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dig 2?
 Manny C
11-06-2005, 8:29 PM
well i guess im glad im a rich person then, huh :P A couple of good games with some longevity is all you really need, I'd use it for mp3 and vids etc much more than games I reckon. All you really need is the GTA game, maybe the metal gear solid one...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dig 2?
 Manny C
11-03-2005, 8:27 PM
nah im gonna get a PSP i reckon, im not forking out like a couple of hundred bucks just to play a couple of decent games...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dig 2?
 Manny C
11-03-2005, 2:20 AM
yeah i saw a review on that, almost makes me want to buy a DS just for that game. But just because micheal buble still sings frank sinatra songs doesnt mean he's still alive. He "lives on in spirit", but he isnt alive like he used to be....  [Read More]
Posted in: Who do you want to start K3 as?
 Manny C
11-19-2005, 10:12 PM
engma has a good point, you didn't start as a jedi in KOTOR 2 per se, you conveniently had no powers or connection to the force, thats hardly a jedi. I think if we're gonna start as jedi, start fresh out of an academy or as a padawan or something so...  [Read More]
Posted in: Who do you want to start K3 as?
 Manny C
11-17-2005, 5:11 AM
hmm fable style? interesting...  [Read More]
Posted in: Who do you want to start K3 as?
 Manny C
11-15-2005, 2:35 AM
something about starting as a jedi i didnt like in kotor 2, didnt feel like an appropriate start. If we do start as jedi, however, id like to fully customise the hilt, im sick of the blank silver hilt....  [Read More]
Posted in: Family relations in KotOR III?
 Manny C
11-13-2005, 8:05 AM
no thats true, but i think for the sake of the game they could forfeit that and assume he was persuaded....  [Read More]
Posted in: Family relations in KotOR III?
 Manny C
11-12-2005, 7:13 PM
yep malaks son definately wouldnt work. Revan/Bastila's COULD, but i doubt they'd do that just because its somewhat predictable, if they tried to use it as a plot twist all the old fans would see it coming miles away. They need to try something new...  [Read More]
Posted in: Family relations in KotOR III?
 Manny C
11-12-2005, 5:31 AM
the "unlikely hero" is just as cliched as the "destined one"...  [Read More]
^^^^ I find your usage of "average player" to be inappropriate, like you attribute "people who like action games" as a majority, in this assumption you are sadly mistaken. But LIAYD has stated roughly what I would on that, so I w...  [Read More]
Exactly, so what's the point in changing the system then? Because changing the combat system isnt touching the things that are great about kotor, the things i mentioned are related to the characters, the world, the story, NOT the combat. "...  [Read More]
Another point for the D20 system: KOTOR is about travelling in a party. If you had it like Jade Empire, a real-time system, or JA, how are you going to control 3 people at once? That's actually a really good point, I hadn't thought of that. The only...  [Read More]
If this is true, how come both games were financial successes? After KotOR 1, people who would get into the sequel were mostly players of the first game, at least, that's what a sequel usually attracts, then they knew what was waiting, the same old...  [Read More]
the best you can hope for in KOTOR III would be that they could add additional animations to spice up the combat, but it will remain the same slow "select the attack from the menu" turn-based system we have now. That is because KOTOR is a c...  [Read More]
You pose a good argument RedHawke, but I think the difference of opinion stems from a confliction in our tastes in games. There is clearly a fanbase who, insane as i think it is, have grown accustomed to no more involvement in combat than a few possi...  [Read More]
well ur right hallucination, but from what people are saying, that's the story and the characters, not the combat system. The combat system is tedious, i know plenty of people who feel the same way, i know people who've given up on the game because o...  [Read More]
So instead of going and playing JK you come here to say that you want to ruin other peoples fun? Did i say ruin the game? i really dont remember saying that. Combat, especially lightsaber combat is an integral part of who jedi knights are, what i w...  [Read More]
i, like pretty much all my friends who've played it really dont like the combat system. It's too boring and samey for such an important part of the game....  [Read More]
Posted in: What Star Wars Episode is your favorite?
 Manny C
11-10-2005, 8:20 AM
Empire is the best written and made, but I personally like ROTJ the most bescause everything gets resolved, its got the most suspense and is the most exciting. DEFINATELY the most kickass juggling of three seperate final battles. most intense movie e...  [Read More]
Posted in: PC Voice?
 Manny C
11-20-2005, 1:01 AM
It would decrease it because it detracts from the sense that you are the main character. If some guy's talking then you're not playing as your version of the main character, ur playing as that guy. I prefer the idea that my character is who I want...  [Read More]
Posted in: PC Voice?
 Manny C
11-19-2005, 10:18 PM
I say no because voice acting give your PC a sense of character seperated from the player, making the game more like a movie about some other hero than the RPG idea that the player IS the hero, decreasing the game's immersiveness....  [Read More]
Posted in: Do You Want Kotor III Made And Why?
 Manny C
11-20-2005, 12:26 AM
I want to repeat the fantastically enjoyable time i had playing KOTOR 1, getting to know interesting and complex characters, visiting alien worlds, solving problems and unravelling the mystery behind the star forge. The second wasn't as good because...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Dig Remake
 Manny C
11-03-2005, 3:15 AM
i reckon they could definately recreate that sense of alien natural beauty with a 3D engine (just look at halo), but alot of the atmosphere comes in the sound design, the views arent crap without that awesome, perfectly crafted ambience. I reckon a r...  [Read More]
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