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Posted in: Some Jedi Academy Info For You From Raven
04-28-2003, 6:27 PM
So when will it be done u guys think???? When can i buy JA?...  [Read More]
Posted in: You can't choose your characters name in JA
04-28-2003, 6:31 PM
Hehehehe if the game had a mind of its own, it woudl be cool Hey u are luke Yeah and u are Stupid son of a b*tch right?...  [Read More]
Posted in: What i like as a saber
04-27-2003, 3:13 PM
True but then JA aint gonna be that old is it ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: What i like as a saber
04-27-2003, 1:24 PM
Dat weten we Jan :) Hmmm but to be honest the 1,2 sabers where better than 4,5,6....  [Read More]
Posted in: What i like as a saber
04-27-2003, 6:09 AM
So u guys really dont see the problem?? if u play JO again watch it carefully and think about AOTC. Ull see the difference Promo...  [Read More]
Posted in: What i like as a saber
04-26-2003, 5:20 PM
I think they made the sabers in JO to look like in the movies 4 and 5, but then i think the sabers in the movies were so cheezy because the movies and pretty old and so is there technology. But i would really like to see nice AoTc blades as well, or...  [Read More]
Posted in: What i like as a saber
04-26-2003, 5:17 PM
I have to agree with Squater...  [Read More]
Posted in: What i like as a saber
04-26-2003, 6:20 AM
Thats true Wassup, but then: every nice server was a pure server...  [Read More]
Posted in: What i like as a saber
04-25-2003, 9:08 PM
Haya peeps, I dont know if u people feel this way too but i think that JO's saber was cheesed up. It had this strange form it was thin than thick and then thin. I really hated the saber. What if Raven could make a saber like in episodes 1 and 2 wit...  [Read More]
Posted in: ugh it has truly begun
04-28-2003, 6:44 PM
The crouching thing is hard to explain since u got the books and i got the field exp.. to be figurly speaking. Ill tell u a thing that happned a lot to me. I had the same ping as the other guys so no lags. The guy crocuhed and he hit sometimes i b...  [Read More]
Posted in: ugh it has truly begun
04-27-2003, 3:08 PM
Now to answer ur reply as i told it has bugs witch crouching and slashing u have nothing to complain about, u live in canada all nice servers are in usa. it is something else when u have to play on noob servers here in europe..... only good european...  [Read More]
Posted in: ugh it has truly begun
04-27-2003, 3:03 PM
Prime i know that u try to explain some stuff what u think aint right. But take it from me (i was #2 dueler in jk2 when i played the game) the only one i could nog defeat was PAnick. He was #1 @ clanbase. U know why? He was a bug exploiter. It may s...  [Read More]
Posted in: ugh it has truly begun
04-27-2003, 6:14 AM
Its just so damn buggy, u have to to the same stuff again to have it work. I cant really explain this but ill try: 1. There is this great bug that when u crouch u hit more 2. If u have a high ping ur certain to lose 3. U just slash and slash and sla...  [Read More]
Posted in: ugh it has truly begun
04-26-2003, 6:41 PM
yeah ill have my fingers crossed...  [Read More]
Posted in: ugh it has truly begun
04-26-2003, 5:26 PM
Lets just hope it aint the same gameplay as jkII I hope to see the saber gameplay changed...  [Read More]
Jouw mening geld niet :p...  [Read More]
I have to agree with Prime on that, kicking owns, just like in episode 1 , maul kicked ass :D What also would be nice is flips. If u stand in fron ot a guy u just butterfly over him then kick him and then hack him into pieces. :D...  [Read More]
Fists have the most votes..... Tell me what are u guys gonna do with fists? How do u think u are gonna hit something with that? Just like in UT, u know that melee weapon? wich u had to load. That was crap and i think so will fists be if Raven is re...  [Read More]
AAAh nice i like openGL i gte higher fps with openGL than with Direct3D...  [Read More]
*sigh* Yet ANOTHER trilogy:D Wonder how big luca's wallet is...  [Read More]
k nice :D i got a gf2 64 mb :rolleyes: with 1ghz...  [Read More]
Andy but what about the PC REQS? i mean will it be the same as JO??...  [Read More]
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