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Posted in: Of the First 3 movies, Which was your Fav?
09-16-2004, 6:27 AM
*puts on Mod hat* the way i understand it is, there's nothing wrong with bumping old threads if you have something to add to the topic. the bumping of old threads is only frowned upon if people do it for the sole reason of bringing threads to the to...  [Read More]
Posted in: Missing Greedo Subtitles
09-27-2004, 2:03 AM
weird. greedo's got his subtitles on my copy as for the scene, it's better than the SE, at least now they shoot at the same time. i think that's the best we're gonna get. but, yeah han should still shoot first because that's the type of guy he is,...  [Read More]
Posted in: Do you like books and/or comics from Star Wars?
09-28-2004, 6:32 AM
Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak But I do wonder about the Clone War microseries. Lucas wanted it made... nope, still EU. it's even under EU on the databank...  [Read More]
Posted in: Do you like books and/or comics from Star Wars?
09-27-2004, 6:29 AM
i like some of it, but there is as many bad star wars books as good ones. a few of them i really enjoyed, like the thrawn trilogy and duology, shadow hunter, cloak of deception. i don't like the NJO as IMO it's gone in a star trek direction which is...  [Read More]
Posted in: What films do you like more? The new or the old?
09-27-2004, 4:50 AM
Originally posted by Jan Gaarni I didn't quite like Ep. I, it lacked the Star Wars feel and auntenticity of the OT. i think it was supposed to be like that. it was showing a different time, before the empire. i suppose GL wanted to show the contra...  [Read More]
Posted in:  I Am Chewbacca!
09-24-2004, 7:11 AM
looks like Teen Wolf 3 - in a galaxy far far away. :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Your Star Wars DVD Reviews!
09-23-2004, 12:40 AM
i watch ANH last night too. the picture quality was pretty amazing compared to how it used to look. they've managed to really brighten it up and make it so much more colorful. i was happier with the greedo and the jabba scene, a big improvement on th...  [Read More]
Posted in: Your Star Wars DVD Reviews!
09-21-2004, 3:58 AM
wow, if its got lynk dancing, then i'm excited :D i have them, i just need some time to be able watch them. stupid work :(...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars Dvd's In Single Dvd's
09-20-2004, 5:47 AM
there's only the box set. i don't know if they plan to release them separately. i doubt they will, they didn't with the indy DVD one....  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars On Hdtv
09-20-2004, 4:30 AM
sounds very cool a HDTV is certainly on my wish list, unfortunately my wish list is pretty huge....  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars theme for my wedding and funeral
09-20-2004, 6:01 AM
unless she's a star wars geek too....  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars theme for my wedding and funeral
09-19-2004, 11:44 PM
my wife wouldn't let me... :( i wanted to dress up as anakin, have the misses dress up like padme, have a carboard cut-out of r2d2 and c3p0 and have 'across the stars' playing in the background. oh well. hadn't thought about a star wars funeral....  [Read More]
Posted in: Best Sith Lord Quote
09-21-2004, 4:24 AM
the best ones have already been mentioned, but here's some more of my favourites... Vader: Asteroids do not concern me, Admiral. I want that ship, not excuses. Vader: Perhaps you think you're being treated unfairly? Lando : *sigh* No. Vader: Goo...  [Read More]
Posted in: No Medal for Chewie?
09-20-2004, 4:44 AM
Originally posted by Skinkie Some crazy Wookie code of honor. that sounds plausible. i remember was a rumour to have a medal on chewie at the at of ANH on the DVD. whether or not they had done it we'll just have to wait and see....  [Read More]
Posted in: restoring the OT for DVD
09-17-2004, 6:34 AM
well any improvement is er…an improvement but Ep I quality for ROTJ? thats pretty cool. only a few days to go now....  [Read More]
Posted in: restoring the OT for DVD
09-17-2004, 2:19 AM
#1 has an interesting feature on the work that went into restoring the OT so it could be put onto DVD i think this picture shows what an improvement they've made.... http...  [Read More]
Posted in: Your 'Top 10' Original Trilogy Moments
09-17-2004, 12:45 AM
10-"Wait a minute! I thought you were blind! "It's all right! I can see a lot better now!" 9 -"We're fine. We're all fine.. here.. now. Thank you. ....How are you?" 8 - "I think you got me stay because of the way you fe...  [Read More]
Please click here ( for the Forums Rules and Code of Conduct. Thank you....  [Read More]
Posted in: Republic Commando coming next summer! Not Feb 2005!
09-15-2004, 6:14 AM
well its still says Feb 2005 on the LA site, but then it wouldn't surprised me if they had bumped it to summer. maybe the PC version wont be out until the summer, but the xbox is still Feb and thats why he got confused. that wouldn't surprised eithe...  [Read More]
Posted in: (ESB) Lukes top lip
09-15-2004, 2:44 AM
yeah he had a car crash and, apparently, needed reconstructive surgery on his nose and jaw. the wampa scene in ESB was written in to explain his scarring and change in appearance....  [Read More]
Posted in: Trilogy wish
09-22-2004, 2:26 AM
which goes to show that GL isn’t the greedy money grabber that people make him out to be. because it wouldn’t cost him much to release the theatrical versions and he would make more money from it. but he wont because he's not happy with those ver...  [Read More]
Posted in: Trilogy wish
09-20-2004, 1:03 AM
I suppose that’s a decent enough compromise. shooting at the same time, quick-draw style....  [Read More]
Posted in: Trilogy wish
09-15-2004, 2:51 AM
yeah in the interviews on the special editions they said the film needed to be restored otherwise it was have disintegrated. so it's possible the theatrical versions no longer exist....  [Read More]
Posted in: All Hail The Newest Member of the Mod Squad!
09-15-2004, 1:33 AM
congrats Phreak :cheers: *does the MC Hammer dance*...  [Read More]
Posted in: When was Boba Fett in ep 4? *lots of spoilers*
09-17-2004, 5:55 AM
i forget the name of the hutt in JA, but its not jabba. jabba was killed by leia....  [Read More]
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