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Darth Eggplant

Latest Posts

Page: 38 of 44
Posted in: Need a save game because i'm stuck
 Darth Eggplant
07-20-2002, 1:32 AM
:jawa I have seen this kitty litter yuck! on the GFN there are sites which offer walkthroughs there is also the Prima guide for GF and there is a forum for asking for help it is down at bottom of main forum page I am sure some one who has played gam...  [Read More]
Posted in: *The Princess Diaries* (aka Pocky World)
 Darth Eggplant
07-20-2002, 2:07 AM
:jawa *smiles and chuckles over Gendo's post, but suggests, that monseur chose another color, to better reflect his personae dramatis. then looks at the time and realizes happy computer time is over for now and is on his way offline, but not be...  [Read More]
Posted in: *The Princess Diaries* (aka Pocky World)
 Darth Eggplant
07-19-2002, 4:21 PM
This thread is dedicated to Isis. It is also a place for her to come and bubble and squeal and use *'s to her unending delight. It is also a place for other GFN forum members to come and talk to Isis. (only good stuff.) no 'Dising.' protocol shoul...  [Read More]
Posted in: Calaverablanca
 Darth Eggplant
07-20-2002, 2:00 AM
:jawa thank you. I have flowcharted everything out first and done story boards I never just paste and put a site up spur of thought. so the shell or form goes or comes first then the content. and since I unfortunately have way too much time on my ha...  [Read More]
Posted in: Calaverablanca
 Darth Eggplant
07-19-2002, 2:52 PM
#1 this is the address of a GF fansite I am starting to make. I hope to have most of it's shell built by next week. (would appreciate any feed back) Calaverablanca is a GF fansite which also is going to slightly paro...  [Read More]
Posted in: Favorite Year?
 Darth Eggplant
07-20-2002, 1:22 AM
:jawa tricky business mentioning the "L" word. Lola is the hat \photo taking girl eight? actually been so busy have not continued playing in almost 2 weeks. still talking just talking to olvia and getting her to perform Beat Poetry which...  [Read More]
Posted in: Favorite Year?
 Darth Eggplant
07-19-2002, 2:20 PM
:jawa seeming that I am currently in year two, I must say year two....  [Read More]
Posted in: Four Years Ago (a long time, I know)
 Darth Eggplant
07-20-2002, 1:46 AM
:jawa mxbx those are airport calling numbers for sure. I am sure you will go somewhere. Always remeber this however that no matter where you go there you are, unless you are having an out of body experience which in that case that is a goat you are...  [Read More]
Posted in: Four Years Ago (a long time, I know)
 Darth Eggplant
07-19-2002, 3:02 PM
:jawa 4 years ago I was a photolab technician spending hours sniffing film chemicals in an enclosed space (answers questions about my posts) and was having a great time seeing some of the stuff people take pictures of. Looking forward to seeing...  [Read More]
Posted in: Casablanca
 Darth Eggplant
07-19-2002, 2:18 PM
:jawa Metallus if you liked the Maltese Falcon you will Love Casablanca it is just such a classic and like many times people say that, this time it is not a cliche. (funny thing about Maltese) first time I saw it I had the running john Anderson so...  [Read More]
Posted in: GF character poll
 Darth Eggplant
07-20-2002, 1:26 AM
:jawa the worst thing about still being a newbie is older forum members talk about the game and unintentionallly give away plot. the game is still funny however certain guess work as to skeleton fates are answered for me daily before I ever get the...  [Read More]
Posted in: GF character poll
 Darth Eggplant
07-19-2002, 2:24 PM
:jawa my favourite character is Isis Kaldaravera, (sssh Lucas is putting her in the GF2 sequel) hey Isis you should see if you could change your name to Kaldaravera it is just so fandango-esque...  [Read More]
Posted in: Pop culture Quiz
 Darth Eggplant
07-20-2002, 1:48 AM
:jawa We Have a Winner! full points for the Great One....  [Read More]
Posted in: Stop Emailing me
 Darth Eggplant
07-20-2002, 12:52 AM
:jawa eamil is happy happy joy joy! wow you must be very popular not to want, people to email you, I almost look forward to spam myself just so i have something to look at. (ote please saying you like spam or don't mind it is not the same.) like Mo...  [Read More]
Posted in: K-Jo'Round
 Darth Eggplant
07-20-2002, 8:03 PM
^ see senor only 6 pecos each < Listening to Metallica at 7am is a great way to start any day. V has a collection of Donny Osmond autographs....  [Read More]
Posted in: K-Jo'Round
 Darth Eggplant
07-20-2002, 8:51 AM
^ wow! weeee!!!!!:D Kaldaravera wigs and vents spleen, kind of, almost Crazy daddy O! Gendo and I are tarnishing her soul. look at me I am eggplant spawn. Haaaaaaaa!!!!!! < reading Lenore the adventures of a cute little dead girl. recomend it t...  [Read More]
Posted in: K-Jo'Round
 Darth Eggplant
07-20-2002, 1:12 AM
^ must not say anything bad about mother of the Great one < a huge quart of Thunderbird or a giant bottle of Stanford park wine if you want to go for wino fandango cheaply. or else go into store crack open 12 boxes of liquor flavoured choc's a...  [Read More]
Posted in: Word Association Part 2
 Darth Eggplant
07-20-2002, 8:00 PM
Oprah online...  [Read More]
Posted in: Word Association Part 2
 Darth Eggplant
07-20-2002, 8:53 AM
ah take 1 millon and three SKYLAB!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Word Association Part 2
 Darth Eggplant
07-20-2002, 1:15 AM
size 12 and a half shoe black with 7 inch stiletto heels and a matching hand bag....  [Read More]
Posted in: Supreme Deities of the Underworld
 Darth Eggplant
07-20-2002, 1:54 AM
:jawa movieclockstar does not post a lot he said so once in one of his threads I met him and we talk a bit through PM's he is a movie buff kind of a good guy, just not a regular think he haunts but never goes BOO, that is all. still eeven people com...  [Read More]
Posted in: Supreme Deities of the Underworld
 Darth Eggplant
07-19-2002, 3:18 PM
:jawa let me see point form is quickest. a) when new person is added thought it would be nice to put them first. b) 8 of 12 made top of list simply because of awe and admiration for his radio show c) put mods at top of list to show much deserved...  [Read More]
Posted in: songs
 Darth Eggplant
07-20-2002, 1:40 AM
:jawa see poem Blue casket sinsiter eggmen yes MM is just a living avitar just like Alice Cooper was and I actually met Alice his name is Vince and he loves B movies, sci-fi stuff and things like that. fans of music are always shall we say well why...  [Read More]
Posted in: songs
 Darth Eggplant
07-19-2002, 3:29 PM
:jawa We'll be good. Back on topic, I have recently re-discovered Metallica and Marylin Manson. Has anyone listened to MM's newer stuff? It's pretty good. never even heard Manson, know the name, kind of sentimentalist old school Goth, I mean o...  [Read More]
Posted in: Petrified Forest Site
 Darth Eggplant
07-20-2002, 12:59 AM
:jawa this a question, I know you mods are busy and have other things to do as well but what happens to all the locked threads? and so so working sites? I mean a locked thread is good to read but you can't participate any longer so should it not...  [Read More]
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