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Posted in: Profanity in Full Throttle?
12-14-2002, 3:18 AM
OK, I give. Plus, it's not so bad if you found it seven years ago. Still, this raises the new question. Why did you wait so long to bring this to our attention?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Profanity in Full Throttle?
12-10-2002, 9:13 PM
Handy. Very fun too, but there is one thing about all this that troubles me... HOW MUCH FREE TIME DO YOU PEOPLE HAVE??? I mean, all this stuff is interesting and kinda fun to read, but why do you spend your time looking through a 8 year old disk? oh...  [Read More]
Posted in: Profanity in Full Throttle?
12-10-2002, 2:44 AM
Quote the South Park movie: "What's wrong with saying ****? It never hurt anyone. **** ****ity **** **** ****!" Still, if you could tell me where to catch even a glipse of FT demo goodness, lemme know ASAP. thx...  [Read More]
Posted in: speech in 'Hit the Road'
12-14-2002, 3:17 AM
shouldn't be. BTW, gerbil, I'm in grade 10 and no one will hire me. EAT THAT!!! I have no life outside of this forum. It's funny AND sad......  [Read More]
Posted in: speech in 'Hit the Road'
12-10-2002, 9:15 PM
GAAAHHHHHH!!!!! now my head hurts...:eek: :eek: :eek:...  [Read More]
Posted in: speech in 'Hit the Road'
12-10-2002, 9:08 PM
yeah, that's another 5 seconds you'll never see again wasted on a calculator. But wait! I just wasted my life writing that! And that! And that!!! (I'll come back later, this may take me a while to figure out...)...  [Read More]
Posted in: speech in 'Hit the Road'
12-10-2002, 2:25 AM
First off, I'm not sure about the intro in the floppy version, but I know that there was no voice for the rest of the game unless you played CD. Second, I think that by the time Grim was released in 98, the majority of people (oh, say 95% of the targ...  [Read More]
Oh, I have been hoping. Unfortunately for me, I only discovered Sam and Max 3 years ago when my friend lent me a copy of it after I beat MI 1 & 2. (yes, I first played monkey island in '99. Eat me. That's a fifth of my life wasted on adventure ga...  [Read More]
Does anyone know where I can get a copy for X-mas. Been looking for many moons now, and my patience is running out. Ah well, such is life. Any help would be appreciated tho....  [Read More]
Posted in: XBox Version
12-14-2002, 3:20 AM
A: the internet can support many more players than your puny consoles. B: I own a GameCube, So I'm not tottally against consoles, I just prefer PC C: I never really liked multiplayer games anyway. Why else would I stick to adventures?...  [Read More]
Posted in: XBox Version
12-10-2002, 2:42 AM
All you need is a PC. This has been conclusively proven by the change of Sam and Max 2 to PC from console. Sorry to say it, but the most useless console is X-Box. All the games worth a second glance on the system are being ported to other systems wit...  [Read More]
Posted in: Happy Birthday Gerbil
12-08-2002, 6:34 PM
Good job man, I'm sure that living those few extra days has made it all worthwhile. Anyways, hope you had a good birthday. That is all for now....  [Read More]
Posted in: woah
12-08-2002, 6:40 PM
Yay. you found many meaningless images online... *clap.... clap.... clap* ike. Who puts those thingers online in the first place. They're wasting valuable... hmmm.... is there anything valuable online???...  [Read More]
Posted in: stupid computer :(
12-08-2002, 6:30 PM
Dude, just use Scummvm. I just played it again earlier today, and I got me a Win XP pro system. Just gotta watch out for that dinosaur tooth bit, hit esc and all will be well....  [Read More]
Posted in: Max is a pumpkin
12-14-2002, 3:15 AM
Depends on if you meant that as a double meaning or not......  [Read More]
Posted in: Max is a pumpkin
12-10-2002, 2:20 AM
Great. That still doesn't make what Synthetic Gerbil said make any more sense....  [Read More]
Posted in: Max is a pumpkin
12-09-2002, 12:32 AM
Sam? WTF does that mean?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Max is a pumpkin
12-08-2002, 6:25 PM
Dude, I gotta make me a max head cake fur me b-day this year. Problem is, where will I get the mold????? Can anyone help me with this??? P.S. Where did you get that funky avatar, man? Is that LeChuck dressed as Santa???...  [Read More]
Posted in: what do u expect in S&M 2
12-09-2002, 12:30 AM
Amen. Still, playing as max and using abnormally large guns would be a plus. (do not, repeat, DO NOT take this as an excuse to make an action game. Adventure all the way!!!)...  [Read More]
Posted in: what do u expect in S&M 2
12-08-2002, 5:44 PM
Yeah, ok. Back to the topicy goodness (I reeeeeally hope that doesn't have some double meaning, but I swear I've heard it used before. And it definetly wasn't in a clean joke...), I really like the idea of using Max as a projectile, but I was kinda h...  [Read More]
Posted in: Makin' this game run
12-10-2002, 2:49 AM
I have never had a problem with FT, right up until I tried to play it on me brand spankin new XP machine. I used Scummvm, but you do have to skip the bike fight bits. This could be a plus or a minus depending on how you like to play. You will definet...  [Read More]
Posted in: Sam and Max 2
12-08-2002, 5:56 PM
Sorry, My Bad. Sean Clark is doin' Full Throttle 2. jeezuz, it seems like the only people at LA who still make adventures are the proud makers of Sam & Max. Crikey. Theese guys are good, but we definetly need more adventure makers up at LA....  [Read More]
Posted in: Sam and Max 2
09-23-2002, 12:08 AM
god, you scare me sometimes, JBlink. BTW, Midgey, Mike Stemmle (producer/director/whatever dude) is also working on Full Throttle 2 right now, so I expect Sam and Max 2 to be a bit delayed because of this. Not to be depressing or anything, but I'd sa...  [Read More]
Posted in: GF2 Storyline?
12-10-2002, 10:16 PM
The story is complete, people. Just accept it and move on. GF2 would just ruin a good thing. Like many a series before it, you would sink a great game by giving it an unworthy sequel....  [Read More]
Posted in: FT2 trailer
12-10-2002, 2:51 AM
That would be kinda cool, but I always thought of ben as being more subtle than just telling women to "shake it" for money. Though this would not be without its entertainment value, I'd like a more serious ben than a duke actor could provid...  [Read More]
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