i wanna play sam and max !!
but alas i cant :cry6:
but nevermind that now... i just wanna rip the music...
but alas i cant :cry6:
i am hindered by the obvious fact that i have been born without talent :cry6:
if any1 got the music or can tell me how to get it i would be happy :D
SCUMM Reviste. That is all.
Sorry I forgot the "d", so I guess that was not all. Hehe
never mind the music now (got it) :D thx
now i just really want to play the game - but i cant :crybaby:
can it be done on winXP ?:confused:
when i try it says cant initialies sound drivers :confused:
i have only played it once when i bought it like a million years ago :)
is it money down the drain :confused:
Is it just me or is this guy talking in like iambic petameter or something....
Hendecasyllabics actually
I'm still trying to figure out "thx."
I'm pretty sure thx means thanks.
You must admit, it is quite a few more keystrokes to turn 'thx' into 'thanks'.
yeah, that half a second could really make or break your day
Dude, just use Scummvm. I just played it again earlier today, and I got me a Win XP pro system. Just gotta watch out for that dinosaur tooth bit, hit esc and all will be well.