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Page: 83 of 164
Posted in: Tempest Feud
08-29-2002, 9:08 PM
*A tall, light blue female Twi'lek enters the room.* "Greetings, General Iblis. I apologise for being late. I had to say goodbye to my girlfriend." *She hands her blaster pistol to the guard in the doorway after he gives her a funny look*...  [Read More]
Posted in: you know you post too much when...
09-03-2002, 3:02 AM
*sobs in the corner* You don't understand! No one does! :D :p ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: you know you post too much when...
09-02-2002, 2:34 AM
Probably something like this: "Are you talking about me? Or Red?" "U nog" "I like quetzals. *shrugs*" "Got milk?" :D Oh yeah and LOS - seems to me the guys writing it are the heroes and most everyone else...  [Read More]
Posted in: the problem with jedi RPing
09-03-2002, 11:13 PM
Chihuahuas, I believe ^_~ And god characters are annoying as heck...I agree....  [Read More]
Posted in: Finally-Cantina Six Spinoff: Postlude to Holocaust
09-03-2002, 8:33 PM
((OOS: The ship attacking isn't necessarily Alys' ship. On the freighter there isn't any defenses, just good shields)) *Raschel takes the copilot's seat* This thing's been heavily rigged up, careful with the controls. *the freighter shakes again* H...  [Read More]
Posted in: Finally-Cantina Six Spinoff: Postlude to Holocaust
09-02-2002, 11:21 PM
Misae: I have no idea how to fly this thing! *she glances back at Marin, Aidan, and Josine, receiving blank looks back* Uhhhh...*she hits a button opening the comlink channels* Hello? *she gets knocked out of her seat by another set of blasts. The fr...  [Read More]
Posted in: Finally-Cantina Six Spinoff: Postlude to Holocaust
09-02-2002, 5:59 PM
Raschel: *sigh* I'll talk to him. *she walks out of the cockpit* Orthos...Orthos? I'm sorry. Orthos, are you---Oof! *the freighter rocks with the impact of something on the hull. Raschel stumbles and grabs onto a seat for support.*...  [Read More]
Posted in: Finally-Cantina Six Spinoff: Postlude to Holocaust
09-01-2002, 8:23 PM
((OOS: Orthos is not actually Deac's son. He is the son of Deac's brother. And you'll have to ask Cmdr. Cracken for permission to give your character such a relation to one of his :p)) Raschel: Heimdall is right. Just because Syrnl doesn't have th...  [Read More]
Posted in: Finally-Cantina Six Spinoff: Postlude to Holocaust
08-29-2002, 8:06 PM
Raschel: I understand that. Will you please shut up and let me pilot? *Raschel sends the message to the X-Wing again* *Misae stares out the viewport, trying to sort out the confusion in her mind* <How do I know you are not an impostor? What is y...  [Read More]
Posted in: Finally-Cantina Six Spinoff: Postlude to Holocaust
08-29-2002, 3:00 AM
*Raschel hails the ships entering the area* Heimdall, first we're going to find out what they want with us. Captain Halren Flax, no we do not require assistance. Why do you ask?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Finally-Cantina Six Spinoff: Postlude to Holocaust
08-28-2002, 3:25 AM
((OOS: Only in the X-Wing series, because Mr. Stackpole had little understanding of Star Wars technology (that he hadn't figured out from the games)...but doesn't matter)) Raschel: I still don't trust him. He killed my parents, Orthos......  [Read More]
Posted in: The Canitna 7: Fight For the Future
09-03-2002, 9:22 PM
*Rwos and Deac reach the top of the battlement ahead of the others* Rwos: Deac Starkiller...we are from the future. Your future. A great evil has traveled through time to hurt you....we are here to stop it... To protect you....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Canitna 7: Fight For the Future
09-03-2002, 2:56 AM
*Rwos flies around the courtyard, knocking over stormtroopers that fire at him. He catches sight of a form, too short to be a warrior, entering a small door under one of the castle's battlements. A stormtrooper was raising his blaster at it...Rwos ro...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Canitna 7: Fight For the Future
09-02-2002, 2:42 AM
Rwos: *to Odin* This isn't Asgard, so take your own advice and be silent. *to Terrakon, who is still sobbing* Terrakon! Listen to me! *shakes him* Do you want to save your nephew or not? Talzion may be dead, but as long as his son lives, the Starkill...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Canitna 7: Fight For the Future
09-01-2002, 8:35 PM
((OOS: Nice downtime there...well I'm relaying a message from Death about four days late. Her computer has a virus, and it won't be fixed till Monday which is...tomorrow. *shrugs* She might not be online here till Tuesday. She says for Deac to do wha...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Canitna 7: Fight For the Future
08-30-2002, 12:38 AM
Rwos: He could still damage history, perhaps beyond our ability to fix it. And he didn't fail at Asgard - he left before doing anything. The Darkstar had to have warned him and convinced him that killing Deac Starkiller would alter this. And since De...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Canitna 7: Fight For the Future
08-29-2002, 8:07 PM
Rwos: Yes, but we cannot count on anything here, not even that we will be able to get the Time Matrix. The less damage we allow him to do, the better!...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Canitna 7: Fight For the Future
08-28-2002, 7:04 AM
Rwos: Listen to me very carefully, because your family's future depends on it. We are from the future. We have...followed a being named Ken'atra here via a time-traveling device called the Time Matrix. He has a powerful spirit named the Darkstar wit...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Canitna 7: Fight For the Future
08-28-2002, 3:21 AM
((OOS: Huh? Ken'atra has the Time Matrix. Why would he jump with it? What just happened there? Argh...Death needs to post...she's been busy, and LucasForums has been down two days in a row the whole time she was on, and she wasn't on before that. [...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Apprentices: Kessel Captives (Game)
09-03-2002, 9:15 PM
((lol Dash)) *Rey rushes at the other two guards. He aims a slash at each of them, using both his sabers in tandem.*...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Apprentices: Kessel Captives (Game)
09-02-2002, 11:26 PM
*Rey resist an urge to bump Dyn and waits impatiently for his verdict*...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Apprentices: Kessel Captives (Game)
08-29-2002, 9:26 PM
*Rey looks disappointed and takes his hand off the latch*...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Apprentices: Kessel Captives (Game)
08-29-2002, 8:20 PM
Rey: "Okay, I agree with all of you." *reaches for the latch*...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Apprentices: Kessel Captives (Game)
08-28-2002, 4:34 AM
Rey: "I second that. It's about time we gave these scum a reason to fear the Jedi."...  [Read More]
((*gets bored with the above :p*)) Rwos: *elaborating* Mutants can be dangerous to both themselves and those around them. Plus they become very valuable to unscupulous types. Like the Shadows. Or the slave traders. Or the governments. We rescued tho...  [Read More]
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