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Posted in: you know you post too much when...
08-25-2002, 10:27 PM
Originally posted by ewok hunter you have a post count with 5 digits (hmm, who could that be) :animelol:...  [Read More]
Posted in: New game (replacment for Orders)
08-23-2002, 11:01 PM
Originally posted by Wraith 5 Redwing i knew you were going to say something like that... And i think you should be able to use that pc with no problem! If you want you can change your background story to something else or you could just say that...  [Read More]
Posted in: New game (replacment for Orders)
08-23-2002, 6:03 PM
Awwwwww :( well...I have no idea how to level up or anything...but my pc was created specifically for that RPG and wouldn't work elsewhere......  [Read More]
Posted in: test
08-25-2002, 10:43 PM
Aresen = aReSeN = RSN = I've been pretty much everywhere, hence my five digit post count. :rolleyes:...  [Read More]
Posted in: test
08-23-2002, 6:18 PM
I asked a friend (supermod, former admin) who requested it of Ike. I didn't say anything about XWARP because, as we had only one RPG there, I wasn't sure it was necessary... Besides, you know the XWA-ers. I think they'd raise an enormous stink if a...  [Read More]
Posted in: test
08-22-2002, 8:35 PM
OOPS...I forgot to delete this :D I was just checking to see if moderators could edit polls, because someone in another forum thinks a mod who doesn't like him (there is one) edited his poll. Obviously, we can :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: test
08-22-2002, 3:27 AM
this be test...  [Read More]
Posted in: Boredom
08-23-2002, 7:13 AM
Originally posted by setsuko Hmm... Dunno. The emperor, after loosing an extra 2d20 sanity. Nyarlhotep chewing on the Millenium Falcon. What's the point of being jedi, when you fight a Great Old One? :D But sure, Star Wars could use a little bit of...  [Read More]
Posted in: Finally-Cantina Six Spinoff: Postlude to Holocaust
08-26-2002, 9:05 PM
((OOS: Flax, TIEs are fine in atmosphere - remember ESB?)) *Raschel scans the area again* What in the Force? He is! I thought we'd lost him! What is he, a Jedi or something? *another fighter entered the area* Attention unidentifed frieghter, this i...  [Read More]
Posted in: Finally-Cantina Six Spinoff: Postlude to Holocaust
08-26-2002, 4:04 AM
((OOS: superthrawn, neither Misae nor Josine were alive when Alderaan was destroyed)) Raschel: *to Orthos* You really believe Syrnl's changed? That he will help us? Why? *Misae instinctively draws back from Josine, then lashes back out* I have no f...  [Read More]
Posted in: Finally-Cantina Six Spinoff: Postlude to Holocaust
08-25-2002, 4:23 AM
*Raschel looks resentful at being ignored and goes back to piloting. She picks up her comlink and enters a code, then communicates in hushed tones with someone for several minutes. The freighter dips low to the tops of the buildings making up Corusca...  [Read More]
Posted in: Finally-Cantina Six Spinoff: Postlude to Holocaust
08-23-2002, 5:41 PM
Raschel: *looks up from piloting* How are you going to destroy it? *to Orthos* Is that really Lord Syrnl...your father? *Misae replies to Corzip through the Force* <Are you the one who told me to follow the girl and the alien this morning?>...  [Read More]
Posted in: Finally-Cantina Six Spinoff: Postlude to Holocaust
08-23-2002, 6:31 AM
*Raschel swerves the freighter to avoid the speeder. In doing so she almost runs into a small triangular-shaped starfighter that looked somehow familiar to her... The freighter was going too high, into the lanes headed for space. Raschel pilots the...  [Read More]
Posted in: Finally-Cantina Six Spinoff: Postlude to Holocaust
08-22-2002, 6:12 PM
((OOS: Deac, you forgot the Alternate Universe - Syrnl is in an alternate universe getting a 'second chance'. We were going to have our group go to Syrnl's dimension, and erase the necessary parts of the twenty-year time gap by having them exit yea...  [Read More]
Posted in: Finally-Cantina Six Spinoff: Postlude to Holocaust
08-22-2002, 12:12 AM
((OOS: Hey Wraithy :D glad you decided to join. The Holocaust happened just a few days ago - so the Jedi haven't been gone all that long. The stars went nova after being hit by torpedoes in only days. It's been maybe a week. Poor Corzip. lol @Admi...  [Read More]
Posted in: Finally-Cantina Six Spinoff: Postlude to Holocaust
08-21-2002, 6:04 AM
Girl: *she is one of the shorter in the group, and although apparently human there is an alien quality about her. Her skin, hair and eyes are all variations of chestnut brown* My name is Marin. *she doesn't offer a last name* Boy: *he is a young bl...  [Read More]
Posted in: Date
08-24-2002, 5:29 AM
#5 all was the couple days when the LF clock was off and all the topics (including some of Lynk's) disappeared because the last post was supposedly back in April :p :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Canitna 7: Fight For the Future
08-26-2002, 8:11 PM
((@Scarface: What Admiral said - post a bio and description, and we'll fit you in. You could also join the spinoff of this RPG - - if you want, too; read the first part of the discussio...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Canitna 7: Fight For the Future
08-25-2002, 11:57 PM
((OOS: Deac: What about the Darkstar?)) *Rwos stares at Deac's head for a few seconds. His eyes glow, masking his emotions. He slowly turns away* Let us leave this place....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Canitna 7: Fight For the Future
08-25-2002, 4:20 AM
((((OOS: @ Deac: You forgot Vidar, and the deal didn't involve numbers. And the creature didn't mean he could destroy the Starkiller - but that if Rwos accepted the Starkiller, he would no longer be immortal. (Everyone else in the party is temporaril...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Canitna 7: Fight For the Future
08-23-2002, 5:32 PM
*The Creature throws back his head and laughs* You avatars. So delightfully stupid. Especially for so-called "higher beings". The deal here was for all of you *motioning to Rwos and the others* to intercept the Time Matrix. Not the five o...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Canitna 7: Fight For the Future
08-22-2002, 7:21 PM
((Ysalamiri, I believe)) Rwos: If they killed themselves, it doesn't matter. They'll reappear when we next jump. It--- *a voice comes from behind Rwos* Actually, they won't. *Rwos whirls, recognizing the voice. A familiar semi-dinosaurian creatur...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Canitna 7: Fight For the Future
08-22-2002, 12:37 AM
Rwos: That's the problem, though. We don't know where or even when he found the Time Matrix. And we don't know anything at all about him except his name and that he was trained by Reletha Darkstar, who is, or was, Deac's neice. And in my fifteen-seco...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Canitna 7: Fight For the Future
08-21-2002, 8:31 PM
((OOS: Battledog, Flax is actually still in his starfighter pilot suit, unless Odin gave him other clothes. Did he have a leg scabbard or something? I assume that since we're hitting boulders, we've stopped the speeder.)) *Rwos looks around distrac...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Apprentices: Kessel Captives (Game)
08-20-2002, 8:57 PM
*Rey looks around. There's no one else on the street. The box landed in front of him, and the others seemed reluctant to touch it. Rey stoops and opens it, taking out a packet of spice.* "I'm sorry, sir, but we can't accept your kind gift...&qu...  [Read More]
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