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Page: 110 of 164
Posted in: A little fun
04-21-2002, 7:43 AM
Oh. Well that would explain it, then, I guess. ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: The rules of Mrear
04-21-2002, 8:23 PM
Name: Kejim Race: Human Class: Mage Weapon Proficiencies: Staffs (used to cast spells) Spells: Various strong defensive spells, a few weak offensive spells. Can absorb magical energy directed against him, lessening or nullifying effect. Bio: Kejim i...  [Read More]
Posted in: The rules of Mrear
04-21-2002, 4:28 AM
Oh, yeah, and the fact that this isn't Earth doesn't my universe, magic can be used to travel to different planes of existence rather easily, which is why ordinary humans in our century aren't aware it is real. Your world can be another p...  [Read More]
Posted in: The rules of Mrear
04-20-2002, 6:28 PM
Hey!! I have the perfect situation for's from Termand Rwos' universe, thousands of years in the past...and it requires over three characters at least, however. A wizard/mage name Kejim, his apprentice Arthur Green(who isn't actually magical...  [Read More]
Posted in: An adventure in Mrear: A fantasy RPG
04-23-2002, 1:29 AM
*Too late.* *The man with a staff notices Starfor, and pauses with his eyes on him. Not taking his eyes away, he bends over to his companion's shoulder and confers with him in whispers.*...  [Read More]
Posted in: An adventure in Mrear: A fantasy RPG
04-21-2002, 8:47 PM
*Two hooded and cloaked figures enter the bar. ((OOS: it's a bar right? lol)) One carries a staff and walks with an authoritave stance. The other sort of shrinks behind the one with a staff, following him closely. The man with a staff looks around th...  [Read More]
Posted in: Should Jedi Power Battles forums return to
04-21-2002, 8:06 AM
*shrugs* Just so long as I have my TPM forum, I'm happy. ^___^...  [Read More]
Posted in: Sith Knight Temple Arena....
04-22-2002, 4:40 AM
PROOF THAT WRAITHY IS THAT STUPID: :D ( Now go fix it before I do something horrible to you :D :D :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Sith Knight Temple Arena....
04-22-2002, 4:38 AM
You're not? :D *runs away*...  [Read More]
Posted in: Sith Knight Temple Arena....
04-21-2002, 5:42 AM
I know my game won't start if I don't have everything in the right place... Hey Wraithy, you know you have to activate the crack, right?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Will the beloved forums slowly die off?
04-21-2002, 8:10 AM
I am currently avoiding JK2. It's too crowded, and I don't have the time I need to deal with that. You can get 100+ members shown on the Who's Online list at the top of the forum :eyeraise: PS: A word of encouragement. The RSN forums nearly died at...  [Read More]
Posted in: Real Invasion
04-21-2002, 2:33 AM
No I don't...I just got new ones :D :D :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Hutt Gamble....
04-23-2002, 1:09 AM
*the teleporter is now incessantly beeping* TEMPORAL RIPPLE APPROACHING ETA 25 SECONDS TEMPORAL RIPPLE APPROACHING ETA 20 SECONDS *Rwos stops pushing buttons and whacks the teleporter. Nothing changes* Okay, now I'm really getting worried abo...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Hutt Gamble....
04-21-2002, 2:14 AM
*yells up* I don't know! My teleporter says a "temporal ripple" or something is approaching! And it's supposed to be broken! *the screen reads: TEMPORAL RIPPLE APPROACHING ETA 35 SECONDS TEMPORAL RIPPLE APPROACHING ETA 30 SECONDS*...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina 5- yet more adventures of Deac and co.
04-21-2002, 9:32 PM
You're definitely drunk. [okay, now where the heck is everyone ELSE :D]...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina 5- yet more adventures of Deac and co.
04-21-2002, 7:37 AM
While drunk? *looks oddly at him* ((OOS: Hey Deac...should I bring the current all-RPG-encompassing Starkiller RSRP plotline in here? Or do you think it would just confuse people...))...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Alternate Universe
04-23-2002, 1:04 AM
*Darkness swirls around Rwos. His form seems to materialize in a sort of dark transfiguration in front of Deac ond Corzip.* Your friend Rwos is a fool. He could have kept me out. Hidden inside this body is more than a match to the power I had! He kn...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Alternate Universe
04-21-2002, 4:16 AM
((OOS: LOL!!! Why thank you :D :D :D)) Don't listen to him! He just doesn't want anyone becoming as powerful as himself! Are you kidding? Deac is my friend! He--- How do you know he is your friend? How do you know he isn't using you? Using you to de...  [Read More]
Posted in: TPM scoring
04-21-2002, 8:53 PM
I assume you meant "not recognize". ;) 3PO was broken, and Vader wasn't really paying attention to him. Besides, it could've easily been coincidence (except it wasn't.) :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: TPM scoring
04-21-2002, 7:49 AM
We already know that A) Memory wipes are quite common for droids, when they pass through different owners. Of course, this is supposed to eliminate developed personality as well. [/END USELESS POINT] B) Anakin Skywalker does look particularly look...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jabba's Champion
04-21-2002, 8:54 PM
It's just this...vibe I get sometimes, around certain people. :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jabba's Champion
04-21-2002, 7:57 AM
Hmmm...I'd definitely say he's lying now. :p...  [Read More]
Posted in: help need so guy doesn't blow up
04-21-2002, 8:00 AM
*waltzes in late* Sure! ^___^ Geez...this forum is so quiet nowadays...:(...  [Read More]
Posted in: RPG for all
04-23-2002, 1:14 AM
((OOS: Umm, no R15 :D :D :D)) ETA 25 SECONDS If I take it off, it isn't going to make much of a difference---*unhooks it from his belt anyway* ETA 20 SECONDS Dammit!...  [Read More]
Posted in: RPG for all
04-21-2002, 3:22 AM
ETA 30 SECONDS I don't know! It just started beeping off! *messes with some of the buttons*...  [Read More]
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