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Page: 5 of 36
Posted in: Daily Zen
06-28-2000, 7:49 AM
Okay. Here is my take on the 'holodeck koan.' If a holodeck creation gained true consciousness the way Moriarty (and the Doctor from Voyager) did in Star Trek, it would be restricted to a holographic e...  [Read More]
Posted in: Daily Zen
06-27-2000, 5:33 AM
Well, it looks like Chillin will be chillin' with the first lady. Congrats, and don't worry about the Secret Service--they see this sort of thing all the time. The tree would make a noise. Duh. http://www...  [Read More]
Posted in: Daily Zen
06-27-2000, 3:06 AM
Q: ah, but you don't give us mortals enough credit! One of the amazing things about our kind is that despite the limitations of our physical construction, we have the ability to transcend those limitations. Example: There was study done concerning t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Daily Zen
06-26-2000, 6:59 AM
I'm sorry. Which part confuses you?...  [Read More]
Posted in: What are these from?
06-28-2000, 8:23 AM
Computer? This is a Texas Instruments calculator cross-wired with a teevee set and a telephone answering machine. When there are sunspots, it flickers twitchingly in helpless seizure. Seriously, the pi...  [Read More]
Posted in: What are these from?
06-27-2000, 7:59 PM
I can't comment on pictures that won't load on my machine! I go back and forth like you say, I refresh, I try CTRL+F5...nada. Can Anyone fix this? It sounds fascinating......  [Read More]
Posted in: Reviving the Chat Room!
06-28-2000, 8:45 AM
An armadillo is a cross between a woodlouse (or a 'roly-poly' as they're more popularly known) and a long-eared ferret. Or maybe not....  [Read More]
Posted in: Party at the 7G Lounge...
06-28-2000, 8:39 AM
Shootist, you probably dreamed about posting here last night. If so, the chances are excellent that you are dreaming right now... Look on your shoulder. If there's a cartoon parrot there, then you are dreaming, and you have an excellent opportunity...  [Read More]
Posted in: Party at the 7G Lounge...
06-27-2000, 5:40 AM
*(Imladil releases the goats, and begins inflating the Monica Lewinsky Macy's Thanksgiving parade balloon.)* Wild? Nah... Who brought fireworks?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Party at the 7G Lounge...
06-26-2000, 5:15 AM
I brought the elephant and a truckload of corn! Oh...if you can't take 8 Gs, then you are a sissy.  [Read More]
Posted in: Wookies in cornrows?
06-28-2000, 8:29 AM
So what do I, Imladil, wear in the cockpit on mission? Not one of those bright orange 'shoot me' flight suits, but sometime more an ostritch costume. That way I get a second's advantage as the enemy is laughing at me. http://www.rogu...  [Read More]
Posted in: Wookies in cornrows?
06-27-2000, 8:03 PM
Clearly, you're either dreaming, crazy or simply imagining things. Move on to the next topic, and reality should reassert itself......  [Read More]
Posted in: Wookies in cornrows?
06-27-2000, 5:55 AM
No comment on the bullwhip. None at all. I'm not even posting this--...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battle for Naboo
06-29-2000, 5:13 AM
Isn't it supposed to be released on Playstation or something silly like that? Well, I'm not buying a whole new game system just to save one measley Naboo is on its own. Sorry. Unless they rel...  [Read More]
Posted in: X-Wing Collector Series
06-29-2000, 5:08 AM
Well, I've crashed into an asteroid...  [Read More]
Posted in: X-Wing Collector Series
06-27-2000, 2:42 AM
My computer is so stupid it can't play Rogue Squadron (16 MB of RAM!)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Time do DRINK GRATITUSLY!
06-28-2000, 7:56 AM
Hey, now...  [Read More]
Posted in: Time do DRINK GRATITUSLY!
06-27-2000, 5:52 AM
Okay. If you catch those snakes, just stick 'em back in the toilet and flush. Otherwise, sorry. Theme song for 'The Pilot's Lounge' should be "Grow Some Funk of Your Own," by Elton John, mayb...  [Read More]
Posted in: Time do DRINK GRATITUSLY!
06-26-2000, 4:54 AM
Hissssss... *rattle, rattle* <font size=1>Squeee-eeak--! *Boing!*</font> Hissssssssss... *rattle*...  [Read More]
Posted in: Time do DRINK GRATITUSLY!
06-26-2000, 4:48 AM
Ahem. In my topic 'Rogue Squadron Soundtrack,' you said: "Now this is going a bit to far..." (sic.) Don't try to confuse me, Jack--I know how to work this machine.* <font size=1>*Sorta...  [Read More]
Posted in: Let me introduce myself
06-27-2000, 5:46 AM
I know how to shut The Master up! Have Q gesture him into outer space, where he can squeak helplessly for a few seconds before the expression of astonishment is forever frozen on his face. Uhhh...huh-huh. That would be cool. http://www.roguesquadron...  [Read More]
Posted in: Looking for help, again
06-26-2000, 5:08 AM
Welcome to the looking glass, Alice. Mwa-ha-ha-hah!  [Read More]
Posted in: I'm new here.....
06-26-2000, 5:17 AM
My bunker, which has transporter access and life support, is equipped with a really good air conditioner.  [Read More]
Posted in: Imladil's Big Guy Mask Award Ceremony
06-26-2000, 5:05 AM
Whatever you guys did to fix the icons, it worked on my screen this time. Yee-eeesh--! The evil spirits are indeed totally scared off...!  [Read More]
Okay, then. Snap your fingers, and let's be on with it...! Well?...  [Read More]
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