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Page: 8 of 36
Posted in: Daily Zen
06-22-2000, 8:58 AM
It ain't so. Okay, new koan. This time I'll pick a real zen koan, the classic "What is the sound of one hand clapping?" I've never worked on this one myself, so it'll be a fresh one. Remember:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Daily Zen
06-21-2000, 8:02 PM
...It's a lower-case p, like this:  [Read More]
Posted in: Daily Zen
06-21-2000, 9:09 AM
Well, actually I've been trying to stay away from religion in this thread, but it does seem that we can't thoroughly discuss these matters without mentioning God. It's long as we bring two things to the table: an agreement to disagree, and...  [Read More]
Posted in: Wookies in cornrows?
06-22-2000, 8:06 AM
He could reflect laser bolts, and Luke could hide behind him. The sissy....  [Read More]
Posted in: Wookies in cornrows?
06-21-2000, 7:03 PM
...Luke in a dress... How about new color schemes for the droids? I'm sure C3PO is tired of being called 'Goldenrod.'...  [Read More]
Posted in: Wookies in cornrows?
06-21-2000, 8:51 AM
Umm...yes! Wait, no...maybe! What was the question? Lemme go back out and start over......  [Read More]
Posted in: Looking for help, again
06-22-2000, 8:13 AM
Oh, I've flown Nintendo, and there's no joy in that stick. You have so much more control with a larger joystick...and let's face it, it's easier to pretend you're in a real starfighter when you have someth...  [Read More]
You should hear us when we get ahold of helium balloons......  [Read More]
Posted in: I'm "Attempting" to settle this arguement
06-22-2000, 8:40 AM
If you walk into an empty room, it is no longer empty......  [Read More]
Posted in: I'm "Attempting" to settle this arguement
06-21-2000, 7:38 PM
Pretty good. I am <font size=10>Zoom Rabbit</font>. ...But I don't recall having a real argument with you at JK.Net. In real arguments, I stop being funny and quit using smilies. http://www.r...  [Read More]
Posted in: I'm "Attempting" to settle this arguement
06-21-2000, 9:49 AM
Howdy, Commander! I know you recognize me? (Sneaky, sneaky...  [Read More]
Posted in: Guess Who!!!
06-21-2000, 7:06 PM
Someone used the Rogue chat room? I've never heard of that happening before...!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Guess Who!!!
06-21-2000, 9:57 AM
I remember you! You were the earnest but cutthroat old pirate at the end of the bar. Always wanted a dead monkey's head in your grog, and nobody questioned it. No? Oh. Or were you the schizophrenic reindeer slayer who dashed the Christmas hopes of s...  [Read More]
Posted in: Hello All you new people and old enemies&old friends
06-22-2000, 7:41 AM
Okay, Gunner, I'll ask. What does B.M.O.C. mean? Oh, and I'm Imladil. I also have a puppet named Evil Spock. I can control this: show yourself!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Yipee I have a topic to talk about
06-22-2000, 8:33 AM
I'm going to take over the world by embedding my evil message in subliminal internet banner cues. If you've spent more than seventeen seconds at this site, for example, you've already become one of my unknowing and unwitting drones. Ha, ha-hah! Ha-Ha...  [Read More]
Posted in: Yipee I have a topic to talk about
06-21-2000, 8:40 AM
Can you explain to me how the AT-AT patrolling the canyon leading to the factory on Balmorra manages to back itself up to its starting point if you don't destroy it right away? ...I'm waiting.  [Read More]
Posted in: 04:54 PM
06-22-2000, 8:27 AM
Don't sit with your face so close to the screen....  [Read More]
Posted in: ???has anyone greeted HiddenTalon yet
06-22-2000, 7:54 AM
Oh, I know! Here's some Deutch: 'Kommen-sie hier, fraulein...das ist ein grosse bratwurst.'  [Read More]
Posted in: ???has anyone greeted HiddenTalon yet
06-21-2000, 7:15 PM
Parle anglais? Je refuse.  [Read More]
Posted in: ???has anyone greeted HiddenTalon yet
06-21-2000, 8:25 AM
'N-y-a personne 'ci qui va me parler en francais? Je suis le seul? M***e....  [Read More]
Posted in: AAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!
06-21-2000, 7:45 PM
If he overwrites something you want kept, you can always repost it. Unless he overwrote it for a reason...  [Read More]
Posted in: I'm back (well actually i haven't left yet .........)
06-21-2000, 10:04 AM
Oh, well. At least I got the 'vicious' part right... My name? Well, here it is: <font size=5>Incandescent Monkey Loudly Articulating Directly Into Loudspeakers</font> ------------------...  [Read More]
Posted in: Messeges
06-21-2000, 7:31 PM
Oh, the story will still be there. Let's make fun of Luke for now. I always thought Luke Skywalker was a ridiculous excuse for a hero. He's undisciplined, whines like a little puppy-dog, and crashes two fighters in the second movie...which is probab...  [Read More]
Posted in: Why?
06-22-2000, 7:36 AM
Whoa, dude! Deja vu! I had the same thing happen to me a while back. After she left, I stayed off the 'net for awhile, too...there were technical problems, but I didn't try too hard to get back online because I thought it would be a good idea to conc...  [Read More]
Posted in: Why?
06-21-2000, 6:53 PM
I think they're being run off by all the riff-raff......  [Read More]
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