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Posted in: Daily Zen
07-19-2000, 8:53 AM
You do realize just how absolute a term 'every' is, don't you? Defend yourself! (Philosophically. I know what I mean when I say that a sound has a form, and it's the same thing Frank Herbert was talking...  [Read More]
Posted in: Daily Zen
07-18-2000, 8:52 PM
Commander 598, you have almost made an enlightened statemement. Let us look at what you said, and see if we can winnow down to the kernel of truth. "Every sound has a form." Well, not every s...  [Read More]
Posted in: Daily Zen
07-18-2000, 8:03 AM
#214 A brief zen treatise: Anahata shabda (the unstruck sound) Sound is not physical, nor is it of the mind. It does not perish, but conjoins onto other forms. In this lies its power. Listen:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Daily Zen
07-15-2000, 9:10 AM
Actually, it sounds like the raptor has a better grasp of zen.  [Read More]
Posted in: Daily Zen
07-14-2000, 8:27 AM
(This one is an original.) Zen for cats My kitty Bebee (pronounced 'Bay-bay') enjoys the benefits of motherhood, which in my house include both dry and 'yummy' food for her nutritional needs. When she has weaned the kittens, Bebee must return to t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Daily Zen
07-14-2000, 6:19 AM
Just one...instead of looking at the wheel, try thinking like one. A wheel, in this case (Buddhist symbology) representing the universe's cyclical nature, is taken to have a circular nature. No beginni...  [Read More]
Posted in: Daily Zen
07-13-2000, 8:33 AM
One thing is for certain; the wind is not there to be broken...! Okay. Totally new approach. Instead of working on modern, westernized koans, let's try out some real, Japanese ones. I've recently read The Gateless Gate, a classic collection of zen k...  [Read More]
Posted in: Daily Zen
07-11-2000, 8:31 AM
Umm, HiddenTalon, could you abbreviate that so we don't have to scroll sideways? Thanks, hu-man. "The wind goes where it is wanted." At least, that's the scientific view. Wind is nothing more...  [Read More]
Posted in: Daily Zen
07-09-2000, 8:36 AM
HiddenTalon, you can pick up your tickets at the shuttle gantry. Fare is roundtrip, and you do understand there are no accommodations... New koan: "How does the wind find its way?" I read...  [Read More]
Posted in: Daily Zen
07-08-2000, 8:11 AM
Actually, the penguin would be the better qualified of all of them for officer school. Okay, I will now attack the purpose of meaning. *(Imladil draws a samurai sword, yells 'BANZAI!' and runs into the ju...  [Read More]
Posted in: Gamera won't help you on this on...
07-09-2000, 5:29 AM
I find pokemon annoying! I dislike sales-driven children's entertainment....  [Read More]
Posted in: Whoa! cool, new forum! another new forum!
03-26-2001, 9:28 AM
Only if you have to answer the same question truthfully......  [Read More]
Posted in: Messeges
03-18-2001, 7:45 PM
Why, just being a moving target is cause enough in this videogame, buddy! Note: I'm kidding. I stop being funny and using smilies when I'm not... ------------------ 'Rieekan, this is the commander! It's...  [Read More]
Posted in: Messeges
03-18-2001, 8:07 AM
*(Laughing gleefully, charges laser cannon and shreds Redwing's shields at point-blank range. Throttles up and leaves a couple of flares behind to finish him off before hyperspacing out.)* I implied on page one that there might not be rules at all....  [Read More]
Posted in: Please close the 'Nonsense' topic
03-28-2001, 8:56 AM
So far, it's gone well. No flames that I can see. You may start the topic when ready, Nine. Your project for speaking up...  [Read More]
Posted in: Please close the 'Nonsense' topic
03-27-2001, 9:38 AM
Update: I've chosen to test the waters by jumping into the 'Religion' thread Jabba started at XWA. If that manages to keep from opening up into full-out heretic headhunting--which it has so far despite...  [Read More]
Posted in: Please close the 'Nonsense' topic
03-22-2001, 7:58 PM
Well, I knew that. 'Tis the wrath of Stealth of which I speak.  [Read More]
Posted in: Please close the 'Nonsense' topic
03-22-2001, 9:10 AM
Hmmm. Darn topic doesn't wanna stay closed! Lujayne, I'm sure you remember the fiasco over at XWA when I dared to draw a comparison between prayer and magic. In the midst of all that, Stealth himself told...  [Read More]
Posted in: Please close the 'Nonsense' topic
03-21-2001, 8:29 AM
Thanks, G. Let us put this well behind us. I consider the matter closed, like the topic. You're forgiven, Redwing.  [Read More]
Posted in: Please close the 'Nonsense' topic
03-20-2001, 8:38 PM
I won't delete a thread, because it's bad form. Not to mention, it affects the writings of others... However, I do feel that it should be closed. I will not respond in the thread any longer, and the matter should be put to rest. Game over....  [Read More]
Posted in: Please close the 'Nonsense' topic
03-20-2001, 7:26 PM
Hey, could someone close the 'Nonsense' thread I started in the Pilot's Lounge? The character of this membership has changed since the last time I did a zen topic, and I don't think we can do so without launching into a flame war this time. http://...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mission 10 Prisonsof Kessel
03-22-2001, 8:01 PM
You're welcome. And S.A.C. is the highest rank you get.  [Read More]
Posted in: Mission 10 Prisonsof Kessel
03-19-2001, 10:02 AM
Well, since you praise the A-wing...I will help you. Are you destroying the black bunkers too early? If you blow them up before Rieekan says, 'Thanks Rogue Group, I'm clear!' you also blow up the stormtro...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Code Found!!!
07-11-2000, 7:03 AM
Oh, stop teasing and let out with the dang code. Otherwise, I will not believe you.  [Read More]
Posted in: Rogue Squadron
07-11-2000, 7:06 AM
Well, I'm not! ZOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMM--!  [Read More]
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