My turn to have some fun!!!!!!!!!
how would you stay alive on say a desert island?
Those were the words of the fammed lightbulb,Lightbulba.
So all you little bald people answer the question above and below this sentece.
how would you stay alive say being covered with gasoline and being tossed onto a burning trampoline?
Personaly I would invite my good friend Scott over to a beach party and eat him.
That was Lightbulba's answer to his own question.
My answer is:
1.find beached whale beached whale
3.ride unbeached whale back to civilization
1.find beached whale
2.stab beached whale through head with sharp stick
3.1 word:Barbecue!
Answer away!!!
I rule this ocean with an iron fist,an iron tail, and for that matter an iron everything-Metalseadramon