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Page: 101 of 102
Posted in: A-Wing vs. X-Wing
07-03-2000, 2:11 AM
I got my gold medal on sullust with the v-wing (when i cheated and then got the medals)...  [Read More]
Posted in: X-Wing vs. A-Wing
06-29-2000, 2:57 PM
ok, here are the differences: X-Wing has more control, more laser cannons, a proton torpedo launcher, stronger shields, stronger hull, and an r2-d2 unit that can be sabotaged to make the pilot lose control and the x-wing fly straight to a star destr...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battle for Naboo
06-29-2000, 2:42 PM
It's for the n64 and it's supossed to be on the same game engine as rogue squadron. They say that there will be ships from the original star wars, so lets hope they put in airspeeders and y-wings, the x-wing and a-wings and b-wings won't be in probab...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battle for Naboo
06-28-2000, 1:49 PM
Does anybody know when this is coming out?...  [Read More]
Posted in: X-Wing Collector Series
06-28-2000, 1:48 PM
Has anybody tried the X-Wing mission builder yet? It's so much fun! you can make the same levels as the ones in the x-wing books too! You can even put in asteroids too! ------------------ Sometimes I amaze only myself....  [Read More]
Posted in: X-Wing Collector Series
06-27-2000, 10:21 PM
I got the X-Wing editor to work perfect!!!!!!! It's so awesome!!! This is what you can do in it: You can name your ship (mine is Rogue15) put in enemy ships, has y-wings disable stuff, have transports capture stuff, and you can adjust the difficulty...  [Read More]
Posted in: X-Wing Collector Series
06-27-2000, 6:17 PM
Hey, I got the n64 version too, i haven't tried the computers, which is probably better 'cause you can use the at-st on any level man that stinks that it can't be used the same way on n64! I did find a level editor for x-wing that is so cool to use...  [Read More]
Posted in: X-Wing Collector Series
06-27-2000, 2:47 PM
My computer needs a video card to play rogue squadron. :-( Anybody know where i can get a editor for the newer X-Wing?...  [Read More]
Posted in: X-Wing Collector Series
06-26-2000, 2:21 PM
I hated trying to beat the sullust level that was nearly impossible trying to get a gold medal on!!! I liked the final ending though that was pretty cool. On the game X-Wing i am having trouble getting past the level where you have to disable the s...  [Read More]
Posted in: X-Wing Collector Series
06-23-2000, 4:35 PM
Does anybody have the X-Wing Collector Series, and if they do, is there more missions in X-Wing, i mean battles than just the ones you can choose from at the beginning (you know, like Tour 1-?) where do the tours end at? I am an original owner of R...  [Read More]
Posted in: Let me introduce myself
06-23-2000, 4:38 PM
I got a gold medal in all the levels without cheating it was very hard. First i used cheat codes though which i regret using. Playing with the ACE difficulty code is pretty fun....  [Read More]
Posted in: Looking for help, again
06-22-2000, 6:05 PM
It's playstation n64 only has the controller and that really stinks. They should make a joystick i asked them if they had plans of making one and they said no. I haven't been playing Rogue Squadron for a while, I've started playing Jedi Knight which...  [Read More]
Posted in: Looking for help, again
06-22-2000, 4:22 PM
I agree with you about the n64's joystick so lets start a petition and force n64 to make a joystick for the n64!!!...  [Read More]
Posted in: I'm "Attempting" to settle this arguement
06-22-2000, 4:04 PM
Hey Commander, this is Garindan from Jedi, i've been here longer at this forum that jk's....  [Read More]
Posted in: Rogue Squadron
06-23-2000, 4:52 PM
My favorite level/s are Assault on Kile 2 and i like to use the X-Wing on it. ------------------ Soon, Peace and Order will be restored throughout the Galaxy! -Emperor Palpatine...  [Read More]
Posted in: Rogue Squadron
06-23-2000, 4:50 PM
What is everyone's favorite Rogue Squadron Level, and what ship do they like to fly in it? ------------------ Soon, Peace and Order will be restored throughout the Galaxy! -Emperor Palpatine...  [Read More]
Posted in: Shadows of the Empire
06-23-2000, 4:55 PM
Is there any way to be the Star Vipers in Shadows of the Empire? ------------------ Soon, Peace and Order will be restored throughout the Galaxy! -Emperor Palpatine...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Code Found!!!
07-12-2000, 3:02 PM
if everyone would cooperate and beg factor5 for the code, then MAYBE they would give it to us....  [Read More]
Posted in: New Code Found!!!
07-10-2000, 5:43 PM
Hey Lucasarts and Factor 5 I just discovered that top secret code in Rogue Squadron to be any ship in the speeder levels!!!!!!!!!!!! Either post it on the lucasarts/nintendo/factor5 website or I will give it out and tell the whole world and tell them...  [Read More]
Posted in: Rogue Squadron
07-10-2000, 2:29 PM
The reason they go so slow is because they don't like to go fast....  [Read More]
Posted in: Battle for Naboo: multiplayer please.
07-10-2000, 2:27 PM
hey flamin-tie i was just wondering where you were!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battle for Naboo: multiplayer please.
07-05-2000, 9:27 PM
How about this for episode 2: Jar Jar is Mace Windu's Padawan, and jar jar makes his own lighsaber, but when he turns the thing on it explodes and when anakin said "you friend was about to turn into orange gue" in episode 1, he was actuall...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battle for Naboo: multiplayer please.
07-03-2000, 9:05 PM
Hey, maybe they'll put those whisker things on jar jar, and give him a stormtrooper voice!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battle for Naboo: multiplayer please.
07-03-2000, 2:18 AM
How about we start a petition for multiplayer on battle for naboo! We didn't really get it in rogue squadron, so why not beg them to put it in the next rogue squadron!!!! ------------------ Sometimes I amaze only myself....  [Read More]
Posted in: New Code Found!!!
07-10-2000, 5:45 PM
Hey Lucasarts and Factor 5 I just discovered that top secret code in Rogue Squadron to be any ship in the speeder levels!!!!!!!!!!!! Either post it on the lucasarts/nintendo/factor5 website or I will give it out and tell the whole world and tell them...  [Read More]
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