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Page: 99 of 102
Posted in: visit my site!
09-12-2000, 6:41 PM
oh, and tell me what you think about it. the site that is....  [Read More]
Posted in: visit my site!
09-12-2000, 4:51 PM
#1  [Read More]
Posted in: visit my site!
09-12-2000, 4:50 PM
#1  [Read More]
Posted in: Wounds
11-13-2000, 10:12 PM
is it hard for you to type with your wrist being hurt?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Wounds
11-13-2000, 2:16 PM
hey gold squadron leader, was it you who emailed me? about bombing moff seerdon's shuttle? Why don't you get a steering wheel for your nintnedo 64, then you could fly, but use the pedals for shooting, and the steering wheel for turning. what a great...  [Read More]
Posted in: Wounds
11-10-2000, 4:13 PM
a few weeks ago i burnt the back of my left hand on a hot iron. I got a scar too. ------------------ Rage is my ally. -Rogue15, aka Saber2 at and Garindan at  [Read More]
Posted in: On to better things
10-28-2000, 2:50 PM
umm, isn't that what twi'leks do to their prisoners, i think iread that they kill their prisoners and put them in bacta to revive them. ouch. ------------------ Rage is my ally. -Rogue15, aka Saber2 at and Garindan at  [Read More]
Posted in: On to better things
10-21-2000, 9:09 PM
hey theforceguy, i haven't sen you in months! ------------------ Rage is my ally. -Rogue15, aka Saber2 at and Garindan at  [Read More]
it'd be better if you could go in and out of orbit AT WILL! And fly around the whole planet at will and park your ship on the ground, get out, walk around, explore buildings, go to the store and buy something to eat, stop at spaceports to get some fu...  [Read More]
No, what REALLY would have been cool is an Assault Gunboat. Those ships are the best....  [Read More]
Posted in: star wars games
08-18-2000, 4:57 PM
i also got the jedi name maker. it's pretty funny....  [Read More]
Posted in: star wars games
08-18-2000, 4:56 PM
oh, i got one more star wars game last night, promise not to laugh? alright, i got Sabaac or however you spell it, it's pretty fun. ------------------  [Read More]
Posted in: star wars games
08-18-2000, 4:54 PM
i maxed out everybody's pod racer (except the ones i didn't get, mawhonic for example and the others because i didn't wanna trash my good parts and use the pods i already got in the free play and 2-player), all you gotta do is play the semi-pro first...  [Read More]
Posted in: star wars games
08-18-2000, 4:48 PM
I think anakin has the best control out of all the racers, neva kee has the best accelleration, mars guo has the best top speed and accelleration, ody mandrell has good repair. My favorite track is Ando Prime Centrum using Ody Mandrell, i know all th...  [Read More]
Posted in: star wars games
08-18-2000, 12:22 PM
I like ody mandrell. i maxed out his racer by buying from the junkyard. ------------------  [Read More]
Posted in: usedaforce
08-16-2000, 5:57 PM
this is what it's supossed to do: USEDAFORCE: Seems to enable the ability to lock on your target using secondary fire. Thanks to: Lt. Guilo. you probably need the seeking missiles in order to get it to work though. ------------------ http://store1...  [Read More]
Posted in: usedaforce
08-16-2000, 5:55 PM
I think that code is for the pc, 'cause the n64 can't use that many letters. ------------------  [Read More]
Posted in: alright.
08-16-2000, 6:47 PM
I am 16 years old. ------------------  [Read More]
Posted in: death star run
11-11-2000, 4:50 PM
umm, gunner, will you mod magnum's profile, there's a part in it that is not too great....  [Read More]
Posted in: question!
09-26-2000, 9:21 PM
What i mean is, those pictures were used by the gameshark, released before the game came out (ever see that beautiful tie bomber in gerrard V that you would love to see in the cutscene? that was released before the game came out and it was deleted or...  [Read More]
Posted in: question!
09-26-2000, 3:33 PM
try finding a hacker and pay him to hack the game for you to get it to work, or go to lucasarts headquarters and jump out the window screaming: "LUCASARTS GIVE US THE CODE TO BE ALL THE SHIPS IN ALL THE LEVELS, AND MAKE BATTLE FOR NABOO MULTIPLA...  [Read More]
Posted in: question!
09-25-2000, 4:11 PM
get a gameshark, the master has the code to be able to use any ship in any level. I don't think lucasarts'll be nice and give out any more codes anytime soon. I wish i could help you....  [Read More]
Posted in: Raid of Sullust
09-26-2000, 3:36 PM
if you did not know, your not on the final level. there's 3 more after that, so i guess you gotta go back and beat them all with a gold medal!! including raid on sullust! just ask us when you need help....  [Read More]
Posted in: Raid of Sullust
09-25-2000, 4:09 PM
your most welcome.  [Read More]
Posted in: Raid of Sullust
09-22-2000, 7:54 PM
here's an idea to make it VERY VERY easy: use the code that'll make the game harder, play it for about an hour or so with the hard code on, THEN go back and try to beat it without the code, and it should be a piece of cake. well, maybe not, i never t...  [Read More]
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