What is everyone's favorite Rogue Squadron Level, and what ship do they like to fly in it?
Soon, Peace and Order will be restored throughout the Galaxy! -Emperor Palpatine
My favorite level/s are Assault on Kile 2 and i like to use the X-Wing on it.
Soon, Peace and Order will be restored throughout the Galaxy! -Emperor Palpatine
I like Thyferra, I like the way you have to shoot down every target! That was my problem on Taloran. I just flew around and destroyed everything when I should have left some behind and went on.
You will all burn! *BANZAI*
"The pen is mightier than the sword. Thats the biggestload of s**t!"
Sulust- lot of things to go boom.
"What is thy bidding thy Master"- Darth Vader.
Go into the pantry and steal a cookie!"- me.
My favourite is Barkhesh, not 'cos it's especially difficult. On the contrary, it's very easy, once you have the hang of it. But I've got it down to such a finely tuned sequence that I could probably do it to music. And, of course, I do it in an X-wing.
Now my favourite *difficult* mission is Thyferra, again in the X-wing. [I need its ability to cloak itself against missile launchers.] I keep feeling that I *should* be able to orchestrate it like Barkhesh, Chandrila and others. But it never comes out quite the same way twice.
Grook is cool guys, he likes the X-Wing. (So do I) Grook, how do you cloak your self in the X-Wing??
"The pen is mightier than the sword. Thats the biggestload of s**t!"
Respect the man's choice of spelling, knaves!
http://www.roguesquadron.net/forums/biggrin.gif) It's qrook...not Grooq or Greek or Grok or any such silliness...
I guess my favorite would have to be the prisons of Kessel, in the--<font size=5>A-wing!</font>
"I sought the true nature of reality but discovered instead the real nature of truth."
--Thrustweasel of Earth
I like to unwind with a nice trip to the Jade Moon in my V-wing. The bad guys get kinda ticked off about the mess I make...but then they become PART of the mess.
VERY FUNNY SCOTTY, now please beam down my PANTS!!!
The V-Wing is an excellent ship to pick if you are going to a level with alot of enemies because of the <font size=4>cluster missles!