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Posted in: Does Anyone Know...
07-10-2002, 6:18 PM
I've had that picture as my desktop wallpaper before. It's crappy in quality, which is a pity because it's a really cool picture....  [Read More]
Posted in: Arnold Schwarzenegger vs. Silvester Stallone
07-10-2002, 7:12 PM
Anyone who thinks Sly has a chance in hell against Arnie has got to be delusional. I mean come on, look at the size of Sly and look at the size of Arnie. Do the math, folks. Sly would be pushing women down the stairs to escape....  [Read More]
Posted in: Stupid Windows Sound Recorder!
07-10-2002, 6:55 PM
Try to find a program called Goldwave. It's an excellent program, and the trial version is free to download and it's fully functional. The version I have is very old, so it doesn't support MP3's or anything like that, but if it's still being produced...  [Read More]
Posted in: Lost Soul Status
07-10-2002, 7:06 PM
Oh well. Que sera, sera. Life goes on. No use crying over spilt milk. Them's the breaks. Sh*t happens. (And so forth and so on, ad infinitum. )...  [Read More]
Posted in: It's sick, I tells ya!
07-10-2002, 4:38 PM
Eva is about as hot as a skeleton can get I suppose, but I'm talking about obsession here, not fetishes......  [Read More]
Posted in: It's sick, I tells ya!
07-03-2002, 9:56 PM
There's got to be a at least a handfull of people here who have a real obsession, I just know it. The internet attracts the obsessed of all genres like no other medium on earth....  [Read More]
Posted in: It's sick, I tells ya!
07-03-2002, 10:38 AM
All the people who post on this forum are fans of Grim Fandango. (Duh.) What I wonder is for how many of us Grim Fandango presents more than light entertainment? The purpose of this thread is to discover just how obsessed we all are with this game.Pe...  [Read More]
Posted in: YAY! I'm back!
07-03-2002, 8:11 AM
Hey, are we going to finish that hangman game? Or have you forgotten what it was?:)...  [Read More]
Posted in: YAY! I'm back!
07-03-2002, 7:05 AM
Welcome back, amigo. I was beginning to wonder what had happened to you....  [Read More]
Posted in: Friend of Gexx
07-02-2002, 1:27 PM
Who, me? Why do you ask?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Friend of Gexx
07-02-2002, 7:15 AM
Pleased to me you Axis and welcome, the more the merrier. This is where I would usually say something clever or witty but I've just finished yet another all-night shift so I'm a little spacy at the moment. Next time eh? Hope to see a lot more of you....  [Read More]
Posted in: Compulsary Console War Thread of Doom
07-03-2002, 7:01 AM
To did be honest, I didn't think about the multiplay aspects of a console, likely because none of my friends have the slightest interest in video games. They're all preoccupied with their "jobs" and their "families" and their &quo...  [Read More]
Posted in: Compulsary Console War Thread of Doom
07-02-2002, 5:40 PM
Of course we don't all have parents to buy us things, but with a little spendthrift things like decent gaming PC's (which are getting much cheaper to buy) can be purchased. (Or in my case, handed over for free by a gullible supervisor to help you han...  [Read More]
Posted in: Compulsary Console War Thread of Doom
07-01-2002, 10:26 PM
With the money you pay to get an xbox or a PS2, you could buy a GeForce4. You'd get textures and graphics three times better than any console. Also, PC has ten times the amount of available games than all consoles combined. And to top it all off, why...  [Read More]
Posted in: Compulsary Console War Thread of Doom
07-01-2002, 6:59 PM
:mad: Can't think straight... so much sh*tty low-quality overpriced garbage... so many sh*tty low-quality overpriced games to play on them... must save world... must... destroy...!...  [Read More]
Try it from Lucashacks ( one more time, if it still doesn't work, I'll send it to you in an email....  [Read More]
If you're talking about SCUMMRev., then .wav files have to be converted seperately, the only person with the technology to process the cutscenes would be sued into oblivion if he ever released it, and backgrounds and splash screens can be view and ri...  [Read More]
Posted in: Supreme Deities of the Underworld
07-01-2002, 4:05 PM
Originally posted by MeddlingMonk There is no remembrance of men of old, and even those who are yet to come will not be remembered by those who follow. (Ecclesiastes 1:11) "The remembrance of the [I]righteous one is due for a blessing, but t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Tibi! Tibi!
07-01-2002, 8:06 PM
Ease up on Tall Guy, the sig. IS quite big. It's Big Sig. He simply made a note of it....  [Read More]
Posted in: Fan "Art"
07-03-2002, 7:25 AM
When you finally get SCUMMRevisited you'll be able to play that song over and over, with and without the singing....  [Read More]
Posted in: Fan "Art"
07-02-2002, 2:20 PM
Tall Guy, do you still want those backgrounds? Thanks to a tip from Monk, I now know how to get them. If you do still want them, what year/s do you want them from? P.S. I will be sending you an email as well, this is just in case you don't get it....  [Read More]
Posted in: Why doesn`t Grim Fandango have cheats ?
07-10-2002, 4:19 PM
I just finished GTA3. I thought I was only two thirds or so through it and it ended, just when it was getting really cool. I caught up with Catalina of course, but I didn't get to kill her directly, I blew her up in a helicopter. All that crap just t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Hello guys
07-02-2002, 5:21 PM
Whoops, my bad....  [Read More]
Posted in: Hello guys
07-02-2002, 2:54 PM
Another new person, this has been a good week. Welcome Membrillo....  [Read More]
Posted in: Hangman...2! (the sequel)
07-10-2002, 4:02 PM
N...  [Read More]
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