I like being a Lost Soul.
I feel very welcomed
when I saw it today.
I am haunting the form tonight
and I am Lost Soul.
I would like to be a Lost Soul forever.
The form moves you along as you post
and most sane people want the status
of a higher avitar ranking
but if I were kept back
as a Lost Soul forever;
I would be content.
(so when I reach enough posts
to chose for myself
I will have to reset myself.)
I do not want to reach the end,
I like wandering
in the land of the dead.
Oh Me Oh My!
I have Lost my Soul.
I must have left it
in my other pair of coveralls.
Oh well. Que sera, sera. Life goes on. No use crying over spilt milk. Them's the breaks. Sh*t happens. (And so forth and so on, ad infinitum. )
I like purple
much better that I do orange.
But what of pink?, PINK, DARTH!! WHAT OF PINK?!?!