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Posted in: Boba Fett? *spoilers*
09-20-2003, 9:01 AM
Originally posted by lankyframe wait i beat both sides of the force today and i didnt see ne bobba fett i know how to get his skin but that is it is there sumthing im missing?? in game im starting the game on jedi master is that where he is ? You...  [Read More]
masterpayin: so everybody who comes to Lukes Academy is allready half Jedi and all of them learned saber combat by themself? I ask again how unbelievable can something get? Yep thats right the blade got zero weight what that has to do with the movem...  [Read More]
Phew it is really pretty hard to get access to this board most of the time. So I only got back just yet. NITEMARE I am calm believe me and yes your little dialog is close to reality unfortunately. Yes I have played uh let me think SOF2 as well which...  [Read More]
Hmm I see Kurgan I can't say that I agree with you to put a whole Review of that size in spoiler tags but since you are the admin I wont argue with you about it. As for your little statement. Sure Jedi Academy is better than JO with the added conten...  [Read More]
Another wrong assumption. I like JA for being a nice action game with a strong storyline. I m just sad about the fact that if Raven would have taken the right steps, would have put some more [for me really obvious] thought into this it could have bee...  [Read More]
I wonder if anyone will get my point. Sure there can be fast movement during a sword battle. BUT when blades are being crossed, blows are being parry and exchanged the move speed doesn't exceed walking or when it is really fast jogging speed. It does...  [Read More]
1. Never wrote that you should reread that part I talked about having SOME training sessions and lessons playable or as an ingame cutscene [even skipable for the action junkie]. After that a cut that tells you five years or so went by and then you ta...  [Read More]
the story of another missed oportunity! MAJOR SPOILER ALERT DO NOT READ PAST THIS POINT IF YOU HAVE NOT PLAYED THE SINGLE PLAYER PART YET!!!!!! This is a review of Jedi Academys single player experience but however since this is only my opinion...  [Read More]
I have got a request. Can I make a custom walk/run toggle key? I hate to either constantly press a key for run or for walk. Thx in advance....  [Read More]
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