the story of another missed oportunity!
This is a review of Jedi Academys single player experience but however since this is only my opinion feel free to have another and don t bash me for mine thank you!
As you can see by the topic I have more criticism to say then praise to sing, but there are good things as well and I will honestly state what they are.
I was as everyone else very excited about the upcoming release of Jedi Academy however I was suspicious as well and it proved to be right there for I didn t buy JA but borrowed it from a nearby media store which surpisingly got the game so early.
Ok enough foreword lets get to the game. Lets start with the very first thing the character creation. Here we choose which race our char is and how he will look in the game. What I immediately noticed is that there are not both sexes for every race. Twillek are only female, Rodians only male and 2 other races with only male or female. If I remember it right the guy that led Luke to his audience with Jabba was indeed a male Twillek so the Twillek got males too. Now this is not a big issue at all but I just dont understand while the male or female counterparts to the races are not in. Now about the selection of looks. This goes from wide to narrow. Very narrow if you select the human female head. If you change this head all that changes is the hairstyle the face always remains the same.
Ok after that we select a light saber hilt and a color pretty nice. Nothing you can do about the saber stance sadly. I do not see a reason why you cannot select another starting stance. Another OK clicked and here we go, the typical Star Wars introduction, good so far.
The game starts we have to get to the Academy grounds by foot since our shuttle got shot down by an onknown enemy. OH NO what do I see? My char got his light saber in his hands a few swings prove I allready am an super expert on yellow stance. Is this supposed to make me feel I am a fledgling force knower? I dont think so. I can even throw it. At least I got no force powers yet. What about my partner Rosh we come across a switch which we cant reach with our hands NO PROBLEM he says and force pulls like a pro not one bit of exertion! I would have liked to see it like this: Rosh says Wait if I concentrate I maybe able to pull it with my will...switch slowly moves...phew that was hard lets get going. Woudnt that be much better? The leves climax is to fight a dark Jedi in a light saber battle. Well what kind of super newbie am I??? As you see I do not agree with that starting level one bit. You shouldnt be able to use the light saber as a weapon a blaster would have been so much better. The tree cutting [if absolutely neccesary] could have been pulled of with ingame cutscenes.
Another cutszene switching to a Lambda shuttle. I knew instantly when I heard the voice that it is Tavion. I thought well well what a surprise Tavions back for more as the main bad gal suprise surprise.
Cutszene on Academy grounds. Luke welcomes the new students to the Academy now directly from. Here you will be trained in the ways of the force. You will learn how to defend yourself with a light saber [what do I need to learn I m allready fighting like I did nothing else in my life], diplomacy [sounds good] and history [sounds good too]. You and Rosh get assigned to Kyle Katarn and are off to the training grounds. Now what kind of training is that? You enter the course and immediately got four force powers at your hand uhh great the question rises immediately again what kind of newbie am I? After you are through the course [which is pretty similar to the one you run as Kyle in JO] you are ready for real missions. Wow imho this part is really screwed up. It never gave me the feeling Im new to this how it should be. I mean hell you are a combat ready Padawan in not even twenty minutes and in the time of the Old Republic the Jedi were trained for 6 to 7 years before they were picked by a Master. I allready told you how I think the first level should have looked like now I will add what I think the Academy should have been like. Since you wouldnt have had any experience with the light saber in my version there would have been actual saber training could be done playable could be done as a cutscene. I would have liked to have history lessons about the Jedi as a cutscene. Luke promised them to me but I got none. Make this skipable for the action junkie if need be but I want to have them same for diplomacy. Nothing in there oh for christs sake why not? And than after you took some of this lessons there would be a cut that tells you "five years later" and you take that training course as a final test. Wouldn't that be MUCH better, wouldn't that be MUCH more believable? That would have given depth to the whole experience.
Ok Im off to the first mission I chose Droid Recovery since it is on Tatooin and there is mention of diplomacy maybe.... No I can't tell you how disappointed I was. No diplomacy only a sandpeople hack fest *sigh!
Ok thats it for the detailed part Im going to general now. Let's talk about missions. Aside from very few exceptions the missions are all about hacking, slashing, shooting enemy. I would have liked to have some real side quests in which you do what Jedi where known for. Being judge, bodyguard etc... you get the picture. Sadly they are not there only missions that deal with the disciples of Ragnos and they are about what I wrote first.
The story is very nice indeed. I might haven't played the game to the end if I not really wanted to know how it ends. And there are nice things in the missions as well. You can ride a taun taun on Hoth, you can ride a speeder bike [altough I think the controls are really bad for it], you can shoot a few Tie Fighters out of space onboard a big cruiser, you encounter two Rankors and you fight Boba Fett [that I liked alot] all of that adds alot to the Star Wars feel. The settings and architecture are very nice too. There is zero repetition every world gots it own look so you wont get sick of seeing the same textures again and again.
Now for sounds. The sounds are solid to good. One can't believe that they used the old boring hums from JO for JA again. Seriously they work for LucasArts and I don't believe that they are unable to get those juicy movie sounds. For example there are no dual swing sounds for the light staff [the ones everybody loved in EP1]. On the other hand I always hated all of the force sounds and it got no better. Aside from the force push Maul used against Obiwan force was always a silent thing and seriously if I had to hear all of this crap in my head for every force power I use I definately would stop thinking about becoming a Jedi. I mean that swoosh sound for every jump really adds nothing its just nerving but that maybe just me.
Graphics and Animation. Graphics do look nice for Quake 3 engine but I do not need hyper optics anyway they are nice but only add when the gameplay is right. All of the Animations [aside from the ones that had to be created] are reused from JO.
Now comes one of my favourite parts. Light saber combat. Well it is back the most hilarious and stupid thing about sword fighting. Running light saber combat!!!! I hardly believe that it is STILL like this but it is. I don't understand this Raven guys did you see anytime a movie in which sword fighting was a part Star Wars perhaps or an old pirate movie, cloak and dagger? Do the fighting ppl run at anytime when they cross blades? No? Why is that? Because you cannot fight with swords like this it is impossible but here we have it again back with Jedi Academy *sighs heavily. I once wrote a big post of what force use and saber fighting should be like. If you are interested here is the link
it deals with multiplayer saber combat but ideas I and others had could [and should] have been put into single player as well [Stamina for example]. well the saber combat got only a slight if any rework and mostly addition. If you want to end a saber fight quickly in the early game just use a kata it is almost a guaranteed death for the opposing dark Jedi [way overpowered]. In the late game saber fighting turns to mindless hack and slash while that was still kind of fun to watch in JO it turned rather old now. Victory is about luck not about skill. You will rarely have the time to pull of some of the special moves as well. I wonder if there will be ever a game that reflects sword fighting as it is . I don't know if any of you played Enter the Matrix, while not a great game [though I liked it alot] it deserves high praise for its mocap kungfu fighting system. When you pressed that block button you got an actual counter move to an attack move not like in JO or JA where you have that impenetrable light saber wall that is as old as 2d beat em ups. I think a similar system than the one in ETM would be needed to create real sword fighting. I hope someone will create this at a certain point.
To sum it up JA is a nice action game sadly cos it could have been so much more than that. It lacks the indepth experience it could have had and especially the training part at the academy is HIGHLY unbelievable. To be honest since it builds up on JO and uses nearly all of JOs content for me it is nothing but an expansion maybe a big sized expansion but an expansion none the less. I wouldn't pay full price for it if I was you but that is your decision in the end.
That is the end of my review feel free to comment!