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Posted in: New single saber animations?
05-03-2003, 6:33 PM
Do you think that since they are going to be working on new animations for the twin sabers and saber staffs, that they are going to alter or add animations for the standard single saber? I'd prefer the single bladed, but if the animations are going t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Are we FORCED to use the saber staff?
05-10-2003, 2:40 AM
I think the best way to handle it in multiplayer is to create a seperate criteria in the Force Selection that says something along the lines of "saber proficiency". You'd have to allot extra force points to use a staff or twin sabers. Pret...  [Read More]
Posted in: Black or White ??
05-04-2003, 1:04 PM
Originally posted by Prime Or get killed by Mon Mothma Yes, that was a little embarrasing....  [Read More]
Posted in: Black or White ??
05-02-2003, 1:14 AM
Wait, I thought it was sarcasm ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Black or White ??
05-01-2003, 10:59 PM
whoah, easy Mr. 5-topics-locked...  [Read More]
Posted in: You can't choose your characters name in JA
05-04-2003, 6:38 PM
I don't even think a name is given to your you or by the game. IGNs article states: Instead of taking on the role of a specific character as in the previous games in the series, Jedi Academy places players in the role of an anonymous...  [Read More]
Posted in: Burned out character wounds?
05-05-2003, 1:27 AM
Originally posted by t3rr0r phasing out gore? attack of the clones had the most dismemberment. :p Not to mention that spray of blood you can make out when Obi Wan slices Maul in half in episode 1...  [Read More]
Posted in: What will you do First?
08-25-2003, 1:49 AM
I usually play single player until I get the learning curve down, then tackle MP, while alternating back and forth....  [Read More]
Posted in: Translate it!
08-24-2003, 3:35 AM
#5 The legible print reads: "Ion Targeting System". The smaller print, I can't read, but the idea of being able to translate this stuff is pretty cool. Thanks for the transl...  [Read More]
Posted in: A feeling (*spoilers from latest trailer*)
08-23-2003, 6:57 PM
Originally posted elsewhere All Sith are Dark Jedi, but not all dark Jedi are sith This may be true to an extent, but the idea is that "Dark Jedi" and "Sith" are not synonomous with each other....  [Read More]
Posted in: A feeling (*spoilers from latest trailer*)
08-23-2003, 2:36 PM
A Dark Jedi is not necessarily a Sith. He must be trained specifically as one, as Maul was trained by Sidious, and Anakin was trained by Palpatine. The Sith can be considered a darkside cult, a specific culture. You don't just decide to use your pow...  [Read More]
Posted in: Release date
07-25-2003, 4:19 PM
I feel like an idiot, but I can't find the box cover art at Can anyone tell me how to get there, or link directly?...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Do's and Don'ts of Vehicle Implementation
07-02-2003, 2:18 PM
And that the crosshair wasn't dead on, a lot of the time, as it is on foot. So if you have the enemy in your crosshair with the AT-ST, your shot wouldn't always land a hit....  [Read More]
Posted in: portak skies
07-05-2003, 9:02 PM
Originally posted by Emon No, you'd still hit the sky. Taken out of context, that sounds pretty funny. Anyhow, if this feature is implemented it will be a nice little improvement since JK2....  [Read More]
I can understand why a self made lightsaber is more effective to use. I know personally from playing tennis, that if you use somebody elses racquet, you are going to notice a preliminary drop in your play. Only a minor change in the weight allocation...  [Read More]
Posted in: Concussion confirmation? in Elecplay Preview
06-02-2003, 9:28 PM
<edit> From the JK1 </edit> instruction manual: "Concussion Rifle: The weapon of the Tandoshan race fires compressed bullets of ionized air that explode in shockwaves. Primary fires an explosive projectile (8 cells per fire) which i...  [Read More]
Posted in: <GuNs>
06-04-2003, 12:05 AM
Originally posted by Prime Currently, I often have a hard time finding a vanilla 1.04 server, because there are so many mods available. Variety is nice, but it has to be done with some discression :) Amen to that. I wouldn't doubt it if they remov...  [Read More]
Posted in: <GuNs>
06-02-2003, 3:34 PM
I'm sorry, I just refuse to believe that these elite, intelligent warriors would refuse to use a blaster out of blatent stupidity....  [Read More]
Posted in: <GuNs>
06-02-2003, 2:52 PM
Originally posted by Spider AL Still, as I remarked before, there is such a thing as tradition. And Sith, on the whole, will always tend to be more powerful warriors than Jedi. After all, a Jedi practices peace, and a Sith practices conflict. So why...  [Read More]
Posted in: <GuNs>
06-02-2003, 1:42 AM
Originally posted by Spider AL But in the DF/JK series, ALL players are Force adepts. Therefore, a large and powerful gun used by a Jedi will be more powerful than a laser-sword used by a Jedi. it stands to reason, and logically and aesthetically, g...  [Read More]
Posted in: <GuNs>
06-02-2003, 1:16 AM
Originally posted by Prime "Balance" means being able to pick a weapon of choice and owning everyone else with it. If the player is unable to use said weapon to defeat his enemies regularly, then the game is "unbalanced". :D Th...  [Read More]
Posted in: <GuNs>
06-01-2003, 9:28 PM
But Jedi can and do use guns. Read Tales of the Jedi, watch ESB. And the games have focused on Kyle Katarn, a Jedi living in the Post-ROTJ environment where Jedi are few and far between and can't be too swept up in traditional honorable warrior codes...  [Read More]
Posted in: <GuNs>
05-29-2003, 3:11 PM
So the concept of guns being effective against sabers is good for gameplay reasons, and is also backed up by what is shown in the movies. For gameplay, yes. But as far as the movie goes, you have to remember they were outnumbered over 10 droids for...  [Read More]
Posted in: <GuNs>
05-28-2003, 1:32 AM
I really think force powers should be noticably reduced while using a gun. Like they are doing with the lightstaff and twin sabers. Any guns that occupies two hands should have some kind of force penalty. The idea should be using guns at long range....  [Read More]
Posted in: <GuNs>
05-26-2003, 10:42 PM
A lot of people are saying that saber-dominance is ok in SP but in multiplayer the focus should be on guns. Why? The game is called "Jedi Knight". A Jedi is not inclined to use guns, plain and simple. The fact that guns are present, should...  [Read More]
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