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Posted in: Starkiller Can Fly? O_o
11-25-2010, 8:22 PM
dude its a movie , science fiction, fantasy , unrealistic and imagination comes to mind. who cares .... if we sat and analysed every movie that came out as to why didnt he do this or why didnt they zig when they could have zagged , it would turn into...  [Read More]
Posted in: Starkiller Can Fly? O_o
11-24-2010, 4:23 PM
It's not flying, it's falling with style! haha now where have a heard that one before .... ive gone blank :indif:...  [Read More]
Posted in: yay and nay survey: TOR
11-25-2010, 4:16 PM
ummmmmm.....MMO style of gameplay ?? ......  [Read More]
Posted in: yay and nay survey: TOR
11-24-2010, 4:18 PM
@ Ztalker ^^ just a personall preferance i guess, i dont like the MMO style of gameplay, Does not appeal to me one bit. It may be a great game storywise and whatever , but because its an MMO style of does most deffinetly not tickle my fanc...  [Read More]
Posted in: yay and nay survey: TOR
11-22-2010, 10:14 PM
nay....make me vomit ...MMO'S bblllleeeuurrhhhggg!!!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dissapointment
11-01-2010, 1:08 AM
completley agree guys.... i was so looking forward to this, and i did enjoy playing it. But yeh, wwwwaaayyyy to short for the money you pay. Also , it didnt feel as in depth as i thought it would be . but again i did enjoy playing it. There Were som...  [Read More]
Posted in: TFU 2 Needed to be alittle longer
10-27-2010, 7:06 PM
then the emperor has already won...N0O0O0O0O0O0O!!!!!!!!!!! oh well watever lol i played through number like a bajillion times anyways so yeh haha...  [Read More]
Posted in: TFU 2 Needed to be alittle longer
10-27-2010, 7:00 PM
^^^^ that would be AWSOME !!!!!! im kinda saddened that so many people have said that it was soo horribly bad because of how short it was. But TFUI wasnt that long anyways.... so i dunno....  [Read More]
Posted in: Wow...Some Pretty Bad Reviews
10-27-2010, 6:28 PM
#19 soooo confused now, i was all hyped up about buying the collectors edition this weekend. but now im not so sure, is there any point in getting it anymore. Judging from what you guys have said...yeehhh no.... :( so dissapointed...  [Read More]
Posted in: force unleashed 2 demo
10-19-2010, 11:27 PM
well that's the problem, the demo is pretty much how i decide if i'm gonna buy this game.. don't want to go out and spend money on something if it dosn't run as smooth as possible because it's a port :/ ....refunds dude , lol im sure you could get y...  [Read More]
Posted in: Force unleashed 2 can hardly wait
10-23-2010, 9:04 PM
i hope its not four hours.....thats would be soooooo , not good lol...  [Read More]
Posted in: Force unleashed 2 can hardly wait
10-19-2010, 5:16 PM
wise words of the black eyes peas, where is the love ... lol...  [Read More]
Posted in: Demo is out Xbox Gold
10-20-2010, 12:55 AM
it thrills me and fills my heart with such joy to see so many people enjoying it :) to all the nei sayers ... HAH!!! TOLD YOU SO !! .....carry on .. ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: TFU2 Demo?
10-04-2010, 9:56 PM
*shaking head* some people are just SLACK !!...  [Read More]
Posted in: TFU2 Demo?
10-04-2010, 8:19 PM
didnt even now there was a demo out .. lol...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Force Unleashed 2
08-25-2010, 6:32 PM
Can't wait, loved the trailer, loved the clones aspect to it reminds me of the Thrawn Trilogy storyline, and that's never a bad thing. Now thats the spirit :thmbup1:...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Force Unleashed 2
08-24-2010, 9:26 PM
wooooooooooo...hurry up and come out!!!!!!!!!! taking to long...  [Read More]
Posted in: New force unleashed 2 fansite
08-18-2010, 6:12 PM
Hey man !! welcome to the forums. I just cheked out your site :) looking pretty sweet dude. Im a HUGE TFU2 fan so ill be cheking up on the site regularly. keep up the good work buddy :) P.s AS IF THERES 71 DAYS LEFT!!! gggggrrrrrrrr!! haha...  [Read More]
Posted in: Backwards Lightsaber
08-25-2010, 6:28 PM
not pointless, would have been a good feature :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Backwards Lightsaber
08-22-2010, 6:22 PM
hahah "sloppy japanese copy" ....i do see your point....  [Read More]
Posted in: Backwards Lightsaber
08-05-2010, 5:32 PM
it wont be pushed back. its getting to close to the release....  [Read More]
Posted in: Backwards Lightsaber
07-29-2010, 11:23 PM
eexxaacctttllyyyy !!!!!! :) although it would be cool if you could turn them on and off whenever you wanted. like not having them on while your walking :P...  [Read More]
Posted in: Backwards Lightsaber
07-29-2010, 6:16 PM
ggoossh stop crying about it lol. do you want some cheese with your whine ???? it isnt that bad guys, as if you arent glad you get to use TWO sabers in this one. Its pretty awsome in itself :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Did LucasArts & BioWare announced TOR too early?
08-23-2010, 6:24 PM
once again ....bbbb0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o .. no no just kidding :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Did LucasArts & BioWare announced TOR too early?
08-04-2010, 6:45 PM
b0o0o0o0o00o0o0o!!!!!!...  [Read More]
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