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Posted in: Star Wars - Shadows of the Empire
02-22-2010, 11:19 AM
looks excellent is it a new vader model or is it that guys who's name i cant remeber Avo or somthing like that...  [Read More]
Posted in: Any volunteers?
02-22-2010, 11:03 AM
, though we will see one character of the original game in the mod. So who would be interested to assist me? well you said before 90 years after TSL that means it can only be about 5 people from K1 and TSL they are Zaalbar (Never given his age but...  [Read More]
Posted in: Any volunteers?
02-21-2010, 2:54 PM
well from what your asking your partically asking for the Project to be done for you lol! maybe more people would be interessted if you say what YOU can do and what YOU will do in the TC/SC/What ever...  [Read More]
Posted in: TSL Faction Change script
02-18-2010, 4:34 PM
hey i know the one for K1 void main() { ChangeToStandardFaction(OBJECT_SELF, STANDARD_FACTION_HOSTILE_1); } But when i use the same script for K2 it gets a error and i dont know what to change it to any help would be helpful:thmbup1:...  [Read More]
Posted in: conditional Script
02-16-2010, 2:43 PM
hey for Kotor there are scripts for when your in a certain area like a planet but is there a script for the endar spire? if no can someone give me one:thmbup1: im lazy like that :P Please help you know you want to :nod:...  [Read More]
Posted in: K1 merchant Script
02-15-2010, 1:59 PM
Thanks...  [Read More]
Posted in: K1 merchant Script
02-15-2010, 12:33 PM
What is the script that opens a Mercant In K1 The Shops ResRef and Tag is "custom" Help please You Know you want to :nod:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Monkeying around(Greggomonkeys WIPS)
02-15-2010, 2:01 PM
your first to Pics Just have the img code in the spoiler for me The 3rd one shows for me and it looks pretty good...  [Read More]
Posted in: [Help] With .MOD File
02-11-2010, 4:19 PM
isnt just ultimate irony when some one gives you the anwser and its so simple you just wanna:hang1: Buts thanks for the help Queen Of Night i never would have guessed it. [edit] Ok another question. Do i need to put any other files In any Of the Fo...  [Read More]
Posted in: [Help] With .MOD File
02-11-2010, 1:47 PM
ok im trying to make a new area. im only using kotor tool. i have the maps and the module editor brings up the map. I delete the doors that link to other modules (Im Editing Taris apartmants) and i delete all placeables (that could be the properlem)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Total Character Re-skin Converstion 'TCRC'
02-10-2010, 11:56 AM
You'll want to dig around the Tutorials sections for Photoshopping tutorials. i have GIMP not PhotoShop Any Way Il Release About 3-6 Packs 1)Party memebrs 2) Sith Acadamy Heads (Uthar And yuthera) (Or however you spell it) 3)Mandalorians 4)Sith (Da...  [Read More]
Posted in: Total Character Re-skin Converstion 'TCRC'
02-09-2010, 8:05 AM
Holty, you have some really great concepts for skins, but you need to work a little on the execution. I like the black HK-47 (It's very HK-51ish) and the red Mission is a winner too, though already done. I've said this before: Above all, mod for yo...  [Read More]
Posted in: Total Character Re-skin Converstion 'TCRC'
02-08-2010, 12:17 PM
I agree they need work, they are way to colorful and need more texture to it, but I think it's a good start. T3, HK, and Juhani are pretty good. Are you making portraits? JM properly Not making Portraits as Normally Most changes Are For Cloths But...  [Read More]
Posted in: Total Character Re-skin Converstion 'TCRC'
02-08-2010, 11:02 AM
ok i cant really anwser a lot but i will try. yes i know some look bad i will correct them. when i said 60 in 10 hours i was kinda exagerating it was more like 20 and i had some other i had already made. Also the Pictures Are not of the Best Qualit...  [Read More]
Posted in: Total Character Re-skin Converstion 'TCRC'
02-07-2010, 5:10 PM
H1-5 Here Annouch My lastest Project What Is TCRC you ask? Its a Mod were i will change all the Skins of the Characters, Aliens, Creatures and Droids. What will the quality be like? Well so Far i have re-skinned 60 Files In 10 Hours and i am seein...  [Read More]
Posted in: Companion Conditional Script
02-07-2010, 5:25 PM
There Different for Both Games which one are you using for K1 k_con_carthpm checks to see if carth is a party member k_con_carthnpm checks to see if carth is not a party member For K2 i dont know...  [Read More]
Skinning: 2% Skinning has already began with the help of Dak Drexl and Te Prudi Mand'alor. Modules: 1% Starting to edit them The game itself hasen't been tested quite yet, lolif you had tested it with only 2% of skins and pretty much 0 modules...  [Read More]
Posted in: Team Assassin [Recruiting]
02-05-2010, 1:20 PM
Social Group Found Here: Ok this is Not a Team that will attempta Massive TC that will never be made. we will only Attempt Mods we have the Skill To make. you dont have to be the greatest in the type...  [Read More]
Posted in: [Help] Scripting h1-5
02-05-2010, 11:59 AM
Thanks il go try it out in game...  [Read More]
Posted in: [Help] Scripting h1-5
02-05-2010, 11:19 AM
hi i was wondering if a good scripter could help me on this. i would like a script for Kotor 1 that makes a NPC vanish. just completely stop exsisting In Game. Any help would be Greatly Help H1-5...  [Read More]
Posted in: Recruiting the jedi on the endar spire
02-01-2010, 4:30 PM
i know a lot of people have tried this and a lot have failed i have been able to do some such as recruit her into your party but then a bug appears where either her or trask wraps into the dorms with a door sealed which makes moving on impossibal i...  [Read More]
Posted in: JuniorModder's The New Jedi Order
02-22-2010, 11:09 AM
just use the hawk its easy there and has history! there could be a quest where you learn somthing about Revan or the Exile and i like Canderis said Hk-47 has to be in it or no one will like it.... im joking but lots of people will be like *snif* *s...  [Read More]
Posted in: JuniorModder's The New Jedi Order
02-13-2010, 4:06 PM
My Only Suggestion is to Change B1-D1 to a Different Droid Type or change his animations as that type of Droid cant hold a gun or sword and its normal attacks look at Bit <Bad Word> (u can guess the word)...  [Read More]
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