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Posted in: I'm going to rent it
06-10-2009, 9:27 PM
I'm going to rent Fracture if anyone else has the game hit me up on Xbox live my gamertag is Pwnzor326....  [Read More]
Posted in: SW:TOR's E3 Trailer
06-10-2009, 6:30 PM
Anyone else think that E3 CG trailer was completely bad ass. Too bad the game won't actually look like that. Anyone else thought that that guy with the mouth cybernetics looks like Malak?  [Read More]
Posted in: Activion can die in a fire
06-10-2009, 6:33 PM
I find it interesting how Activision and EA have changed places. Activision is now the company whoring out there franchises every year (i.e. Call of Duty, Guitar Hero, and Tony Hawk) while EA has published a ton of new ips (i.e. Mirror's Edge, Deadsp...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battlefront: Elite Squadron
06-10-2009, 9:25 PM
I really wish they didn't stop Free Radical from making BFIII so we could have that besides another average Portable endevor....  [Read More]
Posted in: Playing non-jedi
02-02-2009, 8:44 PM
I wa discussing this fairly recently with a few friends - one of them had the notion that they might have Jedi/Sith advance slower than other characters, as in gain less exp per action, or require more exp to level. Yea but I'm sure that would get...  [Read More]
Posted in: Playing non-jedi
01-27-2009, 8:59 PM
Theres gotta be some heavy balancing I don't even know who they would do it....  [Read More]
Posted in: Playing non-jedi
01-27-2009, 6:21 PM
Who here is actually gonna play someone besides a Jedi or Sith?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Possible Graphics?
11-09-2008, 5:38 PM
You know I don't know why everyone is complaining these graphics look pretty nice and if they were realistic they would look really bad in a couple of years. With stylized looks like in TOR this game like WoW can still look fresh for years to come....  [Read More]
They kinda do look like Pit droids with the HK-47 orange-y color....  [Read More]
Posted in: How ironic.....
10-27-2008, 11:26 PM
More people post in the section that has nothing to do with the game, then in the one that has anything to do with the game (say that 10 times fast)....  [Read More]
Posted in: Main Plot Revealed - Naga Sadow Strikes Back
11-09-2008, 4:26 PM
Wouldn't Naga Sadow be dead for atleast 2000 years before TOR takes place. I've only read volume 1 on Tales of the Jedi so I only know what happens up to Nomi Sunrider....  [Read More]
Posted in: PC ? Wii ?
10-15-2008, 11:46 PM
I don't think the Wii could handle it and if it has the same engine as TFU than the PC can't either cause it has problems running Euphoria (Thats why there was no PC version of TFU). Really? I had no clue that's why... I thought it was because no one...  [Read More]
Posted in: PC ? Wii ?
10-14-2008, 10:19 PM
I don't think the Wii could handle it and if it has the same engine as TFU than the PC can't either cause it has problems running Euphoria (Thats why there was no PC version of TFU)....  [Read More]
Posted in: Good and Bad about Game
10-12-2008, 6:47 PM
The Lightsaber feels like a glowing baseball bat it doesn't seem to do any real damage....  [Read More]
Posted in: "With Terrain Deformation I would..."
10-16-2008, 8:07 AM
Hold the world ransom...  [Read More]
Posted in: Will u bother with DLC if its not free?
10-16-2008, 12:01 AM
Probably not seeing as I only rented it and beat it in a weekend. It would probably be like $5 so it would make more sense for me to rent it for the Wii for $8 so I can get the content missing from the Xbox360 version (there just putting the extra co...  [Read More]
Posted in: Getting sick of people always saying this...
10-13-2008, 7:26 PM
Rules were meant to be broken...  [Read More]
Posted in: Downloadable Content Soon To be Unleashed
10-14-2008, 10:18 PM
Is that Jedi Temple long and good enough of a level to warrant paying for it?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Downloadable Content Soon To be Unleashed
10-12-2008, 6:49 PM
All this stuff should have been in the game in the first place. TFU is a good game but it was lacking in content....  [Read More]
Posted in: Is the terrain changing enough?
10-26-2008, 3:01 PM
#13 :p Funny really shows how stupid the plot its.......  [Read More]
Posted in: Whos getting it?
10-14-2008, 11:35 PM
When it goes down to the $20-30 range maybe same goes for TFU which I rented and liked but didn't have time to re-beat the game with the DS ending and won't be able to download the DLC coming out....  [Read More]
Posted in: Retcons in TFU?
10-12-2008, 6:56 PM
The only other "retcon" would be the shift from "prequel blue" to "original blue" lightsabers... There was a difference?...  [Read More]
Posted in: PC boycott?
11-09-2008, 4:20 PM
The reason its not on the PC is because the PC has trouble running the Euphoria physics engine used in the game. My mistake the pc CAN run Euphoria but a lot of older systems would have trouble running it so I guess they didn't think enough people co...  [Read More]
Posted in: PC boycott?
10-18-2008, 3:34 PM
The reason its not on the PC is because the PC has trouble running the Euphoria physics engine used in the game....  [Read More]
Posted in: Backwards Lightsaber
10-15-2008, 11:55 PM
I heard in an interview that they did it so you could see the lightsaber better. I also noticed that Ashoka from the Clone Wars has that same stance....  [Read More]
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