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Posted in: Vote Ideas
07-19-2008, 5:14 PM
wat about that thread that said that it would? :(...  [Read More]
Posted in: Vote Ideas
07-18-2008, 10:04 PM
So its been announced that SWBF3 will be coming out sooner or later for PS2 PS3, Xbox 360, and not PC (suprisingly). So.... I am just making this post so ppl can vote on the general ideas that everyones been talking about.... I hope this isnt stupid....  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars: Battlefront III
07-19-2008, 5:15 PM
lol yeah i know what u mean...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars: Battlefront III
07-14-2008, 1:58 PM
yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but boo as well. my sympathy lies with the PC users around the world who have to... play at a friends house or something else that incredibly inconvienient....  [Read More]
Posted in: How good are snipers?
07-19-2008, 5:16 PM
um snipers are only as good as the ppl who control them. thats all i have to say about that. oh. and i hope they change the snipers laser. it looks like a giant pole that launchs at ppl...  [Read More]
Posted in: What system(s) should it come out for???
06-16-2008, 4:17 PM
why is xbox even an option. its a dead system. theres no games coming out for it. and why isnt PC on there? PC is a major contributor to star wars sales...  [Read More]
Posted in: Read!!!!!!! SWB3 Add-ons
01-29-2008, 3:06 PM
New Eras roflmao :lol:...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Weapons?
01-21-2008, 8:30 AM
For a new weapon i would like a beat down option, it seems like i empty a clip and am so close to a kill... a shank or rifle hit would be nice, its not a very star wars thing, but i could atleast see a wookie doing it. that would be sick! ive always...  [Read More]
Posted in: When is it coming out???
02-03-2008, 9:12 PM
was this game we all speak of... Star Wars Battlefront 3... actually announced...  [Read More]
Posted in: When is it coming out???
02-01-2008, 9:13 AM
well i doubt that will happen! then the whole rank system falls apart...  [Read More]
Posted in: When is it coming out???
01-29-2008, 3:09 PM
if u can pik up weopens in COD4 (which i bet u can) it shouldent hav that or a jet troop could hav shotguns or machine guys or stuff :confused: what? :confused:...  [Read More]
As long as they have Hutts on leading positions... :nod: right. anyways. i dont think they will just have it on PS3 or 360 or just PC they will have it on PC because its just traditional. but they have to keep the mainstream going. i.e. little eight...  [Read More]
that would be crazy if it wasnt on PC. i dont have a PC but thats just wrong not to have it on PC most of the BF games are PC...  [Read More]
Ok that can be because we only know on wich platforms the game will come out, and I do totally understand that you say that the info is unreliable. I found it weird myself too!! But neither you or me can deside if that info is right or not!!! ok. we...  [Read More]
what im trying to say, and probably jawathehutt, is that your sources dont sound reliable. the point isnt if holland and germany get less video game publicity or whatever the point is that your sources sound stupid weird and def. unreliable...  [Read More]
That makes perfect sense that theyre leaving star wars, THEY ONLY CREATED IT That "news" is the biggest load of crap I've ever seen. im going to have to agree with jawa. you do sound a little *kookoo* i mean all your resources are dutch an...  [Read More]
06-16-2008, 4:14 PM
i think there should be more of everything. more maps. more AI. more vehicles. more more more......  [Read More]
02-12-2008, 7:07 PM
COD 4 is based on modern warfare that is already being used in iraq and afghanistan and everybody who watches the news sees fully packed soldiers on the streets. So in real life they can choose their weaponry too!!! This makes COD 4 more realistic if...  [Read More]
01-27-2008, 5:33 PM
*my list -destructable enviroments -more troops and vehicles on the battlefield -more vehicles -better monologue -better graphics -larger maps -command group of troops -larger space battles, i.e. more ships, fighters, pilots, etc -larger spaces insi...  [Read More]
06-16-2008, 4:20 PM
ok. more vehicles....  [Read More]
Posted in: Renegade Squadron is NO GOOD
01-29-2008, 3:08 PM
^^^ How is continuing to post on the Renegade squadron is no good thread "moving on"? well i feel that renegade squadron was so bad that i have to keep on posting about how bad it is. is that a problem or something? :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Renegade Squadron is NO GOOD
01-21-2008, 8:08 AM
yeah im sticking with renegade sucks graphics - bad maps - good but not with those graphics...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battlefront iii features
07-18-2008, 10:14 PM
exactly...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battlefront iii features
07-17-2008, 1:03 PM
exactly. all the better maps were washed out by new maps that were... i dunno... not as good....  [Read More]
Posted in: Battlefront iii features
07-16-2008, 11:09 AM
i liked BF1 because it had maps that weren't from places that not a lot of stuff happened at. IN bf2 there was maps like the asteroid planet lea gave birth to the twins and things like that. That why i didnt enjoy it as much......  [Read More]
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