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Posted in: What's your Wallpaper? (56k ouchies)
01-14-2007, 7:36 PM
#667 All hail, Boba Fett!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
01-16-2007, 6:02 PM
Jaara noticed that Zakk bought a cheap combat model. He seemed kind of disturbed. "Translation: He says those droids are a waste of credits, master Zakk." JA-T1 translated to a loud roar from Jaara. "He also says he is done installing...  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
01-15-2007, 8:09 PM
Jaara sits back down and thanks JA-T1 for his assistance. "Your welcome." JA said as he left the cargo hold. Jaara looked at the almost-complete droid, he seemed to be missing some parts needed for it to fully function. He looked down at t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
01-15-2007, 7:59 PM
Jaara turned around to see Zakk, with a pleased look on his face. Jaara roared loudly, he was calling for JA-T1. "Coming." JA said as he entered the cargo hold. Jaara held up the droid that still looked like junk, the outline of the droid'...  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
01-15-2007, 7:44 PM
"That'll be 5,000." the Daarga said. Jaara set the remaining droid parts he had in his arms on down on the table. He then reached inside one of his pouches and pulled out a handful of credits. He counted the amount he had on the table. He...  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
01-15-2007, 7:19 PM
Jaara came out to the shop owner, who had a lot of utility droids around in his store. But he could see no combat droids. Jaara sniffled and smirked to the merchant. "Translation: --" JA-T1 began. "I know what he's saying!" the...  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
01-15-2007, 6:57 PM
Jaara picked the proccessor core out of Zakk's hands. He studied the item, flipping it in all directions. He roared pleased. "Translation: He says this is a good part for a combat droid, but there is still the matter of crafting the designs and...  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
01-15-2007, 6:05 PM
Jaara growled softley back to Zakk. "He wants you to know he was simply joking, but he will remember your orders for the future." JA-T1 said. Jaara growled loudly and pointed at the merchant he had encountered previously. "And also, n...  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
01-15-2007, 5:41 PM
Jaara roars loudly to Jack. "Translation: My master says 'No!' in a mockery state of tone." JA-T1 said. Jaara then continued on to look for the droid parts needed....  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
01-15-2007, 5:36 PM
Jaara and JA-T1 exit the boarding ramp last. The planet seemed trashed, and not well-taken care of. But this kind of place is where you would usually find droid parts, most likely usefull droid parts. "Master, I advise we start by asking that m...  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
01-15-2007, 5:16 PM
Jaara went back to the cargo hold to grab his equipment, he also added an empty bad (one of the many he had) to hold the droid parts they might find. Jaara walked out of the cargo hold, to find JA-T1 asking him a question: "Would you like me to...  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
01-15-2007, 5:03 PM
Jaara figured it out, he wanted to build another droid, but one that was usefull for combat and skills such as repair and computers. The droid would also make a good companion for JA-T1. He needed scrap parts though, and there didn't seem to be any...  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
01-15-2007, 4:48 PM
Jaara saw the workbench hidden behind the cargo hold containers, he was delighted. Jaara was always a builder, he loved to craft droids and weapons, it was one of his talents. His lightsaber was specially crafted by himself, saying this, he has much...  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
01-15-2007, 4:26 PM
Jaara went to the cargo hold, he would make this section of the ship his chambers. It was a large area, how he liked it. He programed JA-T1 to travel the ship, he could be of some use to the crew members if needed....  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
01-15-2007, 3:58 PM
Jaara turned around to face Damien. He roared as his fur straightened up. "He says you do not know him, and he wants you to stop pestering him." JA-T1 said. "If you were wise, I would advise you do so." the small droid added. Ja...  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
01-15-2007, 3:53 PM
Jaara turned around and took a few steps away from Damien. Again Jaara growled furociously. "Translation: Not likely." JA-T1 translated....  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
01-15-2007, 3:47 PM
Jaara looked angry, which was common for a Wookiee. But his Jedi teachings forbade such emotions, he calmed down quickly and roared loudly. "Translation: He wonders if you are truely a Jedi, if so, he mocks your lightsaber stance." JA-T1 s...  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
01-15-2007, 3:37 PM
Jaara looked at the energiezed Damienm, and walked toward him. He let of a low smirk out. "He doesn't like you." JA-T1 said. Jaara looked at JA-T1 with a confused look on his face. "Sorry, I mispoke. He hates you." JA-T1 said. J...  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
01-15-2007, 3:03 PM
Jaara roared in a soft tone, not looking at Jack, but obviously talking to him. "Translation: He says you're short." JA-T1 said. Jaara added a soft growl. "And he welcomes you to the team."...  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
01-15-2007, 1:48 PM
Jaara looked impatient, but this was his normal attitude. He turned around and watched out for more of their companions to arrive. "Translation: Judgeing by his attitude, he does not want to wait." JA-T1 spoke. Jaara let out a loud roar....  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
01-15-2007, 1:37 PM
Jaara came out of the shadows, looking tall and somewhat powerful. His equipment was fully packed and his droid, JA-T1, was right besides him. Jaara walked over to Zakk as JA followed. Jaara spoke in a loud growl, looking ready for this mission. &qu...  [Read More]
Posted in: Force Of Darkness: Discussion/Recruitment
01-15-2007, 1:32 PM
You should start the first post, since I know where the basic start of this RPG will take off. Then I'll get into it from there....  [Read More]
Posted in: Force Of Darkness: Discussion/Recruitment
01-14-2007, 6:44 PM
This role play looks fun, count me in. Name: Jaara Real Name: Jaara of Kashyyyk Homeworld: Kashyyyk Faction: Jedi Class: Jedi Guardian Age: 39 Attributes: - STR: 25 - DEX: 18 - CON: 25 - INT: 15 - WIS: 18 - CHR: 20 Eye Color: Brown Fur Color: Gra...  [Read More]
Posted in: Not being able to edit Threads
01-13-2007, 9:02 PM
Cool option, thanks Darth333....  [Read More]
Posted in: [Art] Darth ???
01-21-2007, 7:53 PM
Both pictures are nice Dark_Lady, especially the second one. Though Exar Kun's lightsaber looks a little rushed, and it doesn't look as '3-D' as the Twi'lek does, but it's still something cool to look at. Good job!...  [Read More]
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