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Darth Newfie

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Posted in: Cheat Glitch
 Darth Newfie
11-24-2006, 2:46 PM
I've used cheats before including invincibilty and unlimited ammo. But for the wampa cheat thats supposed to make captions appear on the screen dosen't work. I've tried it a million times getting the code completly right but still it will not work! I...  [Read More]
Posted in: How do you slice a vehicle?
 Darth Newfie
11-23-2006, 1:57 PM
Well spawn as an engineer and run to an enemy occupied vehicle. Use the fusioncutter on it and a message in the center of the screen should appear "Slicing 1%" and hold the fire button until it reaches 100%. Make shure the vehicle is in you...  [Read More]
Posted in: Clone Wars Walkthrough
 Darth Newfie
11-19-2006, 2:15 PM
Mission 1 - The Battle of Naboo - Episode 1 Faction - Confederacy of independant Systems VS Gungan Grand Army Objectives - Destroy the fambaas to bring down shield. Wipe out the gungan grand army. Spawn at your base cp on the hill as a battle droid...  [Read More]
Posted in: Destroy the Shield Bunker!
 Darth Newfie
11-17-2006, 5:35 PM
This is an easy way to destroy the shield bunker on Endor. Spawn as a wookie smuggler at the rebel outpost, the southern most cp. Get on a speederbike and head towards the next allied cp. There is at least one bike at each cp so it dosen't matter whe...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars Battlefront 2 Geonosis Map Tips
 Darth Newfie
11-27-2006, 10:33 AM
They are called lrik cannons. When you place the reticule over it the name appears above the health bar. the strategy guide calls them geonosian sonic cannons though....  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars Battlefront 2 Geonosis Map Tips
 Darth Newfie
11-26-2006, 6:32 AM
LOL , I know most people have played Geonosis and actually its my least favorite map but since its so big and has little detail, its the best one to create a guide for. I spent a while scouting out the whole map. Did you know a jedi , jet trooper can...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars Battlefront 2 Geonosis Map Tips
 Darth Newfie
11-17-2006, 3:40 PM
These are some things you may find interesting about geonosis. - The confederate bunker at the north of the map has a hole in it. Mace Windu or a jet trooper can fly up and do a suprise attack on defenders and easily capture this cp for the republic...  [Read More]
Posted in: Relenzo2's mod review
 Darth Newfie
11-29-2006, 4:14 PM
Lol, a parody, and its a good one at that. EDIT: No I didn't notice that post. :(...  [Read More]
I agree with you Redtech, Felucia sucked! It was by far the most confusing and worst map out of all of them. The Rhen Var and Bespin maps are all that I play on BF 1. They should include Felucia in BF 3 but make it better than they did in BF 2. The...  [Read More]
To cook a grenade you pull the pin and wait before you throw it, meaning it explodes sooner once it reaches its target. Of course there are no "pins" on Star Wars thermal detonators or concussion grenades but a switch as seen in Return of t...  [Read More]
Sorry 'bout that. I had a feeling somebody would say that. But I've had a list of crap they should have in battlefront 3 ever since battlefront 2 was anounced. I should have just edited the first post instead of doubleposting , lol. To Mothon Gyzaa...  [Read More]
These are the heros, infantry and vehicles that would be cool to have in BF 3. Soldier - Rebel Soldier , Stormtrooper / Clone Trooper , Super Battle Droid Commander - Rebel General , Imperial Commander / Clone Commander , Droid Commander Sniper -...  [Read More]
These are the things I want to see in Battlefront 3. - 1st person view in vehicles - more maps from the movies like Cloud City , Naboo Plains , Dune Sea - at least 2 capital ships in space battles - a melee class troop - a security class troop speci...  [Read More]
I agree with you Redtech, Felucia sucked! It was by far the most confusing and worst map out of all of them. The Rhen Var and Bespin maps are all that I play on BF 1. They should include Felucia in BF 3 but make it better than they did in BF 2. The...  [Read More]
To cook a grenade you pull the pin and wait before you throw it, meaning it explodes sooner once it reaches its target. Of course there are no "pins" on Star Wars thermal detonators or concussion grenades but a switch as seen in Return of t...  [Read More]
Sorry 'bout that. I had a feeling somebody would say that. But I've had a list of crap they should have in battlefront 3 ever since battlefront 2 was anounced. I should have just edited the first post instead of doubleposting , lol. To Mothon Gyzaa...  [Read More]
These are the heros, infantry and vehicles that would be cool to have in BF 3. Soldier - Rebel Soldier , Stormtrooper / Clone Trooper , Super Battle Droid Commander - Rebel General , Imperial Commander / Clone Commander , Droid Commander Sniper -...  [Read More]
These are the things I want to see in Battlefront 3. - 1st person view in vehicles - more maps from the movies like Cloud City , Naboo Plains , Dune Sea - at least 2 capital ships in space battles - a melee class troop - a security class troop speci...  [Read More]
Posted in: cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeets!
 Darth Newfie
11-18-2006, 5:21 PM
If your talking about the PS2 version, square, o, square , o unlocks all levels in both campaign modes, or is it o, square, o , square?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Who's the best Villian in this game?
 Darth Newfie
11-25-2006, 12:49 PM
Be more accurate. Try the lightsaber rebound trick. When he dodges the saber throw , walk back in front of him so the lightsaber hits him from behind. Simple as that....  [Read More]
Posted in: Who's the best Villian in this game?
 Darth Newfie
11-24-2006, 6:41 AM
Thats true that Greivous dosen't let you attack him while he's attacking but there is a fault. He has no projectile attack and is the only villian who dosen't meaning you just have to keep your distance from him until his saber block goes down and yo...  [Read More]
Posted in: Who's the best Villian in this game?
 Darth Newfie
11-22-2006, 6:23 AM
why do you say anakin's the best?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Who's the best Villian in this game?
 Darth Newfie
11-19-2006, 7:24 AM
Darth Maul is by far the best villian of them all. He's quick , has a double bladed lightsaber and a 3 or sometimes 4 hit combo. But Grievous follows close behind because he has 4 lightsabers and a wicked combo, would have been better if "rage&q...  [Read More]
Posted in: Tuscan Raider Boogaloo!!!
 Darth Newfie
11-17-2006, 3:56 PM
Here is the best way to wipe out every single bastard on that map. It is tough bcause there are infinite reinforcements. Rebels - Spawn at the rebel camp as a rebel soldier. Get in a combat landspeeder and call a co-pilot in. Speed away to the tuske...  [Read More]
Posted in: We Need A Good FAQ/Walkthrough!
 Darth Newfie
11-18-2006, 1:15 PM
I could write a huge faq. I have a strategy for every map for every faction and era. I'll start in on it....  [Read More]
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