Jedi Temple;72836#Download)
Really long and detailed review:
I know, I know. There already is a Jedi Temple map. And, after playing this, I kinda agree with you. They said "You'll feel just like you were in the temple beating off clones or jedi." But I think that that was from a guy who didn't play it. The clones fight the CIS, and the rebels figh the empire. There's no jedi defending round, although there is an "Unknown sith" unit for the CIS and the Empire (which coulod make a little more sense). And there is an Easter egg inscription in the level which I liked. So for those things, its ratings stay up. Now, it adds more than "Denial Insanium", but it isn't as good as "Ancient Research Facility". It's closer to ARF, so I rate it 3.5/5.
Really short and easy review:
*You knoew, out of the corner of my eye, I could swear I saw a pillar falling. But it was probably my imagination.
*"Unknown Jedi" and "Lancer Class Trooper"
*A weird, crashed reddish fighter thing is in a corner of this level... don't have a clue why.
*rating: 3.5/5
This map should have been a lot better, Vyse's files got corrupted so the CW jedi vs clones
As for the ship, its a model for a map he intends to do later, the wii message and credits message are personal touches.
as for your review of denial insanium, how does it deserve a 3, its a pathetic excuse for a mod. It is extremely easy to do what he did. as with ARF