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Page: 14 of 104
Posted in: Mass Effect 1 Virmire Question
02-16-2011, 5:04 PM
Might have made more sense to have been able to pick it up as loot somewhere on Virmire or Noveria (or maybe near 1 of the Krogan you kill on Feros). Still, it really shouldn't be too odd to be able to pick it off a merchant, even Morlan. Still, I do...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mass Effect 1 Virmire Question
02-16-2011, 1:44 PM
Yeah, I've pretty much gone via the sewer the last few playthroughs (didn't notice that entrance till much later from when I first started palying ME). Not like you can't still take out the geth on the other side if you really want too, but it seems...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mass Effect 1 Virmire Question
02-15-2011, 10:27 PM
Can’t you get to that stash even if you took the other entrance? I think you can, but you can’t go beyond the door at the bottom of the stairs. I believe that is correct. That loot is good either way. Before you go up the stairs from the sewer....  [Read More]
Posted in: Mass Effect 1 Virmire Question
02-15-2011, 3:51 PM
Being able to make mistake like that would've made Virmire a little more realistic, i think. Well, I guess you can always check if you can return the other way, past the geth/salarian welcoming committee and through any of the 3-4 big doors on the o...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mass Effect 1 Virmire Question
02-15-2011, 3:22 PM
I suspect the reason they only have you enter that door via the sewer is b/c if you did it the other way you'd only end up pretty much where you started from (ie the outside of the facility) and it would be a bit redundant....  [Read More]
Posted in: Mass Effect 1 Virmire Question
02-15-2011, 2:50 PM
Could you be a little more descriptive. Is this the section you're on (watch/skim whole thing)? If you're thinking the door at the bottom of the stairs, it's the flip side of the entry in...  [Read More]
Posted in: US Supplies Weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels
02-21-2011, 8:41 PM
I was actually speaking about the original healthcare bill that the current one seeks to undo. I seriously doubt most of the dems know anymore about this bill either than the one they got roped into supporting. Par for the course. :carms:...  [Read More]
Posted in: US Supplies Weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels
02-21-2011, 7:05 PM
Yeah, I'm glad only those evil, socialist, commie liberals do that. Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act :D Unfortunately, it was most of the dems in Congress who were ignorant of the content of that one. :xp:...  [Read More]
Posted in: US Supplies Weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels
02-06-2011, 11:21 PM
Was this sarcasm? I really hope it was. In a word......yes. Jmac, er I mean Bart, does like to serve up a lot of sarcasm in these parts. I agree with you, Tommycat about responsible gun ownership. I have always advocated that the person that purch...  [Read More]
@Totenkopf - Well, there are inbreds in Texas, and arguably every state in this inbred nation... but to think that there are more inbreds anywhere OUTSIDE of Alabama is a fallacy. Uncle Dad is in the Outhouse children. That we have ingored entirely...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ugh! Birthers....
01-22-2011, 5:14 PM
There ought to be adequate terms to make distinctions: too few and you're just lumping us all in together, too many and it becomes divisive. I think TR's quote just meant that we should focus more on being Americans in the here and now than on wher...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ugh! Birthers....
01-21-2011, 2:59 AM
Have you been watching Glen Beck too much? :xp: Thought that was more Hannity's bag pre-election. Not when the law is as irrelevant as this. Da prez has proven that he was born here, but this law should no longer be a requirement for presidency....  [Read More]
Posted in: TimBob12's WIPs
01-21-2011, 5:23 PM
Very timely, TB12, as I'm looking for new mods at the moment to update my collection....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Good Idea/Bad Idea Game
03-10-2011, 10:17 PM
Bad idea if you're the "bear snack". Telling ChAiNz that Tali isn't actually real. @ purifier: My browser as well. Hm... Me 3....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Good Idea/Bad Idea Game
03-05-2011, 4:22 AM
Well, it'd certainly put a different spin on PETA, as in Please Eat The Animals. :xp: Have GTA pipe his rodent porn into a PETA convention....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Good Idea/Bad Idea Game
02-13-2011, 8:27 PM
Good and bad......both outfits fight aliens, but it seems Torchwood might start to take a dim view of Cerberus activities as well. Creating a targeted superbug that wrecks the PRC's electronic ability to screw with other nations computer systems, wh...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Good Idea/Bad Idea Game
02-13-2011, 8:04 PM
Probably good if you like horror based tv shows*. (*had to look it up and was a bit surprised that the format was 30 minutes, vs the usual ~hour I would have expected) A crime fighting team composed of Duke Nukem, Gordon Freeman, Commander Shepard...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Good Idea/Bad Idea Game
02-11-2011, 5:35 AM
Generally a bad idea.....unless it's a funeral for all the clowns that got killed in that clown car accident. Messing with a comedian's act (esp if he sucks......the great ones can make you look really stupid)....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Good Idea/Bad Idea Game
01-29-2011, 12:35 AM
Great idea.......always fun to watch people get their hopes shattered that another meat eater has "seen the light". Actually eating vegetarians b/c your doctor told you to change your diet....  [Read More]
Posted in: Duke Nukem Forever this year?
01-21-2011, 2:07 PM
If the game is as Duke says at the end "after 12 years it should be", then it should be fun. Graphics in the trailer were pretty sweet, but should be after 12 years or so. :p...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ask A Stupid Question And Get A Stupid Answer
02-11-2011, 5:33 AM
Jägermeister. 'nuff said. If you aren't you, then who the hell are you and why are you bothering everyone?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ask A Stupid Question And Get A Stupid Answer
02-09-2011, 3:32 AM
No, it noways comes down except on every 5th tuesday in a leap year on the Mayan calendar. Why can you never get help when you never need it?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ask A Stupid Question And Get A Stupid Answer
01-28-2011, 9:41 PM
Doesn't matter either way b/c it's going right into your face. :devsmoke: Where is what? :dev9:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ask A Stupid Question And Get A Stupid Answer
01-22-2011, 11:50 PM
'cuz I've got balls of steel! I've got balls of steel! Was I supposed to say "what?" again?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ask A Stupid Question And Get A Stupid Answer
01-22-2011, 4:59 PM
Your skin......after I remove it from your body. :devsmoke: What would happen if GTA all of a sudden decided to make nice on this thread and stop picking at others (boy, I'm getting bored just thinking about something like that)?...  [Read More]
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