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Posted in: Background song
05-19-2007, 12:42 PM
Just curious, had anyone who knows Mando'a been able to translate the background music?...  [Read More]
Tactics. Use which units go good together, like the great Obi-wan+much infantry (rocks HARD). Also, Revan is right on most points there. Remember, it isn't just a huge charge, keep some units a CP's and keep your force together. Also recognize when t...  [Read More]
I don't really care that this is a PSP exclusive as long as they still make BF III and release it on PC. So don't take my comments the wrong way and think that I hate LA because of this, it's just a little disappointing that I've been waiting for thi...  [Read More]
Well, I'm bugged. And I'm also bugged that they seem to be going in the WRONG direction with the game. This is nothing like making Ghost for StarCraft....  [Read More]
It might veryvery well suck, but I"m STILL ticked it's just for PSP...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Search for Revan
05-14-2007, 7:40 AM
((Okay, I've decided to get back in here, just have an assasin drop dead that's coming towards you, whoever cares enough to post it.))...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Search for Revan
05-08-2007, 7:53 AM
((Well, I wanted to hop in sometime after you took off in the ship, and were flyin low over someplace, like when you land on a planet, then you see me waving down below. If you do end up taking off, and the way this RP has gone, you will- just put a...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Search for Revan
04-23-2007, 9:12 AM
They both fell down when the ship took off. "Hey!" the Jedi yelled, "fly back here, you..." he ran off. Darranak decided to go watch Cor, if he was still onw the ground, he would obviously be a thousand times less dangerous than t...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Search for Revan
04-22-2007, 7:48 PM
Darranak snuck around the ship, tring to aviod the Jedi. But he was caught by the cuff, swearing. "Don't worry, I don't want the manoy," the Jedi said. "Really?" said Darranak, "Cool! Can I go?" "No, I don't want th...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Search for Revan
04-22-2007, 1:00 PM
Darranak entered the room where Bastilla was with the others when he heard running outside. Into the room a few seconds later came a Jedi with black lines on his face. "Though you would get away from me, didn't you?" he smiled wickedly at D...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Search for Revan
04-22-2007, 12:36 PM
(( sorry i was on a trip, I will post soon.... as I can.))...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Search for Revan
04-17-2007, 9:21 PM
"This concerns the other Jedi aboard this ship, not you." Bastila said as she brushed past Darranak. "Fine, fine." Darranak just let her go through. But then he followed to see if her buissness was of any interest or importance....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Search for Revan
04-16-2007, 10:06 AM
Darranak was very glad they were going back to the ship. He decided to watch Cor. But that Bastilla lady came towards the ramp. "What do you want here?" Darranak asked, trying to sound a tiny bit respectful (rather difficult for him, especi...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Search for Revan
04-14-2007, 7:20 AM
OOS: Awkward. Darranak was confused. "Okay, who is this Admiral Onsai? I thought we were looking for the polar region so we could find Bastilla Shan so we could find Revan."...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Search for Revan
04-11-2007, 8:34 AM
Darranak just took a moment to glance around himself nervously. He was safe in this temple... wasn't he? Then again, that other other guy might have been a jedi......  [Read More]
Posted in: The Search for Revan
04-10-2007, 9:40 PM
Darranak was very uncomfortable. "So, how does this help us find Revan? This woman doesn't look like she knows him and doesn't look like she had cash either."...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Search for Revan
04-09-2007, 9:52 AM
"Yeah," Darranak reentered the room. This was much more fun than sitting around. He wanted an excuse to KILL this... thing....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Search for Revan
05-16-2007, 8:11 AM
Don't. It only makes you hungry. NOTE: It seems I won't get back in on the station scene, as Dante beat me to saving Natalie....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Search for Revan
04-28-2007, 8:29 AM
Well, like I said, he's in another RP that takes place only a little while before the events leading to the CWs. I'll turn up sometime later in the RP, don't worry....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Search for Revan
04-27-2007, 4:32 PM
Err, okay. I mean, I have no problem with my character dieing or something... well, dieing yes, because acording to other RP canon he doesn't die for a while yet. But, since I'm in, to clarify, the Strider should run into something, cuase they comitt...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Search for Revan
04-25-2007, 8:40 AM
Yeah, and now, I got dropped out, so you need more crazy martial chars to keep up the action......  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars Battlefront III - Supah Thread! [Retired]
04-25-2007, 8:38 AM
All been suggested, but I like the Civilian thing. I want to play the acklay so bad sometimes and I can't....  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars Battlefront III - Supah Thread! [Retired]
04-16-2007, 10:11 AM
We can have some Jedi like they were in BFI, it can be that And commanders, instead of either or. And that would make the jedi look better, too. They could really use some PR, people... but no playing them. Then the whole BF becomes a bad Jedi Academ...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars Battlefront III - Supah Thread! [Retired]
04-14-2007, 7:24 AM
I say again, it gives them an advantage. In the world of video games, we like to make things fair. Some people like first person, some like third person. Some people are Christian, some people are Muslims. Lets say, theres a Muslim and a Christianpla...  [Read More]
Posted in: Favourite Starfighter
04-10-2007, 8:51 AM
That's what bombers are made fore. Fighters are made for killing other fighters, transports and bombers......  [Read More]
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