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Posted in:  Mission sith underpants Re-skin ^_^
02-10-2007, 11:47 PM
cool! there is an new link by the way, for anyone interested. thold link didn't work all that well....  [Read More]
Posted in:  Mission sith underpants Re-skin ^_^
02-10-2007, 10:26 PM
Here is my re-skin of missions underpants mod. (Not explicit!) this mod will change missions underpants and bra so they look sithy. to install simply put the TGA file into your SW KOTOR OVERRIDE folder. THERE were some problems with old link so here...  [Read More]
Posted in: Scripts.
02-12-2007, 2:52 PM
ok, thanks stoffe!!! you are the ultimate scripting genius! i don't think i'll have any more questions, but if i do i'll jusdt post 'em here again. but my pc mod should be ready really soon! thanks again ~DR...  [Read More]
Posted in: Scripts.
02-10-2007, 9:20 PM
ok, everything is working. as far as i can tell! Thanks stoffe!!!!!! ^_^ EDIT: GAHH, sorry, but there IS one more thing. i used the above scripts in the correct fashion, but then realized that the new dlg string should only play once as well, be for...  [Read More]
Posted in: Scripts.
02-10-2007, 12:37 AM
thanks i figured out the problem. my datapad was saved as a uct file instead of a uci... god, i'm an idiot. XP i do have one more question. could you give me a script that will after an event,(such as the PC getting a data pad) will make a custom np...  [Read More]
Posted in: Scripts.
02-09-2007, 8:30 PM
oh, sorry. i'm using. void main() { object oItem=CreateItemOnObject( "droid_data", GetFirstPC()); }...  [Read More]
Posted in: Scripts.
02-09-2007, 5:02 PM
YAY!!! thanks stoffe! <(^_^)> <(^_^)J L(^_^)J (>^_^)> <(^_^<) Edit: ACK! new question! (sorry) i'm trying to add a custom datapad to the game. i want the droid shop owner to give it to me, but when i go through all the dlg optio...  [Read More]
Posted in: Scripts.
02-09-2007, 4:26 PM
DANG! i forgot to put down which game this was for. . . sorry. i need this script for [K1] here is what i've done so far. for the janice droid shop, i have added custom dlg to janice. at one part of the dlg she will give th PC a datapad. i'm at odd...  [Read More]
Posted in: Scripts.
02-09-2007, 2:58 AM
I am in need of a couple of scripts, if anyone feels like helping me out. ^_^ first off i need a script that, after i have had a conversation with a person, and have received an item, will make it so i can talk to that person again, and not receive...  [Read More]
Posted in: Walk-up Animation
02-09-2007, 2:09 AM
hmmm, one sec. ok, so you have root then click add new. leave it blank. click add new again. leave it blank. click add new once more, and this time add you custom DLG. make sure that the node you enter you cusom DLG into is called [OWNER] see if i...  [Read More]
Posted in: Walk-up Animation
02-09-2007, 12:49 AM
well i can't answer anything about the anjunta pall thing, but i can answer the walk thing! XD in the DLG for Yuthura (whatever it may be.) leave the first two DLG entry slots open. (example) the DLg should look like this root [CONTINUE] [CONTINUE]...  [Read More]
ANYONE that want's to help out with the K2 TC mod, can come over to the forums, and join up! we always need more voicers....  [Read More]
Posted in: 2 npc's leaving at once.
02-09-2007, 1:33 AM
YAY! it worked! thanks stoffe! and everyonme else who posted here. (Darkkender, Hangout Hermit.) thanks guys! this mod is almost fineshed, and ready for beta testing!...  [Read More]
Posted in: 2 npc's leaving at once.
02-08-2007, 3:21 AM
I've been working on a recruit npc mod, and i've maneged to get the npc to leave using This script void main () { // goodbye.nss // This script will make any NPC // move to a desired location and vanish. object oNPC=GetObjectByTag("not_rec_...  [Read More]
Posted in: [K1 WIP] New Recruits mod.
02-09-2007, 1:53 AM
duuuuude! sounds cool to me! PM me with your email, and i'll send you the stuff! i was actuall going to create a jedi recruit soon. but mabey i'll chnge the first installment of this mod to an added recruteble droids mod. ~DR...  [Read More]
Posted in: [K1 WIP] New Recruits mod.
02-07-2007, 7:32 PM
PLEASE GIVE ME FEEDBACK, AND SUGGESTIONS! NOW WITH NEW TEXTURE! MY first bigtime mod! this mod will be in two installments, it will add several new (addable) npc's into the game (mind you there will be no really good textures, however the PC's wil...  [Read More]
it's a nice little mod. ( i always hated how bastila looked. XD ) good work!...  [Read More]
Posted in:  New "Sith armor" mod
02-08-2007, 1:00 AM
Sith armor add-on (  [Read More]
Posted in:  New "Sith armor" mod
02-07-2007, 6:23 PM
ah well, I have updated the mod and taken out all tga files. they just were not working for me. (or any of you) XD so it will be a simple, "adding sith armor to the game" mod. this IS only the beta version though sooooooo....  [Read More]
Posted in:  New "Sith armor" mod
02-06-2007, 2:02 PM
well i think something is wrong with my screen shot taking abilitys. . . there should be some basic changes to the armor. i'll have the link soon. EDIT: how long does lucas files take to upload a mod?...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Mission Reskin
02-10-2007, 9:33 PM
it's not bad! i'm doing some mission reskinnig myself, and you'v given me some ideas! (don't worry i won't use any of your work. i'm just interested in the tattoo part.) XD...  [Read More]
03-23-2007, 11:50 PM
MWAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH! the rumors of my demise were GREATLY exaggerated. ^_^ yup thats right i'm back, better and badder than ever! WHOO HOO! so first off, the forums are working again, and we are making SERIOUS headway on the storyline, however we...  [Read More]
02-09-2007, 12:56 AM
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *to:Lord_Anubis* Ok, look. we are at the moment NOT worried about the legal side of things. this mod will NOT be named kotor III, it's name is kotor2 TC.( i just use...  [Read More]
02-06-2007, 2:19 PM
HECK YES! ^_^ glad your interesested in joining the team, Hangout! we can always use more support, and master zionosis is right, another module editor will be greatly appreicated and shouls help speed this mod up! YAY! XD oh and in reply to shameles...  [Read More]
sorry for bumping this, but i've run into a problem... i downloaded the armband, and i can get it ingame, but when i equip it, and go to feedback, i see a message saying the whereami arm band has been equipped but no coordenance... could someone hel...  [Read More]
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