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12-21-2006, 5:44 PM
yeah, i've heard about "THOR", and was really interested. actually in my first post here, i said "most" conversion mods had faild not "all" of them. XD i don't suppose you'd like to do some modding for this project? INF...  [Read More]
12-20-2006, 6:03 PM
that's ok, but if you do get the incling to help, with say, voice acting or somthing, it would be appreicated. even if all you do is send me a message just saying "good luck sucker" XD ^_^...  [Read More]
12-20-2006, 5:38 PM
i guess your are "more or less" right.......... but if this works it could be better than the offical version! are you a modder? if you'd like to help it'd be great! but i understand why many people would not want to.... why make kotor thr...  [Read More]
12-20-2006, 4:59 PM
actually, i've been looking into kotor III and it's not estemated to be out until 2009........ so this would be done right before the offical version would be ready! XD but the main point is that this version of kotor three would be filled with all t...  [Read More]
12-20-2006, 4:49 PM
yeah i'd love to help out! i'm not the most experianced modder, (i'm more use in the checking over spelling mistakes in the diolog,heh, voice acting, and story scripting areas), but i'd be happy to help! although i still want to get my toatal remake...  [Read More]
12-20-2006, 4:24 PM
really! Thanks!!!!! it's really great to know someones interested. ^_^ "darkness with?" sounds cool, didn't find it in any of my searches though.... do you have a web site for it? thanks again for your offer of help, i'll be getting the web...  [Read More]
12-20-2006, 2:44 PM
so sad that no one is willing to do a little hard work, for the continuation of star wars. :cry8: :lightning :guitar2...  [Read More]
12-20-2006, 3:27 AM
heh, that what i though people would say. but just think of how cool it'd be!...  [Read More]
12-20-2006, 2:59 AM
hi, i've played kotor 1 for PC many many times, and have beaten kotor two just recently for, like, my 12 time. :blast5: :blast5: :blast5: now getting to the meat! :ears1: as kotor three has not yet come out, and many people doubt that it ever will...  [Read More]
Posted in: adding new PCs...??????
09-22-2006, 1:45 AM
right...ok. i redid everything to make sure i got i all right. now my only problem i the dialog part..... :smash: :ears1: ok, so imake the custem dialog, the one were the npc i want to add talks to the pc. then i attach the script for adding the ne...  [Read More]
Posted in: adding new PCs...??????
09-21-2006, 5:58 PM
hmm ok i'm going to post everything i've done so far. #1 i extracted g_darkjedi03 and renamed it sithjam.uct #2 using the KT i edited the file changed the scripts ect. #3 i copyed this script void main() { RemoveAvailableNPC(7); AddAvailableNPCByTe...  [Read More]
Posted in: adding new PCs...??????
09-19-2006, 1:57 AM
ok! thanks RH!!! i'm working on some item stuff now almost ready to out on the web!!! but yha i'd like to try to place my npc in korraban. but just about any place would do, like the maanan thing would be great to. Edit: i think all i need is a basi...  [Read More]
Posted in: adding new PCs...??????
09-17-2006, 2:19 PM
heh. soryy i've watched to much firefly to be good for me. it's a swear word from the hit tv series firefly. anyway i found the GORRAM ^_^ ncs file but now little dumb me has another problem.... in the 10 step thingy by darth333 it says to attatch...  [Read More]
Posted in: adding new PCs...??????
09-17-2006, 1:56 AM
hi! thanks for stopping by ^_* i've been on here before but that was like over a year ago soo..... hmm no i think everything worked like it's supposed to...exept that i can't find the gorram file! would the file change it's name when moved to overri...  [Read More]
Posted in: adding new PCs...??????
09-16-2006, 5:55 PM
i've followed the 10step tutorial by darth999 but when i got to the scripting part i ran up against some problems... when i use kotor tool to compress the nss file to give me a nsc (or whatever) file i can't find the nsc file!!! i'm notr sure what to...  [Read More]
sweet dude! looks like this is a very nice well crafted mod. ^_^...  [Read More]
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