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Nancy Allen``

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Page: 12 of 16
Posted in: Debate strategies and tactics
 Nancy Allen``
03-05-2007, 4:06 AM
Reading here on bits such as using latin, 'ad hominim' for example, made me think this would be worth putting up.  [Read More]
Posted in: Lonna Vash mod explanation
 Nancy Allen``
02-01-2007, 5:16 PM
Yes, awesome. Why are Star Wars women so cool? Just about every one I've seen rule, and Vash is no exception. That's sweet! Too bad it doesn't show any of the battle between Vash and Sion. On that it seems the Jedi really love that force push move,...  [Read More]
Posted in: Lonna Vash mod explanation
 Nancy Allen``
02-01-2007, 5:44 AM
Buggered if I known what order these go in but here's Lonna's dislogue that was left in the game. 98925 - You have found the Force again. And something more I see. 98926 - Of course you do. But are you certain this is what you want? It is not too l...  [Read More]
Posted in: Lonna Vash mod explanation
 Nancy Allen``
02-01-2007, 5:08 AM
Mine too. I was actually referring to the Exile, how as far as I understand she cut herself off from the force because the pain she experianced at Malechor was too great. Here, found this. It explains a lot.  [Read More]
Posted in: Lonna Vash mod explanation
 Nancy Allen``
02-01-2007, 4:57 AM
Thanks. I remember hearing her explain about force bonds, which, if I am thinking right, might explain why Lonna had no choice but to cast out the Exile from the Jedi. After all if she cut herself off from the force like she did at Malechor how can s...  [Read More]
Posted in: Lonna Vash mod explanation
 Nancy Allen``
02-01-2007, 3:32 AM
I know there's a KOTOR II mod that restores the HK storyline and shifts it to have Lonna Vash on Korriban, but I was wondering if someone could give me specifics of what it's about. I don't have the game on PC unfortunatly and can't get it either, I...  [Read More]
Posted in: Heroes bug?
 Nancy Allen``
01-08-2007, 8:36 PM
I was playing Assault mode (can you play on any stage other than Mos Eisely?) and during one game I issued a command to another hero, and even though some soldier reported that the hero works alone she (think it was Aayla) ran by my side. Groovy, me...  [Read More]
Posted in: wait a minute....?
 Nancy Allen``
01-08-2007, 7:51 PM
I'd go with Obi Wan knowing through the Force that Vader is actually Anakin. Vader was able to work out that Luke had a sister, Leia, so it's safe to assume that Jedi, orthe Force attuned, are able to make large jumps in logic safely, or at least are...  [Read More]
 Nancy Allen``
02-11-2007, 10:27 PM
Alixe managed to find a computer where she found out where the communications hub was. The Stormtrooper patrols were heading to attend to the other intruders, plus when she surrendered herself they didn't find her stealth field generator. Making her...  [Read More]
 Nancy Allen``
02-07-2007, 11:59 PM
Alixe kept to the back and kept her weapon at the low ready position, looking as though she was confused on what exactly she was meant to do and trying to focus all her thoughts on a message she tried to project to Revan. Most people looked at her as...  [Read More]
 Nancy Allen``
02-07-2007, 3:12 AM
What the hell? Alixe thought as she ran along the hallways avoiding patrolling Stormtroopers called out by a quiet alarm, not knowing what to make of this turn of events. Revan? Alive? Impossible. But, she wondered, wasn't it Ajunta Pall who came bac...  [Read More]
 Nancy Allen``
01-30-2007, 11:51 PM
Alixe had no idea what he was talking about and chose to pay it no heed, nor the Emperor's presence. "If I remember correctly," she said, having studied history, "you turned...Annakin, by convincing him it was the only way to save his...  [Read More]
 Nancy Allen``
01-30-2007, 5:43 AM
"Hold it," the Stormtrooper said upon seeing Alixe. She walked calmly up to him as though she hadn't a worry in the world at the rifles aimed at her. "I said hold it." Alixe slowed her approach but made no move to stop as she was...  [Read More]
 Nancy Allen``
01-29-2007, 3:04 AM
"What the hell?" Alixe picked up the blaster she found and checking that she was safe to do so put in a call to the Rebellion. "Something is going on here. It looks like there is more than just an Imperial garrison here, there is some....  [Read More]
 Nancy Allen``
01-23-2007, 4:25 PM
Alixe ditched the rifle, knowing that the sound would draw every Imperial for miles. It was better to rely on stealth, she thought, taking cover in the ruins and watching the Stormtroopers fan out in search of her. One of them found and secured the r...  [Read More]
 Nancy Allen``
01-23-2007, 4:59 AM
**OOC: Groovy, I'll have Alixe play with the Rebels if that's okay.** She still had hair back then, when they first came to offer her a job. Alixe Medcraft, a veteran of war, was now little more than a retired soldier who looked after those in the s...  [Read More]
 Nancy Allen``
01-22-2007, 5:43 PM
This RP was suggested to me and I thought I would put up a character. "Jedi should not feel anger. Or hatred. Or love." "I'm not a Jedi, so you can think of me as an angry hating loving Naboo soldier, oh that doesn't sound right."...  [Read More]
Posted in: What did you do with Sunry?
 Nancy Allen``
01-27-2007, 8:10 PM
Sunry? That's a tough one for either light or dark side, unlike the warring Sandrell\Matalies where I scream at them to shut up. Having him convicted would satisfy Manaan's justice, yet it's argueable that they are not the should I say? Th...  [Read More]
Posted in: death Star II...useless
 Nancy Allen``
01-15-2007, 2:13 AM
"Now, witness the power of this fully armed and operational battle station!", but the points are well made....  [Read More]
Posted in: Did Bastila Know?
 Nancy Allen``
12-29-2006, 4:22 PM
that's a good point with Bastila being thrust into a situation the way she was, although one wonders just how unprepared she was if she led the strike team to capture Revan. Perhaps because of her pride (she argues with Carth over who is leading the...  [Read More]
Posted in: Did Bastila Know?
 Nancy Allen``
12-28-2006, 4:43 PM
Heh. No wonder we get scenes like this. Carth: Well you'd know all about the dark side, wouldn't you, Bastila? Bastila: And just what is that supposed to mean? Carth: Well you're always talking about it. What did you think I mean? Bastila: Never min...  [Read More]
Posted in: The use of deadly force....
 Nancy Allen``
03-06-2007, 5:19 PM
If someone attacks you then you should use any and all means to defend yourself, including deadly force if nessecary. Though most times it shouldn't be nessecary, if you can grab an assailent's head and smash it against a wall that's one of the best...  [Read More]
Posted in: Which Hero/Villain Do You Like Playing As?
 Nancy Allen``
01-27-2007, 8:12 PM
Aayla's my fave, but I also like playing as Leia (closest to how I would be, sniper and all) and Han. I mean it's Indiana Jones for crying out loud, and he's effective with the detpacks....  [Read More]
Posted in: Strategy: Hero's vs Villian's on Mos Eisley
 Nancy Allen``
01-27-2007, 8:04 PM
I have three base stratergies for Assault. As Aayla: Run and jump across the rooftops, seeking out lone enemies that you can kill quickly and then run off to regenerate force powers or heal. I've seen people use force push\pull but to be honest I ne...  [Read More]
Posted in: Views on Jedi
 Nancy Allen``
02-08-2007, 7:09 PM
Jedi are human, or alien, just like everybody else. They have human feelings, hurt and bleed just like anybody. Their disguishing characteristics, apart from obvious skill with a lightsaber and force powers, is that most of them try and live like mon...  [Read More]
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